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Yes, a lot of features came on Paid Version, although this is well know around these days. Since it's cheap ($25 for lifetime license besides $200 from harmony) a good alternative as a GameGuard.


Their website support 2 languages, Portuguese and English:


internalguard . ro - services . com



(Please when u see it, remove the link =P)

Edited by Angelisk

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Now IG is paid, but 3months ago it isn't :D



But still you can find unpaid version on google :P

But it'd be outdated, no?



Hello Mysterious



Yes InternalGuard got a Paid license for 25 USD , but you still can use it for free on Localhost , you dont need to pay if its run local. 


Sure Harmony is better Known then Internal Guard , could be because harmony is  7 Years old ,


Internal Guard is out since 6 month now , and its getting improved every week .


Harmony got no Paid service thread here same as Internal Guard ,  and the Important parts of the Internal Guard homepages are english now , and im Working with Kaju on the other parts


InternalGuard installation got a paid service allready here on Hercules ( Look at my Paid Service)


and if we follow simple the rules even harmony needs to be removed from the board here since it  breaks the hercules forum rules



[*]If a member does not have an approved advertisement in the Paid Services section, he may not have ads in their signatures or make any posts in the forums about their services.





ossi0110  Lead mod of InternalGuard

Edited by ossi0110

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Sounds fine then. I removed Harmony.


You remove Harmony?! That's seems really serious man, is that really worthed? I mean, the Internal Guard client protection, is Internal Guard way better than Harmony? I am ready to buy Internal Guard then since it is way cheaper rather than Harmony.

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xeNium he removed harmony from the list as it violates the board rules.

he didnt removed it as a sign of internalguard is better.


both can be bypassed atm and only protects against like 80% of the cheaters.


the only advantage of internalguard is that the dev of internalguard is still working on internalguard and trys to improve it permanently.

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