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Punching Bag With Param Setting

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HI, I just try to convert Punching Bag rathena to Hercules with param Setting



//===== Hercules Script =============================================
//= Punching Bag NPC with Parameter settings
//===== By: ========================================================
//= Secretdataz
//= Modified by Mabuhay
//= RagnaIDN
//===== Current Version: ===========================================
//= 3.0
//===== Changelog: =================================================
//= 0.1 Initial commit
//= 2.0 Added parameter settings
//= 3.0 Convert into Hercules
//===== Compatible With: ===========================================
//= Hercules 07/01/2022
//===== Additional Comments: =======================================
//= When duplicating this NPC. Only use NUMBER after the # [secret]
//= [NOTE#1]: Removed HP and Hit in param settings. Useless? Uncomment ALL to enable 
vpayon,126,34,6	script	Punch Bag Owner#0	4_M_REBELLION,{
function get_size_name;
function get_race_name;
function get_ele_name;
	mes "[ Punch Bag Owner ]"; 
	mes "Hi, I can set Samsak based on parameter you want.";
	menu "Show info", M1, "Set param", M2, "Set Default", M3, "^777777Cancel", M4;

M1: .@dupid = atoi(strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_HIDDEN));
	.@size = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_SIZE);
	.@level = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_LEVEL);
	.@race = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_RACE);
	.@elet = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_ELETYPE);
	.@elelv = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_ELELEVEL);
	.@STR = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_STR);
	.@AGI = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_AGI);
	.@VIT = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_VIT);
	.@INT = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_INT);
	.@DEX = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_DEX);
	.@LUK = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_LUK);
	.@DEF = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_DEF);
	.@MDEF = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_MDEF);
	.@FLEE = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_FLEE);
	.@PDODGE = getunitdata(.mobid[.@dupid], UDT_PDODGE);
	.@size$ = get_size_name(.@size);
	.@race$ = get_race_name(.@race);
	.@ele$ = get_ele_name(.@elet);
	mes "^777777Size : ^000000"+ .@size$;
	mes "^777777Level : ^000000"+ .@level;
	mes "^777777Race : ^000000"+ .@race$;
	mes "^777777Ele type : ^000000"+ .@ele$;
	mes "^777777Ele level : ^000000"+ .@elelv;
	//mes "^777777HP : ^000000"+ .@data[UDT_HP]; // disabled || uncomment to enable
	mes "^777777Str : ^000000"+ .@STR;
	mes "^777777Agi : ^000000"+ .@AGI;
	mes "^777777Vit : ^000000"+ .@VIT;
	mes "^777777Int : ^000000"+ .@INT;
	mes "^777777Dex : ^000000"+ .@DEX;
	mes "^777777Luk : ^000000"+ .@LUK;
	mes "^777777Def : ^000000"+ .@DEF;
	mes "^777777Mdef : ^000000"+ .@MDEF;
	//mes "^777777Hit : ^000000"+ .@data[UDT_HIT]; // disabled || uncomment to enable
	mes "^777777Flee : ^000000"+ .@FLEE;
	mes "^777777Pdodge : ^000000"+ .@PDODGE;
M2:	setarray .menu$,
		// Structure : <menu name>|<UDT_DATA>|<min value>|<max value>
        "Ele type|UDT_ELETYPE|0|9",
		"Ele level|UDT_ELELEVEL|1|4",
		//"Hp|UDT_HP|1|99999999", // disabled = why need to set hp data? || uncomment to enable
		//"Hit|UDT_HIT|1|999", // disabled = why need to set hit data? || uncomment to enable
	for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.menu$); .@i++) {
		explode(.@n$, .menu$[.@i], "|");
		.@menu$ += .@n$[0]+":";
	.@s = select(.@menu$)-1;
	explode(.data$, .menu$[.@s], "|");
	mes "^777777Param to set :^000000 ^ff0000"+ .data$[0] +"^000000";
	if ( .data$[0] == "Size" ) .@val$ = get_size_name(getd("."+.data$[1]));
	else if ( .data$[0] == "Race" ) .@val$ = get_race_name(getd("."+.data$[1]));
	else if ( .data$[0] == "Ele type" ) .@val$ = get_ele_name(getd("."+.data$[1]));
	else .@val$ = getd("."+.data$[1]);
	mes "^777777Current value :^000000 ^ff0000"+ .@val$ +"^000000";
	mes "^777777Min value :^000000 ^ff0000"+ .data$[2] +"^000000";
	mes "^777777Max value :^000000 ^ff0000"+ .data$[3] +"^000000";
	mes "^777777---------------------^000000";
	if ( .data$[0] == "Size" ) {
		mes "^777777 0 - Small^000000";
		mes "^777777 1 - Medium^000000";
		mes "^777777 2 - Large^000000";
	else if ( .data$[0] == "Race" ) {
		mes "^777777 0 - Formless^000000";
		mes "^777777 1 - Undead^000000";
		mes "^777777 2 - Brute^000000";
		mes "^777777 3 - Plant^000000";
		mes "^777777 4 - Insect^000000";
		mes "^777777 5 - Fish^000000";
		mes "^777777 6 - Demon^000000";
		mes "^777777 7 - Demi-Human^000000";
		mes "^777777 8 - Angel^000000";
		mes "^777777 9 - Dragon^000000";
		mes "^777777 10 - Player(default race for player)^000000";
	else if ( .data$[0] == "Ele type" ) {
		mes "^777777 0 - Neutral^000000";
		mes "^777777 1 - Water^000000";
		mes "^777777 2 - Earth^000000";
		mes "^777777 3 - Fire^000000";
		mes "^777777 4 - Wind^000000";
		mes "^777777 5 - Poison^000000";
		mes "^777777 6 - Holy^000000";
		mes "^777777 7 - Shadow^000000";
		mes "^777777 8 - Ghost^000000";
		mes "^777777 9 - Undead^000000";
		mes "^777777 Enter a value between min and max ^000000";
	input .@val;
	if ( .data$[0] == "Size" ) .@size$ = get_size_name(.@val);
	else if ( .data$[0] == "Race" ) .@race$ = get_race_name(.@val);
	else if ( .data$[0] == "Ele type" ) .@ele$ = get_ele_name(.@val);
	mes "Do you want to set ^ff0000"+.data$[0]+"^000000 to ^ff0000"+((.data$[0] == "Size") ? .@size$:((.data$[0] == "Race") ? .@race$:((.data$[0] == "Ele type") ? .@ele$:.@val)))+"^000000?";
	mes "^777777---------------------^000000";
	mes "Respawning Samsak..";
	setd "."+.data$[1], .@val;
	killmonster strnpcinfo(4),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead";
	donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead";

