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[Request] Script RWC or WRC automated 7 vs 7


NPC that will queue PARTY 1 until there is a PARTY 2 and warp them to GvG Map


Parties should be in different class like HW,Champ,Prof,Stalker,Clown,High Priest,Paladin with no Job Repetition (Example: Paladin and Lord Knight in the same party)

Parties will be warped into designated arena when all parties are good to go and complete.

They will need to enter a 0/7 room just to be sure that they are only 7 chars with no job repetition

If Arena 1,2,3,4 are full players will be in queue mode

Party 1 and Party 2 cannot use the skill until the NPC says "3","2","1","Buffs up!"

Players cannot move from their designated location like a barricade is on until the NPC Says "Ready?","3","2","1","GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" and the barricades blocking the way will turned off.

GvG Maps are:



I am hoping for a help here cause i am planning to release a 7v7 RWC Practice Server so players from other trans server can come to my server to practice in their upcoming tournaments.

For reference:




I found something similar, but only works with eAmod, would need adaptation to the hercules.

Edited by Iniciando do 0

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I'd suggest the Paid Services section...


Many thanks for the suggestion. However, I see a lot of search for this script, so I think this would not be a request directed only to my server, but to a whole community. Another factor that needs to be taken into account is that because of this great demand, you often already find something ready, not perfectly, but already with a good base, thus getting much easier. Can you understand me?

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@Aeromesi: sir, he posted it on "Script Request" forum means he's requesting for the said script.


@ts: Im not a pro scripter but Im gonna try to do it, BUT I won't promise anything.

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@Aeromesi: sir, he posted it on "Script Request" forum means he's requesting for the said script.


@ts: Im not a pro scripter but Im gonna try to do it, BUT I won't promise anything.



I am very happy for your help. As previously reported, I have some scripts already ready for you to use as a base, would you like me to send by PM?

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I am very happy for your help. As previously reported, I have some scripts already ready for you to use as a base, would you like me to send by PM?




Been so very busy this past few days that haven't checked the forums in a while.


Anyways, I would be grateful if there will be base scripts to start with and how the event would probably looks like.


Better post it here so everyone can see it *don't forget to use codebox:no1:

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@Aeromesi: sir, he posted it on "Script Request" forum means he's requesting for the said script.


@ts: Im not a pro scripter but Im gonna try to do it, BUT I won't promise anything.


Since his whole server idea is based on that script and he needs it run his server, aeromesis suggestion was right. If you need something guaranteed and fast, go for paid services.


If he has time, he can wait for someone to do it for free.

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I am very happy for your help. As previously reported, I have some scripts already ready for you to use as a base, would you like me to send by PM?


Been so very busy this past few days that haven't checked the forums in a while.

Anyways, I would be grateful if there will be base scripts to start with and how the event would probably looks like.

Better post it here so everyone can see it *don't forget to use codebox* :no1:

Let's go.

First script - Sorry, but it 's in my language (Portuguese - Brazil)..

