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random item option system




I am currently writing this script.


This is a system that allows you to add desired options to 5 slots of all items.


but i have this script I would like to modify it so that only the weapon can be given the desired option with one slot.


Advice from seniors please. thank you








trin_in,30,164,4    script    잠재력 개방    4_DOG01,{ 
     * General Configuration
    /* 강화 실패 확률 (0 - 99 in percent) */
    .chance_of_failure = 0;
    /* 실패 시 아이템 삭제여부 (true/false) */
    .delete_on_failure = false;
    /* 강화 필요 제니 */
    .zeny_requirement = 100000;
    /* Minimum amount of the bonus value. 
     * For negative effects or certain bonuses that require negative values
     * Maximum possible value is -INT16_MAX)
    .minimum_bonus_amount = -100; // usually used with delay bonus options, although not provided in the script.
    /* Maximum amount of the bonus value. 
     * Maximum possible value is INT16_MAX */
    .maximum_bonus_amount = 10;
    /* Disable selection of bonus value (true/false) */
    .enable_random_bonus = true;
    /* Item Option Descriptions */
    setarray(.options$[0], "공격력", "마법 공격력", "공격속도", "시전속도", "크리티컬 데미지");
    /* Item Option Constants */
    .@name$ = _("[ ^990099잠재력 개방^000000 ]");
    mesf("안녕하세요 %s", strcharinfo(PC_NAME));
    mes("착용하고 계신 무기에 잠재력을 개방시킬 수 있어요.");
    mes("잠재력을 개방시키면 새로운 추가옵션을 얻을 수 있습니다.");
    mes("무기 잠재력 개방을 하시겠습니까?");
    if (select("할게요!", "아뇨 다음에요..") == 2) {
        mes("그래요 다음에 뵈요.");
    // Build the Menu.
    setarray(.@position$[1], "상단", "갑옷", "왼손", "오른손", "걸칠것", "신발");
    .@menu$ = "";
    for (.@i = 1; .@i <= 6; ++.@i)
        .@menu$ += ((getequipisequiped(.@i)) ? getequipname(.@i) : .@position$[.@i] + "-[착용하지 않음]") + ":";
    // Select the part.
    .@equip_index = select(.@menu$);
    // Present a list of currently infused options.
    do {
        .@menu$ = "";
        .@used = false;
        // Build the menu of current options.
        for (.@i = 1; .@i <= MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS; ++.@i) {
            // call getequipoption(<equip_index>, <type>, <slot>);
            // if the return is <0, it's a script error.
            // if the return is 0, the slot is empty.
            // if the return is >0, the slot is unavailable.
            .@opt = getequipoption(.@equip_index, .@i, IT_OPT_INDEX);
            if (.@opt > 0)
                .@menu$ += (.@i) + ") " + .options$[.@opt - 1] + ":";
                .@menu$ += (.@i) + ") ^999999Empty^000000" + ":";
        // Option Slot is the actual option slot 0-MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS (@see mmo.h)
        .@option_slot = select(.@menu$);
        // Check for used slot and request user action if found.
        if (getequipoption(.@equip_index, .@option_slot, IT_OPT_INDEX) > 0) {
            mes("This slot is already used up!");
            if (select("^990000Override the slot.^000000", "Choose again.") == 2)
                .@used = true;
    } while (.@used); // loop if the slot is not to be overridden
    // Present a list of available bonuses.
    mes("Which of the following item bonuses would you like to add to this item?");
    // Build the Options!
    .@menu$ = "";
    for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.options$); ++.@i)
        .@menu$ += (.@i + 1) + ") " + .options$[.@i] + ":";
    do {
        // Select the options!
        .@option_variable = select(.@menu$);
        mesf("You chose ^009900%s^000000!", .options$[.@option_variable - 1]);
        mes("Are you sure?");
    } while (select("Fo Shizzle.", "I'ma re-evaluate, brah.") == 2);
    // Select a bonus or randomise.
    if (.enable_random_bonus) {
        .@value = rand(.maximum_bonus_amount);
    } else {
        do {
            mesf("Please input the bonus amount of ^009900%s^000000 you want to add!", .options$[.@option_variable - 1]);
            mesf("(Min: %d, Max: %d)", .minimum_bonus_amount, .maximum_bonus_amount);
            .@ok = input(.@value, .minimum_bonus_amount, .maximum_bonus_amount);
        } while (.@ok);
    // If there's a chance of failure, inform the user.
    if (.chance_of_failure) {
        mes("Alright so,");
        mes("I'll have you know...");
        mesf("There's a ^990000%d%% chance of failure^000000.", .chance_of_failure);
        mes("Because, well... I didn't go to school.");
        if (.delete_on_failure) {
            mes("If I fail, your item will break and it ^990000will be destroyed^000000!");
        mes("Are you still ready to go forward with this?");
        if (select("Fo shizzle.", "Hells naw, go back to school.") == 2) {
            mes("Geez, you don't have to be so harsh about it.");
    // If there's a Zeny Requirement, perform the usual.
    if (.zeny_requirement > 0) {
        mesf("You also have to pay %dZ.", .zeny_requirement);
        if (select("Of course!", "No way!") == 2) {
            mes("Well, see you around then...");
        if (Zeny < .zeny_requirement) {
            mes("You don't have enough Zeny!");
        Zeny -= .zeny_requirement;
    // Check if there's a chance of failure, set and roll the dice.
    if (.chance_of_failure && rand(100) <= .chance_of_failure) {
        mes("^990000I failed!^000000");
        mes("Guess I should go back to school.");
        // Delete the item if flagged.
        if (.delete_on_failure)
            failedrefitem(.@equip_index); // Simulate failed refinement of the item and delete.
    } else {
        // Set the Item Option bonuses in the slot see db/item_options.conf for more info.
        setequipoption(.@equip_index, .@option_slot, .option_constants[.@option_variable - 1], .@value);
        mes("^009900Praise Jesus^000000");
        mes("I have added an option to your item.");
        mes("My skills are flawless!");
    mes("See you around!");

