Hey everyone I have an idea for a BG based on a game called GunZ i used to play. It's called "Assassination"
This is similiar to capture the flag in some ways more than anything,
Normal teams Red vs Blue, lets say its a 3v3 ( u need a minimum of 2 players in a team or itd be lame xD)
one of the 3 players get a target on their head ( some marker is put on the player to suggest that he/she is the one to be killed. This should not be shown in minimap though or it would be gamebreaking)
The other 2 players in red and blue should search for the targets of their respective opponent teams, 1st team to kill the opponent target wins the round.
Targets are the main priority. even if its 3 players alive in team Blue, 1 player alive in team Red, If the 1 player(who is the target and the rest of his/her team is dead) in Red kills the target of Blue, Blue looses.
So basically, 1 target is chosen at random in each team(this changes in each round so basically every 1 might get to be the target). The opponent team has to assassinate this target. If the target dies, all his/her teammates die and the round is over, opponent wins.
Hope i explained it well xD i have posted it on rA as well, hopefully someone comes up with possibilities of making this a script
Hey everyone
I have an idea for a BG based on a game called GunZ i used to play. It's called "Assassination"
This is similiar to capture the flag in some ways more than anything,
Normal teams Red vs Blue, lets say its a 3v3 ( u need a minimum of 2 players in a team or itd be lame xD)
one of the 3 players get a target on their head ( some marker is put on the player to suggest that he/she is the one to be killed. This should not be shown in minimap though or it would be gamebreaking)
The other 2 players in red and blue should search for the targets of their respective opponent teams, 1st team to kill the opponent target wins the round.
Targets are the main priority. even if its 3 players alive in team Blue, 1 player alive in team Red, If the 1 player(who is the target and the rest of his/her team is dead) in Red kills the target of Blue, Blue looses.
So basically, 1 target is chosen at random in each team(this changes in each round so basically every 1 might get to be the target). The opponent team has to assassinate this target. If the target dies, all his/her teammates die and the round is over, opponent wins.
Hope i explained it well xD i have posted it on rA as well, hopefully someone comes up with possibilities of making this a script
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