//===== RagnaPROJECT Script ==================================//= GVG Arena//===== By: ==================================================//= Timexy//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 0.1//===== Compatible With: =====================================//= eAthena SVN//===== Description: =========================================//=//===== Additional Comments: =================================//=//===== To Do List: ==========================================//=//============================================================prontera,150,150,4 script Arena GVG#RWC 997,{ mes "[ Arena GVG ]"; mes "O que gostaria de fazer?"; switch(select("Criar uma Partida","Resetar Arena")) { case 1: next; mes "[ Arena GVG ]"; mes "Observe que para criar uma"; mes "partida, ambos Grupos devem estar"; mes "prontos, sendo necesário 7v7."; next; mes "[ Arena GVG ]"; mes "Você e seu Adversário estão prontos?"; switch(select("Ainda não","Sim, estamos")) { case 1: mes "Volte quando estiverem"; close; case 2: //Verificações básicas if(getcharid(1) == 0) { mes "Você precisa estar em um Grupo."; close; } if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) { mes "Apenas o líder do grupo pode registrar-los."; close; } if(getcharid(2) == 0) { mes "Você precisa estar em um Clã."; close; } getpartymember(getcharid(1)); if($@partymembercount != 2) { mes "Seu Grupo deve ter exatamente 7 jogadores para participarem."; close; } //Verifica se algum Clã já está se registrando, para evitar overlaps. if($@ARE_Waiting) { mes "Um Clã já está se registrando."; mes "Tente novamente em alguns instantes."; close; } if($ARE_GVG_Using) { mes "A Arena já está em uso"; close; } set $@ARE_Waiting,1; callsub CHECKPARTY,getcharid(3),getcharid(1),getcharid(2),getcharid(3); next; mes "[ Arena GVG ]"; mes "Digite o nome do Líder do outro Grupo."; input .@nome_lider$; if(getcharid(1,.@nome_lider$) == 0) { mes "Ele não está em um Grupo."; set $@ARE_Waiting,0; close; } if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1,.@nome_lider$),2) != getcharid(0,.@nome_lider$)) { mes "Ele não é o líder do grupo em que se encontra."; set $@ARE_Waiting,0; close; } if(getcharid(2,.@nome_lider$) == 0) { mes "Ele não está em um Clã."; set $@ARE_Waiting,0; close; } getpartymember(getcharid(1,.@nome_lider$)); if($@partymembercount != 2) { mes "Seu Grupo deve ter exatamente 7 jogadores para participarem."; set $@ARE_Waiting,0; close; } if(getcharid(2,.@nome_lider$) == getcharid(2)) { mes "Ambos Grupos pertencem ao mesmo Clã."; set $@ARE_Waiting,0; close; } callsub CHECKPARTY,getcharid(3),getcharid(1,.@nome_lider$),getcharid(2,.@nome_lider$),getcharid(3,.@nome_lider$); next; mes "[ Arena GVG ]"; mes "Tudo pronto!"; mes "Ao fechar ambos Grupos serão Teleportados!"; close2; set $@ARE_Waiting,0; set $ARE_GVG_Using,1; set $ARE_GVG_Acc[1],getcharid(3); //ID do Líder do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Cla[1],getcharid(2); //ID do Clã set $ARE_GVG_Party[1],getcharid(1); //ID do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Char[1],getcharid(0); //ID do Líder set $ARE_GVG_Acc[2],getcharid(3,.@nome_lider$); //ID do Líder do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Cla[2],getcharid(2,.@nome_lider$); //ID do Clã set $ARE_GVG_Party[2],getcharid(1,.@nome_lider$); //ID do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Char[2],getcharid(0,.@nome_lider$); //ID do Líder gvgon "2008rwc_04"; donpcevent "ControlAREGVG#04::OnArenaInit"; callsub PTWARP,$ARE_GVG_Acc[1],$ARE_GVG_Acc[2]; end; } case 2: if(getgmlevel() < 90) { mes "Indisponível"; close; } next; mes "[ Arena GVG ]"; mes "Isso irá resetar a Arena e cancelar qualquer partida em Andamento, tem certeza?"; switch(select("Não","Sim")) { case 1: close; case 2: stopnpctimer "ControlAREGVG#04"; mapwarp "2008rwc_04","prontera",155,155; set $ARE_GVG_Using,0; set $ARE_GVG_Acc[1],0; //ID do Líder do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Cla[1],0; //ID do Clã set $ARE_GVG_Party[1],0; //ID do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Char[1],0; //ID do Líder set $ARE_GVG_Acc[2],0; //ID do Líder do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Cla[2],0; //ID do Clã set $ARE_GVG_Party[2],0; //ID do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Char[2],0; //ID do Líder set $ARE_GVG_SUB,0; set $@ARE_Waiting,0; mes "Resetado"; close; } }CHECKPARTY: //Resetando contagem de Classes set .@ARE_KN,0; set .@ARE_PR,0; set .@ARE_WZ,0; set .@ARE_BS,0; set .@ARE_HN,0; set .@ARE_AS,0; set .@ARE_CR,0; set .@ARE_MO,0; set .@ARE_SA,0; set .@ARE_RO,0; set .@ARE_AL,0; set .@ARE_BA,0; set .@ARE_DA,0; set .@ARE_SN,0; set .@ARE_GS,0; set .@ARE_NJ,0; set .@ARE_TK,0; set .@ARE_SG,0; set .@ARE_SL,0; set .