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On 7/26/2022 at 5:20 PM, 1steric said:



I am currently writing this script.


This is a system that allows you to add desired options to 5 slots of all items.


but i have this script I would like to modify it so that only the weapon can be given the desired option with one slot.


Advice from seniors please. thank you








trin_in,30,164,4    script    잠재력 개방    4_DOG01,{ 
     * General Configuration
    /* 강화 실패 확률 (0 - 99 in percent) */
    .chance_of_failure = 0;
    /* 실패 시 아이템 삭제여부 (true/false) */
    .delete_on_failure = false;
    /* 강화 필요 제니 */
    .zeny_requirement = 100000;
    /* Minimum amount of the bonus value. 
     * For negative effects or certain bonuses that require negative values
     * Maximum possible value is -INT16_MAX)
    .minimum_bonus_amount = -100; // usually used with delay bonus options, although not provided in the script.
    /* Maximum amount of the bonus value. 
     * Maximum possible value is INT16_MAX */
    .maximum_bonus_amount = 10;
    /* Disable selection of bonus value (true/false) */
    .enable_random_bonus = true;
    /* Item Option Descriptions */
    setarray(.options$[0], "공격력", "마법 공격력", "공격속도", "시전속도", "크리티컬 데미지");
    /* Item Option Constants */
    .@name$ = _("[ ^990099잠재력 개방^000000 ]");
    mesf("안녕하세요 %s", strcharinfo(PC_NAME));
    mes("착용하고 계신 무기에 잠재력을 개방시킬 수 있어요.");
    mes("잠재력을 개방시키면 새로운 추가옵션을 얻을 수 있습니다.");
    mes("무기 잠재력 개방을 하시겠습니까?");
    if (select("할게요!", "아뇨 다음에요..") == 2) {
        mes("그래요 다음에 뵈요.");
    // Build the Menu.
    setarray(.@position$[1], "상단", "갑옷", "왼손", "오른손", "걸칠것", "신발");
    .@menu$ = "";
    for (.@i = 1; .@i <= 6; ++.@i)
        .@menu$ += ((getequipisequiped(.@i)) ? getequipname(.@i) : .@position$[.@i] + "-[착용하지 않음]") + ":";
    // Select the part.
    .@equip_index = select(.@menu$);
    // Present a list of currently infused options.
    do {
        .@menu$ = "";
        .@used = false;
        // Build the menu of current options.
        for (.@i = 1; .@i <= MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS; ++.@i) {
            // call getequipoption(<equip_index>, <type>, <slot>);
            // if the return is <0, it's a script error.
            // if the return is 0, the slot is empty.
            // if the return is >0, the slot is unavailable.
            .@opt = getequipoption(.@equip_index, .@i, IT_OPT_INDEX);
            if (.@opt > 0)
                .@menu$ += (.@i) + ") " + .options$[.@opt - 1] + ":";
                .@menu$ += (.@i) + ") ^999999Empty^000000" + ":";
        // Option Slot is the actual option slot 0-MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS (@see mmo.h)
        .@option_slot = select(.@menu$);
        // Check for used slot and request user action if found.
        if (getequipoption(.@equip_index, .@option_slot, IT_OPT_INDEX) > 0) {
            mes("This slot is already used up!");
            if (select("^990000Override the slot.^000000", "Choose again.") == 2)
                .@used = true;
    } while (.@used); // loop if the slot is not to be overridden
    // Present a list of available bonuses.
    mes("Which of the following item bonuses would you like to add to this item?");
    // Build the Options!
    .@menu$ = "";
    for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.options$); ++.@i)
