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Almond Snicker

Questions about understanding Htop and CPU Usage



I'm currently having issues on my cpu usage, it spikes up to 80% at some point and it causes lag to the server. 
Couple of questions to ask:
1.) Does an unstable client version affect the cpu usage of map?
2.) Having mysql Log-error on htop is normal?
3.) what are the possible reasons of the spiking of cpu usage?

Currently running game-64 of OVH hosted in SG. i7-7700 upto 4.5ghz and 64gb ram dedicated.

Here's what it look like:


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  On 3/11/2021 at 2:25 PM, Almond Snicker said:

do you mind sharing what script lines does these infinite loops? or what script lines should I avoid?

Avoid using while() loop as much as possible. You may use freeloop(true) as recommend in doc. Also avoid using "OnPCLoadMapEvent:".

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  On 3/11/2021 at 2:33 PM, Almond Snicker said:

noted, how about timers? or gettimeticks?


I prefer using this.


*initnpctimer({"<NPC name>"{, <Attach Flag>}})
*initnpctimer({<Attach Flag>})
*stopnpctimer({"<NPC name>"{, <Detach Flag>}})
*stopnpctimer({<Detach Flag>}})
*startnpctimer({"<NPC name>"{, <Attach Flag>}})
*startnpctimer({<Attach Flag>})
*setnpctimer(<tick>{, "<NPC name>"})
*getnpctimer(<type of information>{, "<NPC name>"})
*attachnpctimer({"<character name>"})
*detachnpctimer({"<NPC name>"})

Disguise Event is a good reference for timer.

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  On 3/11/2021 at 2:45 PM, Almond Snicker said:

Does scripts only does this issues? how about source files?

It depends. You should be able to guess it if you made those changes either in source files or the scripts. If it does not happen before, you should know what to do. 

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actually it has been my problem for over a month now, I just upgraded the server host and it lessened this issue maybe because it can cover the issue more than before. but thinking of the server specs, I think it is already an overkill for a host of 300+ players connected. and it is not like this all the time, it only happens for a certain time.

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never use command


it allow infinite or very long loops and this can be slow


also if you using some plugins, code can be not optimal and slow.


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yes source modifications can be bad too

if this is production server hard to say where is issue.

if this is testing server, you can try check same on clean hercules.

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no load not depend on client version.

load depend on players. more players most time mean more load on server.

also on your screen 81% is high, but it's not 100%


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Wondering @4144 maybe you have inputs on this

will autosave_time release more load from the map serve if you make it more that your avg players? autosave_time > avg players? with avg players of 300 will  600(auto save time) make it better?

Also for minsave_time by increasing it will slow down the saving time. will it be better? if you have 300 players avg?

		// Database autosave time
		// All characters are saved on this time in seconds (example:
		// autosave of 60 secs with 60 characters online -> one char is
		// saved every second)
		autosave_time: 300

		// Min database save intervals (in milliseconds)
		// Prevent saving characters faster than at this rate (prevents
		// char-server save-load getting too high as character-count
		// increases)
		minsave_time: 100


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idk what is better. try default values or change them a bit

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