@ARE_Save,getarg(0); //ID para Voltar set .@ARE_CH1,getarg(1); //ID do Grupo do Char a Verificar set .@ARE_CH2,getarg(2); //ID do Clã do Char a Verificar set .@ARE_CH3,getarg(3); //ID da Conta do Char a Verificar attachrid(.@ARE_CH3); getpartymember(getcharid(1)); for (set .@k,0; .@k < $@partymembercount; set .@k,.@k+1) { if(isloggedin(getcharid(3,$@partymembername$[.@k]))) { attachrid(getcharid(3,$@partymembername$[.@k])); //Verificando se o Char pertence ao Clã if(getcharid(2) != .@ARE_CH2) { set .@ARE_Save3$,strcharinfo(0); attachrid(.@ARE_Save); if(.@ARE_CH3 == getcharid(3)) { mes "O Player ^0000FF"+.@ARE_Save3$+"^000000 não faz parte do seu Clã."; } else { mes "O Player ^0000FF"+.@ARE_Save3$+"^000000 não faz parte do Clã "+getguildname(.@ARE_CH3)+"."; } set $@ARE_Waiting,0; close; } //Bloqueando 1-1, 1-1-1, Novice, Xmas e Wedding if(Class <= 6 || (Class >= 4001 && Class <= 4007) || (Class >= 4023 && Class <= 4045) || Class == 22 || Class == 26) { set .@ARE_Save3$,strcharinfo(0); attachrid(.@ARE_Save); if(.@ARE_CH3 == getcharid(3)) { mes "Desculpe mas a Classe do "+.@ARE_Save3$+" não é permitida."; } else { mes "Desculpe mas a Classe do "+.@ARE_Save3$+" (do outro Grupo) não é permitida."; } set $@ARE_Waiting,0; close; } if(countitem(678) > 0 && Class != 4013) { set .@ARE_Save3$,strcharinfo(0); attachrid(.@ARE_Save); if(.@ARE_CH3 == getcharid(3)) { mes "Desculpe mas o "+.@ARE_Save3$+" está portando Garrafa de veneno e não é um Assassin Cross."; } else { mes "Desculpe mas o "+.@ARE_Save3$+" (do outro Grupo) está portando Garrafa de veneno e não é um Assassin Cross."; } set $@ARE_Waiting,0; close; } if(countitem(678) > 3 && Class == 4013) { set .@ARE_Save3$,strcharinfo(0); attachrid(.@ARE_Save); if(.@ARE_CH3 == getcharid(3)) { mes "Desculpe mas o "+.@ARE_Save3$+" está portando mais que 3 Garrafa de veneno."; } else { mes "Desculpe mas o "+.@ARE_Save3$+" está portando mais que 3 Garrafa de veneno."; } set $@ARE_Waiting,0; close; } //Somando Classe ao Contador if(Class == 7 || Class == 13 || Class == 4008 || Class == 4014) set .@ARE_KN,.@ARE_KN+1; //Knight || Lord Knight if(Class == 8 || Class == 4009) set .@ARE_PR,.@ARE_PR+1; //Priest || High Priest if(Class == 9 || Class == 4010) set .@ARE_WZ,.@ARE_WZ+1; //Wizard || High Wizard if(Class == 10 || Class == 4011) set .@ARE_BS,.@ARE_BS+1; //Blacksmith || Withesmith if(Class == 11 || Class == 4012) set .@ARE_HN,.@ARE_HN+1; //Hunter || Sniper if(Class == 12 || Class == 4013) set .@ARE_AS,.@ARE_AS+1; //Assasin || Assasin Cross if(Class == 14 || Class == 21 || Class == 4015 || Class == 4022) set .@ARE_CR,.@ARE_CR+1; //Crusader || Paladin if(Class == 15 || Class == 4016) set .@ARE_MO,.@ARE_MO+1; //Monk || Champion if(Class == 16 || Class == 4017) set .@ARE_SA,.@ARE_SA+1; //Sage || Professor if(Class == 17 || Class == 4018) set .@ARE_RO,.@ARE_RO+1; //Rogue || Stalker if(Class == 18 || Class == 4019) set .@ARE_AL,.@ARE_AL+1; //Alchemist || Creator if(Class == 19 || Class == 4020) set .@ARE_BA,.@ARE_BA+1; //Bard || Clown if(Class == 20 || Class == 4021) set .@ARE_DA,.@ARE_DA+1; //Dancer || Gypsy if(Class == 23) set .@ARE_SN,.@ARE_SN+1; //Super Novice if(Class == 24) set .@ARE_GS,.@ARE_GS+1; //Gunslinger if(Class == 25) set .@ARE_NJ,.@ARE_NJ+1; //Ninja if(Class == 4046) set .@ARE_TK,.@ARE_TK+1; //Taekwon if(Class == 4047 || Class == 4048) set .@ARE_SG,.@ARE_SG+1; //Star Gladiator if(Class == 4049) set .@ARE_SL,.@ARE_SL+1; //Soul Linker } else { attachrid(.@ARE_Save); if(.@ARE_CH3 == getcharid(3)) mes "Desculpe mas alguém do seu Grupo não se encontra Online."; else { mes "Desculpe mas alguém do seu Grupo não se encontra Online."; } set .@ARE_Waiting,0; close; } } attachrid(.@ARE_Save); return;PTWARP: attachrid(getarg(0)); getpartymember(getcharid(1)); for (set .@k,0; .@k < $@partymembercount; set .@k,.@k+1) { if(isloggedin(getcharid(3,$@partymembername$[.@k]))) { attachrid(getcharid(3,$@partymembername$[.@k])); sc_end SC_ALL; warp "2008rwc_04",16,78; } } attachrid(getarg(1)); getpartymember(getcharid(1)); for (set .@k,0; .@k < $@partymembercount; set .@k,.@k+1) { if(isloggedin(getcharid(3,$@partymembername$[.@k]))) { attachrid(getcharid(3,$@partymembername$[.