        .@menu$ += (.@i + 1) + ") " + .options$[.@i] + ":";
    do {
        // Select the options!
        .@option_variable = select(.@menu$);
        mesf("You chose ^009900%s^000000!", .options$[.@option_variable - 1]);
        mes("Are you sure?");
    } while (select("Fo Shizzle.", "I'ma re-evaluate, brah.") == 2);
    // Select a bonus or randomise.
    if (.enable_random_bonus) {
        .@value = rand(.maximum_bonus_amount);
    } else {
        do {
            mesf("Please input the bonus amount of ^009900%s^000000 you want to add!", .options$[.@option_variable - 1]);
            mesf("(Min: %d, Max: %d)", .minimum_bonus_amount, .maximum_bonus_amount);
            .@ok = input(.@value, .minimum_bonus_amount, .maximum_bonus_amount);
        } while (.@ok);
    // If there's a chance of failure, inform the user.
    if (.chance_of_failure) {
        mes("Alright so,");
        mes("I'll have you know...");
        mesf("There's a ^990000%d%% chance of failure^000000.", .chance_of_failure);
        mes("Because, well... I didn't go to school.");
        if (.delete_on_failure) {
            mes("If I fail, your item will break and it ^990000will be destroyed^000000!");
        mes("Are you still ready to go forward with this?");
        if (select("Fo shizzle.", "Hells naw, go back to school.") == 2) {
            mes("Geez, you don't have to be so harsh about it.");
    // If there's a Zeny Requirement, perform the usual.
    if (.zeny_requirement > 0) {
        mesf("You also have to pay %dZ.", .zeny_requirement);
        if (select("Of course!", "No way!") == 2) {
            mes("Well, see you around then...");
        if (Zeny < .zeny_requirement) {
            mes("You don't have enough Zeny!");
        Zeny -= .zeny_requirement;
    // Check if there's a chance of failure, set and roll the dice.
    if (.chance_of_failure && rand(100) <= .chance_of_failure) {
        mes("^990000I failed!^000000");
        mes("Guess I should go back to school.");
        // Delete the item if flagged.
        if (.delete_on_failure)
            failedrefitem(.@equip_index); // Simulate failed refinement of the item and delete.
    } else {
        // Set the Item Option bonuses in the slot see db/item_options.conf for more info.
        setequipoption(.@equip_index, .@option_slot, .option_constants[.@option_variable - 1], .@value);
        mes("^009900Praise Jesus^000000");
        mes("I have added an option to your item.");
        mes("My skills are flawless!");
    mes("See you around!");

What you can do is remove every option besides "left hand" or "right hand" 

// Build the Menu.
    setarray(.@position$[1], "상단", "갑옷", "왼손", "오른손", "걸칠것", "신발");  /// << Leave only right hand or both if you want to add to shields too.
    .@menu$ = "";
    for (.@i = 1; .@i <= 6; ++.@i)  /// <<<< Here you change 6 to 1 OR 2 depending on if you want right hand or both.
        .@menu$ += ((getequipisequiped(.@i)) ? getequipname(.@i) : .@position$[.@i] + "-[착용하지 않음]") + ":";
    // Select the part.
    .@equip_index = select(.@menu$);

So change to : 

// Build the Menu.
    setarray(.@position$[1], "오른손");
    .@menu$ = "";
    for (.@i = 1; .@i <= 1; ++.@i)
        .@menu$ += ((getequipisequiped(.@i)) ? getequipname(.@i) : .@position$[.@i] + "-[착용하지 않음]") + ":";
    // Select the part.
    .@equip_index = select(.@menu$);

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