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It's been awhile since I updated my revision so I decided to do it today. I just found out that my custom items that have the "callfunc" script doesn't seem to be working. Like this one for example, I have this inside item_db2.txt.


23000,Egg_of_Experience,Egg of Experience,2,,,10,,,, ,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ CallFunc("F_ChooseJob"); },{},{}

And I double checked to see if the corresponding npc file is loaded. I also noticed that other items in my item_db2.txt doesn't work as well. Here's one...

16682,Boarding_Halter_Box,Boarding Halter Box,18,20,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ rentitem 12622,604800; },{},{}

It was working before I updated. Did anything change? What do I do to update the items inside my item_db2.txt? Thanks

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Can you post the script for your F_ChooseJob function? As for your item_db2 entry, your entry appears to be correct; not sure what's going wrong there. Any output messages on the console or user-end effects (or lack thereof) when you attempt to use one?

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If i revert to an older version, it works fine. And even the boarding halter box which doesn't use the choosejob function doesn't work. The prompt comes up for confirmation if I want to open and when I click "OK" nothing happens, the item is still there. Console doesn't show any error either. I'm confused... lol

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Was the file that used F_ChooseJob official? I mean, I don't know how far back you reverted but I was unable to find that function in the latest release.

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Thanks, Samuel. Changing that fixed the problem. So I guess there was a change in item_db entries in between the time I last updated my server upto the present server build..



I have a custom script for the F_choosejob function. 

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Yeah its because of the changes in the item_db giving a separate distinction for third jobs, that's why you need to update your item_db2 and change those 7 to 63 if you intend those items to be use by third jobs.

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