@k])); sc_end SC_ALL; warp "2008rwc_04",83,19; } } return;OnInit: waitingroom "Arena GVG - RWC",0; set $ARE_GVG_Using,0; set $ARE_GVG_Acc[1],0; //ID do Líder do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Cla[1],0; //ID do Clã set $ARE_GVG_Party[1],0; //ID do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Char[1],0; //ID do Líder set $ARE_GVG_Acc[2],0; //ID do Líder do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Cla[2],0; //ID do Clã set $ARE_GVG_Party[2],0; //ID do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Char[2],0; //ID do Líder set $ARE_GVG_SUB,0; set $@ARE_Waiting,0; end;}// Controlador das Batalhas// ====================================================================================================2008rwc_04,1,1,1 script ControlAREGVG#04 -1,{ end;OnArenaInit: setcell "2008rwc_04",28,64,40,89,cell_walkable,0; setcell "2008rwc_04",10,40,27,63,cell_walkable,0; setcell "2008rwc_04",54,12,69,35,cell_walkable,0; setcell "2008rwc_04",70,36,87,51,cell_walkable,0; initnpctimer; end;OnTimer30000: if($ARE_GVG_SUB == 1) end; //Caso seja Morte Súbita set $ARE_GVG_Alive[1],getareausers("2008rwc_04",10,40,40,89); set $ARE_GVG_Alive[2],getareausers("2008rwc_04",54,12,87,51); if($ARE_GVG_Alive[1] == 0 && $ARE_GVG_Alive[2] == 0) { //Caso ambos percam por W.O. stopnpctimer; announce "Arena GVG: Ambos os Clãs "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[1])+" e "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[2])+" desqualificados por desistencia.",bc_all; callsub ResetArena; end; } if($ARE_GVG_Alive[1] == 0) { //Caso o G01 perca por W.O. stopnpctimer; announce "Arena GVG: O Clã "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[2])+" venceu por W.O.",bc_all; callsub ResetArena; end; } if($ARE_GVG_Alive[2] == 0) { //Caso o G02 perca por W.O. stopnpctimer; announce "Arena GVG: O Clã "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[1])+" venceu por W.O.",bc_all; callsub ResetArena; end; } //Caso não existam W.O., continua normalmente mapannounce "2008rwc_04","A Partida entre os Clãs "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[1])+" e "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[2])+" será iniciada em 30 segundos!",bc_map | bc_blue; end;OnTimer60000: if($ARE_GVG_SUB == 1) end; //Caso seja Morte Súbita setcell "2008rwc_04",28,64,40,89,cell_walkable,1; setcell "2008rwc_04",10,40,27,63,cell_walkable,1; setcell "2008rwc_04",54,12,69,35,cell_walkable,1; setcell "2008rwc_04",70,36,87,51,cell_walkable,1; mapannounce "2008rwc_04","Partida Iniciada!",bc_map | bc_blue; end;OnTimer300000: if($ARE_GVG_SUB == 0) end; //Caso NÃO seja Morte Súbita gvgoff "2008rwc_04"; stopnpctimer; mapannounce "2008rwc_04","Partida Encerrada! Empate!",bc_map | bc_blue; callsub ResetArena; end;OnTimer660000: if($ARE_GVG_Alive[1] == $ARE_GVG_Alive[2]) { //Caso Esteja empatado if($ARE_GVG_SUB == 1) { //Se JÁ estiver em Morte Súbita (nunca deve ocorrer) gvgoff "2008rwc_04"; stopnpctimer; mapannounce "2008rwc_04","Partida Encerrada! Empate!",bc_map | bc_blue; callsub ResetArena; end; } else { set $ARE_GVG_SUB,1; mapannounce "2008rwc_04","Morte Súbita! 5 Minutos! Caso ninguém morra, ambos perdem.",bc_map | bc_blue; stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; } } if($ARE_GVG_Alive[1] > $ARE_GVG_Alive[2]) { //Caso G01 tenha mais vivos que G02 gvgoff "2008rwc_04"; stopnpctimer; mapannounce "2008rwc_04","O Clã "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[1])+" venceu o Clã "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[2])+"!",bc_map | bc_blue; callsub ResetArena; end; } if($ARE_GVG_Alive[1] < $ARE_GVG_Alive[2]) { //Caso G02 tenha mais vivos que G02 gvgoff "2008rwc_04"; stopnpctimer; mapannounce "2008rwc_04","O Clã "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[2])+" venceu o Clã "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[1])+"!",bc_map | bc_blue; callsub ResetArena; end; }ResetArena: sleep 5000; mapwarp "2008rwc_04","prontera",155,155; set $ARE_GVG_Using,0; set $ARE_GVG_Acc[1],0; //ID do Líder do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Cla[1],0; //ID do Clã set $ARE_GVG_Party[1],0; //ID do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Char[1],0; //ID do Líder set $ARE_GVG_Acc[2],0; //ID do Líder do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Cla[2],0; //ID do Clã set $ARE_GVG_Party[2],0; //ID do Grupo set $ARE_GVG_Char[2],0; //ID do Líder set $ARE_GVG_SUB,0; end;OnPCKillEvent: if($ARE_GVG_Using != 1) end; //Ativo? getmapxy .Map$,.x,.y,0; if(.Map$ == "2008rwc_04") { if($ARE_GVG_Cla[1] == getcharid(2)) { set $ARE_GVG_Alive[2],$ARE_GVG_Alive[2]-1; if($ARE_GVG_Alive[2] == 0 || $ARE_GVG_SUB == 1) { gvgoff "2008rwc_04"; stopnpctimer; mapannounce "2008rwc_04","O Clã "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[1])+" venceu o Clã "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[2])+"!",bc_map | bc_blue; callsub ResetArena; end; } } if($ARE_GVG_Cla[2] == getcharid(2)) { set $ARE_GVG_Alive[1],$ARE_GVG_Alive[1]-1; if($ARE_GVG_Alive[1] == 0 || $ARE_GVG_SUB == 1) { gvgoff "2008rwc_04"; stopnpctimer; mapannounce "2008rwc_04","O Clã "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[2])+" venceu o Clã "+getguildname($ARE_GVG_Cla[1])+"!",bc_map | bc_blue; callsub ResetArena; end; } } } end;}

