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Hairstyle Package

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Hairstyle Package


This package are currently contains around 90~100 hairstyles for both male/female character.

I obtained these from various sources like old eAthena, rAthena, Hercules, TheSpriteRepository and other member who shared these sprites with me etc.

I don't remember who exactly made each of the sprites, or who even shared these... tell me if you know who are them.

If any of these hairstyles are custom work that are meant for private use, kindly contact me, so that I could remove it from the listing.

I do have more than this amount, but since my current test client (2018-06-20) can only support up to 100 sprites, so I randomly picked 100 and only upload it here.

It included the default 31 hairstyle from kRO, but I think I replaced the 1~20+ hairstyles from JRO which dyed the hair  in dark color, the rest are custom hair styles.


How to use:

  • You can either merge the provided GRF into your own GRF
  • Load it as another individual GRF using the DATA.ini file
  • Extract it and put it in your Data folder

* Depend on your client hexed with whatever settings. Search forum for all these guides.



 You're free to share with everyone but do not monetize the contents in any way! 

These materials are meant for study or research purpose.

Use these at your own risk, and always give credit to original author.

If there exists issue with sprite file, for example: sprite misalignment, error, etc, kindly ask help from any member who have knowledge with sprite edit.

If there exists issue with palette color file, for example: messed up color, error, etc, kindly ask help from any member who have knowledge with palette color edit.


Fun Fact:

Do you know you can actually combine all male and female hairstyle (including doram) to create a list of universal hairstyles that could be used by any gender of player and doram? 



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I do have more than this amount, but since my current test client (2018-06-20) can only support up to 100


@Emistry hey! you said your client is 2018-6-20 ..im using it also but it seems i can't patch it in nemo.. :( 

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