	mes "Respawning Samsak..";
	.UDT_SIZE = 1;
	.UDT_LEVEL = 99;
	.UDT_RACE = 7;
	.UDT_ELETYPE = Ele_Neutral;
	//.UDT_HP = 99999999; // disabled || uncomment to enable
	.UDT_STR = 10;
	.UDT_AGI = 10;
	.UDT_VIT = 10;
	.UDT_INT = 10;
	.UDT_DEX = 10;
	.UDT_LUK = 10;
	.UDT_DEF = 20;
	.UDT_MDEF = 20;
	//.UDT_HIT = 99; // disabled || uncomment to enable
	.UDT_FLEE = 10;
	.UDT_PDODGE = 10;
	killmonster strnpcinfo(4),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead";
	donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead";
M4: end;

	// Default values on initial spawn
	.UDT_SIZE = 1;
	.UDT_LEVEL = 99;
	.UDT_RACE = 7;
	.UDT_ELETYPE = Ele_Neutral;
	//.UDT_HP = 99999999; // disabled || uncomment to enable
	.UDT_STR = 10;
	.UDT_AGI = 10;
	.UDT_VIT = 10;
	.UDT_INT = 10;
	.UDT_DEX = 10;
	.UDT_LUK = 10;
	.UDT_DEF = 20;
	.UDT_MDEF = 20;
	//.UDT_HIT = 99; // disabled || uncomment to enable
	.UDT_FLEE = 10;
	.UDT_PDODGE = 10;
	.mobid = monster( "vpayon",130,36,"Samsak",2410,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead");
	getunitdata(getnpcid(0), .@d);
	.@dupid = atoi(strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_HIDDEN));
	.gid[.@dupid] = .mobid;
	.mhp[.@dupid] = strmobinfo(4,2410);
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid],UDT_MODE,.@d[UDT_MODE]|0x4000000|0x0200000; // Set MD_STATUS_IMMUNE (0x4000000) because EDP/burn/%MHP based status can skew the DPS counter so much.
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_SIZE, .UDT_SIZE;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_LEVEL, .UDT_LEVEL;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_RACE, .UDT_RACE;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_ELETYPE, .UDT_ELETYPE;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_ELELEVEL, .UDT_ELELEVEL;
	//setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_HP, .UDT_HP;  // disabled || uncomment to enable
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_STR, .UDT_STR;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_AGI, .UDT_AGI;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_VIT, .UDT_VIT;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_INT, .UDT_INT;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_DEX, .UDT_DEX;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_LUK, .UDT_LUK;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_DEF, .UDT_DEF;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_MDEF, .UDT_MDEF;
	//setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_HIT, .UDT_HIT; // disabled || uncomment to enable
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_FLEE, .UDT_FLEE;
	setunitdata .gid[.@dupid], UDT_PDODGE, .UDT_PDODGE;
	.@dupid = atoi(strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_HIDDEN));
		.@mhp = getunitdata(.gid[.@dupid],UDT_HP);
		.@diff = (.mhp[.@dupid] - .@mhp);
		if(.@diff > 0){
			npctalk "Punching Bag has taken " + (.@diff) + " DPS in last 5 seconds.";
			setunitdata .gid[.@dupid],UDT_HP,.mhp[.@dupid];
	function	get_size_name	{
		switch ( getarg(0) ) {
			case 0 : .@val$ = "Small"; break;
			case 1 : .@val$ = "Medium"; break;
			case 2 : .@val$ = "Large"; break;
		return .@val$;
	function	get_race_name	{
		switch ( getarg(0) ) {
			case 0: .@val$ = "Formless"; break;
			case 1: .@val$ = "Undead"; break;
			case 2: .@val$ = "Brute"; break;
			case 3: .@val$ = "Plant"; break;
			case 4: .@val$ = "Insect"; break;
			case 5: .@val$ = "Fish"; break;
			case 6: .@val$ = "Demon"; break;
			case 7: .@val$ = "Demi-Human"; break;
			case 8: .@val$ = "Angel"; break;
			case 9: .@val$ = "Dragon"; break;
			case 10: .@val$ = "Player"; break;
		return .@val$;
	function	get_ele_name	{
		switch ( getarg(0) ) {
			case 0: .@val$ = "Neutral"; break;
			case 1: .@val$ = "Water"; break;
			case 2: .@val$ = "Earth"; break;
			case 3: .@val$ = "Fire"; break;
			case 4: .@val$ = "Wind"; break;
			case 5: .@val$ = "Poison"; break;
			case 6: .@val$ = "Holy"; break;
			case 7: .@val$ = "Shadow"; break;
			case 8: .@val$ = "Ghost"; break;
			case 9: .@val$ = "Undead"; break;
		return .@val$;



note : maybe someone can improve the part getunitdata

Edited by IndieRO

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