Second Script - Only works with eAmod, would need adaptation to the hercules.

//=== Ver 0.1 ===============////=== By Noriel Calingasan ==////===========================//- script mainevent -1,{//===========================================================//OnPCLoadMapEvent: for( set .@u, 0; .@u < getarraysize(.BMapFS$); set .@u, .@u + 1 ){ if(strcharinfo(3) == .BMapFS$[.@u]){ sc_end (SC_ALL); } }end;//===========================================================//OnInit: //== Walls ==// setwall "06guild_r",74,78,4,2,0,"TeamAWall"; setwall "06guild_r",128,78,4,2,0,"TeamBWall"; //== Item Deletion ==// setarray .delitem[0],1408,1251,1705,1208,1902,1951,1602,1802,1302,5314,2285,5379,5325,2289,5377,5800,2310,2404,2102,2504,2624,2621; setarray .delitems[0],547,601,645,656,657,678,715,716,717,7135,7136,12009,13534,13810,11501,11502,1751; //== Random Maps==// setarray .BMap$[0],"guild_vs1","guild_vs2","guild_vs3","guild_vs4","guild_vs5"; //== Maps==// setarray .BMapFS$[0],"guild_vs1","guild_vs2","guild_vs3","guild_vs4","guild_vs5","06guild_r"; //== Team A X/Y map axis ==// setarray .Xa[0],7,7,16,7,19; setarray .Ya[0],49,49,50,49,49; //== Team B X/Y map axis ==// setarray .Xb[0],92,92,83,92,80; setarray .Yb[0],49,49,50,49,49; set .MaxMembers,2; set $teama$,"Null"; set $teamb$,"Null"; set .Map$,"06guild_r"; //== Commands ==// bindatcmd "gvgevent","mainevent::OnDoTeam",0,99; bindatcmd "gvgdismiss","mainevent::OnDoDismiss",99,99; end; //===========================================================////===========================================================//OnDoTeam: if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "members" ) ) { set .MaxMembers,.@atcmd_parameters$[1]; dispbottom "The new amount of members needed for GvG event is "+.MaxMembers+"."; end; }else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "Reset" ) ) { set $teama$,"Null"; set $teamb$,"Null"; set $partya,0; set $partyb,0; dispbottom "Team's has been reset"; end; }else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "Team" ) ) { set .@team$,.@atcmd_parameters$[1]; set .@Pteam,.@atcmd_parameters$[2]; query_sql ("SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '"+.@team$+"'",.@leaderid); query_sql ("SELECT `party_id` FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@leaderid+"'",.@pid); query_sql ("SELECT `guild_id` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@leaderid+"'",.@guildid); set .@teamg$,getguildname(.@guildid); if (!.@pid){dispbottom "Invalid leader name."; end;} if(!.@Pteam || .@Pteam > 2){ dispbottom "Please input the team number <1/2>."; end; } if($teama$ != "Null" && .@Pteam == 1){ dispbottom "Guild ["+$teama$+"] still registered in Team A."; end; }else if($teamb$ != "Null" && .@Pteam == 2){ dispbottom "Guild ["+$teamb$+"] still registered in Team B."; end; }else if($teama$ != "Null" && $teamb$ != "Null"){ dispbottom "Guild ["+$teama+"] and "+$teamb$+" are still registered."; end; }else if(.@teamg$ == $teamb$){ dispbottom "Guild ["+$teamb$+"] still registered in Team B."; end; }else if(.@teamg$ == $teama$){ dispbottom "Guild ["+$teama$+"] still registered in Team A."; end; } getpartymember .@pid, 1; getpartymember .@pid, 2; if ($@partymembercount != .MaxMembers ){ dispbottom "Party members is not equal to "+.MaxMembers+" members."; end; }else{ dispbottom "Team ["+.@teamg$+"] has been warped."; if(.@Pteam == 1){ set $teama$,.@teamg$; set $partya,.@pid; set .@x,73; set .@y,69; }else if(.@Pteam == 2){ set $teamb$,.@teamg$; set $partyb,.@pid; set .@x,127; set .@y,69; } } for( set .@i, 0; .@i < .MaxMembers; set .@i, .@i + 1 ){ if(isloggedin($@partymemberaid[.@i],$@partymembercid[.@i])){ attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if(BaseJob == Job_Whitesmith || BaseJob == Job_Creator){atcommand "@clearcart";} if(strcharinfo(3) != .Map$) { nude; atcommand "@storeall"; warp .Map$,.@x,.@y; savepoint .Map$,.@x,.@y; } } } }else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "Start" ) ) { if($teama$ == "Null" && $teamb$ == "Null"){ dispbottom "Both Team's are empty."; end; }else if($teama$ == "Null" && $teamb$ != "Null"){ dispbottom "Team A is still empty."; end; }else if($teama$ != "Null" && $teamb$ == "Null"){ dispbottom "Team B is still empty."; end; } donpcevent "mainevent::OnDoStart"; set .count_online1,0; set .count_online2,0; getpartymember $partya, 1; getpartymember $partya, 2; for( set .@q, 0; .@q < .MaxMembers; set .@q, .@q + 1 ){ if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@q], $@partymembercid[.@q] ) ){ attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@q]; if(strcharinfo(3) == .Map$) { nude; for( set .@k, 0; .@k < getarraysize(.delitem); set .@k, .@k + 1 ){ set .@count,countitem(.delitem[.@k]); delitem .delitem[.@k],.@count; } for( set .@u, 0; .@u < getarraysize(.delitems); set .@u, .@u + 1 ){ set .@count,countitem2(.delitems[.@u],1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff); delitem2 .delitems[.@u],.@count,1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff; } if (BaseJob == Job_Knight || BaseJob == Job_Crusader){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 10; getitembound2 1408,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Pike Hydra/SkelWorker getitembound2 1408,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Pike Drops }else if(BaseJob== Job_Assassin){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656,678; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 10, 3; getitembound2 1251,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,0,3; // Jur Hydra/SkelWorker }else if(BaseJob== Job_Rogue){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 10; getitembound2 1705,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Composite Bow Hydra/SkelWorker getitembound2 1208,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Main Gauche Drops }else if(BaseJob== Job_Hunter){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656,12009; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 10, 2; getitembound2 1208,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Main Gauche Drops getitembound2 1705,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Composite Bow Hydra/SkelWorker }else if(BaseJob== Job_Bard){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656,12009; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 10, 2; getitembound2 1902,2,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Violin Hydra/SkelWorker getitembound2 1705,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Composite Bow Hydra/SkelWorker }else if(BaseJob== Job_Dancer){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656,12009; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 10, 2; getitembound2 1951,2,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Rope Hydra/SkelWorker getitembound2 1705,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Composite Bow Hydra/SkelWorker }else if(BaseJob== Job_Wizard || BaseJob== Job_Sage){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656,717,716,715; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 10, 50, 50 ,50; getitembound2 1602,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Rod Drops }else if(BaseJob== Job_Priest){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,645,717; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 10, 50; getitembound2 1602,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Rod Drops }else if(BaseJob== Job_Monk){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 10; getitembound2 1802,2,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Waghnak Hydra/SkelWorker }else if(BaseJob== Job_Blacksmith){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,657, 601; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 10,1600; getitembound2 1302,2,1,7,0,4281,4281,4281,4281,3; // Axe Zipper }else if(BaseJob == Job_Alchemist){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,657,7136,7135,547; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 10, 5, 5,150; getitembound2 1208,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Main Gauche Drops }else{ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10; } getitembound2 5314,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Hockey Mask getitembound2 2285,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Apple of Archer getitembound2 5379,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Baloon Hat getitembound2 5325,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Robo Eye getitembound2 2289,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Poo Poo Hat getitembound2 5377,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Gentleman's Pipe getitembound2 5800,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Blush of Groom getitembound2 2310,1,1,4,0,4031,0,0,0,3; // Coat Pecopeco getitembound2 2310,1,1,4,0,4337,0,0,0,3; // Coat Porcellio getitembound2 2404,1,1,4,0,4097,0,0,0,3; // Shoes Matyr getitembound2 2404,1,1,4,0,4100,0,0,0,3; // Shoes Sohee getitembound2 2102,1,1,4,0,4058,0,0,0,3; // Guard Thara Frog getitembound2 2102,1,1,4,0,4045,0,0,0,3; // Guard Horn getitembound2 2504,1,1,4,0,4133,0,0,0,3; // Muffler Raydric getitembound2 2504,1,1,4,0,4334,0,0,0,3; // Muffler Noxious getitembound2 2624,2,1,0,0,4064,0,0,0,3; // Gloves Zerom getitembound2 2621,2,1,0,0,4079,0,0,0,3; // Ring Mantis if(BaseJob== Job_Whitesmith || BaseJob== Job_Creator){atcommand "@clearcart";} for( set .@y, 0; .@y < getarraysize(.@items); set .@y, .@y + 1 ){ set .@count,countitem2(.@items[.@y],1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff); delitem2 .@items[.@y],.@count,1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff; getitembound2 .@items[.@y],.@amount[.@y],1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff,.@boundtype; } deletearray .@items,getarraysize(.@items); deletearray .@amount,getarraysize(.@amount); } } } getpartymember $partyb, 1; getpartymember $partyb, 2; for( set .@o, 0; .@o < .MaxMembers; set .@o, .@o + 1 ){ if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@o], $@partymembercid[.@o] ) ){ attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@o]; if(strcharinfo(3) == .Map$) { nude; for( set .@t, 0; .@t < getarraysize(.delitem); set .@t, .@t + 1 ){ set .@count,countitem(.delitem[.@t]); delitem .delitem[.@t],.@count; } for( set .@l, 0; .@l < getarraysize(.delitems); set .@l, .@l + 1 ){ set .@count,countitem2(.delitems[.@l],1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff); delitem2 .delitems[.@l],.@count,1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff; } if (BaseJob== Job_Knight || BaseJob== Job_Crusader){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 5; getitembound2 1408,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Pike Hydra/SkelWorker getitembound2 1408,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Pike Drops }else if(BaseJob== Job_Assassin){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656,678; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 5, 3; getitembound2 1251,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,0,3; // Jur Hydra/SkelWorker }else if(BaseJob== Job_Rogue){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 5; getitembound2 1705,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Composite Bow Hydra/SkelWorker getitembound2 1208,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Main Gauche Drops }else if(BaseJob== Job_Hunter){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656,12009; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 5, 2; getitembound2 1208,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Main Gauche Drops getitembound2 1705,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Composite Bow Hydra/SkelWorker }else if(BaseJob== Job_Bard){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656,12009; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 5, 2; getitembound2 1902,2,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Violin Hydra/SkelWorker getitembound2 1705,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Composite Bow Hydra/SkelWorker }else if(BaseJob== Job_Dancer){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656,12009; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 5, 2; getitembound2 1951,2,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Rope Hydra/SkelWorker getitembound2 1705,1,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Composite Bow Hydra/SkelWorker }else if(BaseJob== Job_Wizard || BaseJob== Job_Sage){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656,717,716,715; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 5, 50, 50 ,50; getitembound2 1602,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Rod Drops }else if(BaseJob== Job_Priest){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,645,717; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 5, 50; getitembound2 1602,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Rod Drops }else if(BaseJob== Job_Monk){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,656; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 5; getitembound2 1802,2,1,7,0,4035,4035,4092,4092,3; // Waghnak Hydra/SkelWorker }else if(BaseJob== Job_Blacksmith){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,657, 601; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 5,1600; getitembound2 1302,2,1,7,0,4281,4281,4281,4281,3; // Axe Zipper }else if(BaseJob == Job_Alchemist){ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810,657,7136,7135,547; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10, 5, 5, 5,150; getitembound2 1208,1,1,7,0,4004,4004,4004,4004,3; // Main Gauche Drops }else{ setarray .@items[0], 13534,13810; setarray .@amount[0], 10, 10; } getitembound2 5314,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Hockey Mask getitembound2 2285,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Apple of Archer getitembound2 5379,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Baloon Hat getitembound2 5325,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Robo Eye getitembound2 2289,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Poo Poo Hat getitembound2 5377,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Gentleman's Pipe getitembound2 5800,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,0,3; // Blush of Groom getitembound2 2310,1,1,4,0,4031,0,0,0,3; // Coat Pecopeco getitembound2 2310,1,1,4,0,4337,0,0,0,3; // Coat Porcellio getitembound2 2404,1,1,4,0,4097,0,0,0,3; // Shoes Matyr getitembound2 2404,1,1,4,0,4100,0,0,0,3; // Shoes Sohee getitembound2 2102,1,1,4,0,4058,0,0,0,3; // Guard Thara Frog getitembound2 2102,1,1,4,0,4045,0,0,0,3; // Guard Horn getitembound2 2504,1,1,4,0,4133,0,0,0,3; // Muffler Raydric getitembound2 2504,1,1,4,0,4334,0,0,0,3; // Muffler Noxious getitembound2 2624,2,1,0,0,4064,0,0,0,3; // Gloves Zerom getitembound2 2621,2,1,0,0,4079,0,0,0,3; // Ring Mantis if(BaseJob== Job_Whitesmith || BaseJob== Job_Creator){atcommand "@clearcart";} for( set .@w, 0; .@w < getarraysize(.@items); set .@w, .@w + 1 ){ set .@count,countitem2(.@items[.@w],1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff); delitem2 .@items[.@w],.@count,1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff; getitembound2 .@items[.@w],.@amount[.@w],1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff,.@boundtype; } deletearray .@items,getarraysize(.@items); deletearray .@amount,getarraysize(.@amount); } } } }else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "Timeroff" )) { stopnpctimer; goto OnDoCheck; } end;//===========================================================//OnDoStart: mapannounce ""+.Map$+"","Admin: You have 3 minutes to set-up your supplies and equipments.",0; sleep 180000; mapannounce ""+.Map$+"","Admin: Time's up.",0; sleep 3000; mapannounce ""+.Map$+"","Admin: You will warped now to the battle arena.",0; goto S_warp; end; S_warp: set .@bmap, rand(getarraysize(.BMap$)); set $TMap$, .BMap$[.@bmap]; set .@Xmapa, .Xa[.@bmap]; set .@Ymapa, .Ya[.@bmap]; set .@Xmapb, .Xb[.@bmap]; set .@Ymapb, .Yb[.@bmap]; warpchar $TMap$,50,49,151760; areawarp .Map$,66,60,79,77,$TMap$,.@Xmapa,.@Ymapa; // Team A areawarp .Map$,120,60,133,77,$TMap$,.@Xmapb,.@Ymapb; // Team B goto T_count; end; T_count: sleep 5000; mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","Before we start you have 10 seconds to buffs",0; sleep 10000; mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","Get ready at the count of 5 we will start the battle!!....",0; sleep 3000; mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","5",0; sleep 1000; mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","4",0; sleep 1000; mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","3",0; sleep 1000; mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","2",0; sleep 1000; mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","1",0; sleep 1000; mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","GO!",0; sleep 2000; donpcevent "mainevent::OnDoTimer"; end; //===========================================================//OnDoTimer: mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","You have only 7 minutes to eliminate all your opponents.",0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer120000: mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","5 minutes left to eliminate all your opponents.",0; end; OnTimer240000: mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","3 minutes left to eliminate all your opponents.",0; end; OnTimer360000: mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","1 minute left to eliminate all your opponents.",0; end; OnTimer420000: mapannounce ""+$TMap$+"","Time is up.",0; stopnpctimer; goto OnDoCheck;end;//===========================================================//OnDoCheck: getpartymember $partya, 1; getpartymember $partya, 2; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .MaxMembers; set .@i, .@i +1 ){ if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ){ attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if(strcharinfo(3) == $TMap$) {set .count_online1, .count_online1 +1; atcommand "@die";} } } getpartymember $partyb, 1; getpartymember $partyb, 2; for ( set .@o, 0; .@o < .MaxMembers; set .@o, .@o +1 ){ if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@o], $@partymembercid[.@o] ) ){ attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@o]; if(strcharinfo(3) == $TMap$) {set .count_online2, .count_online2 +1; atcommand "@die";} } } if(.count_online1 == .count_online2){ announce ""+$teama$+"[A:"+.count_online1+"/D:"+(.MaxMembers - .count_online1)+"] Vs "+$teamb$+"[A:"+.count_online2+"/D:"+(.MaxMembers - .count_online2)+"] : The battle is draw!",0; }else if(.count_online1 > .count_online2){ announce ""+$teama$+"[A:"+.count_online1+"/D:"+(.MaxMembers - .count_online1)+"] Vs "+$teamb$+"[A:"+.count_online2+"/D:"+(.MaxMembers - .count_online2)+"] : Winner "+$teama$+" Guild!",0; }else if(.count_online1 < .count_online2){ announce ""+$teama$+"[A:"+.count_online1+"/D:"+(.MaxMembers - .count_online1)+"] Vs "+$teamb$+"[A:"+.count_online2+"/D:"+(.MaxMembers - .count_online2)+"] : Winner "+$teamb$+" Guild!",0; } set .count_online1,0; set .count_online2,0; end; //===========================================================//OnDoDismiss: getpartymember $partya, 2; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < .MaxMembers; set .@i, .@i + 1 ){ if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i]) ){ attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$){ if(BaseJob== Job_Whitesmith || BaseJob== Job_Creator){atcommand "@clearcart";} unequip EQI_HEAD_TOP; unequip EQI_ARMOR; unequip EQI_HAND_L; unequip EQI_HAND_R; unequip EQI_GARMENT; unequip EQI_SHOES; unequip EQI_ACC_L; unequip EQI_ACC_R; unequip EQI_HEAD_MID; unequip EQI_HEAD_LOW; for( set .@k, 0; .@k < getarraysize(.delitem); set .@k, .@k + 1 ){ set .@count,countitem(.delitem[.@k]); delitem .delitem[.@k],.@count; } for( set .@p, 0; .@p < getarraysize(.delitems); set .@p, .@p + 1 ){ set .@count,countitem2(.delitems[.@p],1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff); delitem2 .delitems[.@p],.@count,1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff; } savepoint "prontera", 156, 177; warp "prontera", 156, 177; } } } getpartymember $partyb, 2; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < .MaxMembers; set .@i, .@i + 1 ){ if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i] )){ attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if(strcharinfo(3) == .Map$){ if(BaseJob== Job_Whitesmith || BaseJob== Job_Creator){atcommand "@clearcart";} unequip EQI_HEAD_TOP; unequip EQI_ARMOR; unequip EQI_HAND_L; unequip EQI_HAND_R; unequip EQI_GARMENT; unequip EQI_SHOES; unequip EQI_ACC_L; unequip EQI_ACC_R; unequip EQI_HEAD_MID; unequip EQI_HEAD_LOW; for( set .@k, 0; .@k < getarraysize(.delitem); set .@k, .@k + 1 ){ set .@count,countitem(.delitem[.@k]); delitem .delitem[.@k],.@count; } for( set .@p, 0; .@p < getarraysize(.delitems); set .@p, .@p + 1 ){ set .@count,countitem2(.delitems[.@p],1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff); delitem2 .delitems[.@p],.@count,1,0,0,254,0,getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")&0xffff,(getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id")>>16)&0xffff; } savepoint "prontera", 156, 177; warp "prontera", 156, 177; } } } set $teama$,"Null"; set $teamb$,"Null"; set $partya,0; set $partyb,0;end; }06guild_r mapflag gvg06guild_r mapflag nocommandguild_vs1 mapflag nocommandguild_vs2 mapflag nocommandguild_vs3 mapflag nocommandguild_vs4 mapflag nocommandguild_vs5 mapflag nocommandguild_vs1 mapflag nodrop guild_vs2 mapflag nodrop guild_vs3 mapflag nodrop guild_vs4 mapflag nodrop guild_vs5 mapflag nodrop guild_vs1 mapflag notradeguild_vs2 mapflag notradeguild_vs3 mapflag notradeguild_vs4 mapflag notradeguild_vs5 mapflag notradeguild_vs1 mapflag novendingguild_vs2 mapflag novendingguild_vs3 mapflag novendingguild_vs4 mapflag novendingguild_vs5 mapflag novendingguild_vs1 mapflag noteleport guild_vs2 mapflag noteleport guild_vs3 mapflag noteleport guild_vs4 mapflag noteleport guild_vs5 mapflag noteleport guild_vs1 mapflag partylock guild_vs2 mapflag partylock guild_vs3 mapflag partylock guild_vs4 mapflag partylock guild_vs5 mapflag partylock

Rules and how it should work.

Rules and how it should work.* To enter the event you need to register. Somende guild leaders and teams can register;* There are two registration menus: Renewal and Pre Renewal (Transclasses only, all rules are the same.)* Upon registration of each leader, a check will be done to see if the team fits all requirements.Renewal Requirements:- Both Groups can not belong to the same guild.- A team will consist of 7 members.- Your team must be in the same party at all times.- All 3rd jobs can be used but duplicate use of the same job class is not allowed.Rune KnightGuillotine CrossRangerWarlockArchbishopMechanicRoyal GuardShadow ChaserWandererMinstrelSorcererShuraGenetics- Everyone should be in their guild at all times.- Item Restrictions:All MVP cards and All Godly itemsI4001.gif Marc Card, I4001.gif Evil Druid Card, and I4001.gif Plankton Card- Use of emblem is compulsory.- Teams that are fighting each other are not allowed to use the same emblem. The emblem must be carried in the flash drive and the teams must have it installed during the initial setup time.* If not, you will be informed of why it is corrected.* If yes, the registration will be confirmed.* The event starts with confirmation of registration of two teams.* All buffs are removed upon entering the map.* All are teleported to the map where the battle will take place, each team to their respective point.* If any player is disconnected, he will not be able to return any more.* Everyone has 1 minute to get dressed, use skills, receive buffs, etc. But they can not move, before the time runs out.* Item drop, trade, and vendor skills are unusable in the tournament server.* The Battle is started.* From this moment everything is narrated by message to the whole map. Who killed and who died, How long is the departure time; How many players on each team are still alive.* Players will only have 1 minute to set-up in between rounds.* If a round ends with neither team completely eliminated, the team with the most number of surviving members will win.* If a round ends with both teams having the same number of surviving members, they are then subjected to a 1-round sudden-death match.* Each match will last 7 minutes.* Only the Tournament Committee, the Tournament Director, the head judge, and other tournament officials have the right to stop the match if needed.* Two matches will run at one time, One in Room "A" and the other in Room "B".* Matches will be best-of-3, race to 2.* Upon being killed, the character can only return in the next round.* Whoever wins two battles first is the winner.* At the end of the match, everyone is teleported to a reward NPC.* Everyone has one minute to withdraw their reward. After that time, everyone is removed from the map.* When you get the reward automatically you are kicked out of the map.* It is not possible to use the Urgent Call skill to avoid abuses.3rd job skills that can not be used are the following:Shadow Chaser: Manhole, Dimension Door, Masquerade, Gloomy & Unlucky and Fatal MenaceGenetic: Change MaterialSorcerer: Element Analyze

Any questions, please ask me.


Edited by Iniciando do 0

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