First of all, sorry for my english. I have some questions that I couldn't resolve it. I hope that you can help me because I'm newbie with this.
The first question and the most important for me. I don't know what is it (something about the quest?), but how can I remove it or translate it? (I attached an image). I guess if something about the data folder.
The second is, I can't see the correct names and the icons in the shops (attached an image).
And the last one: How I can remove the icons that show up over the npcs?
Thanks so much!
EDIT: I attached another image when I open the shop.
First of all, sorry for my english. I have some questions that I couldn't resolve it. I hope that you can help me because I'm newbie with this.
The first question and the most important for me. I don't know what is it (something about the quest?), but how can I remove it or translate it? (I attached an image). I guess if something about the data folder.
The second is, I can't see the correct names and the icons in the shops (attached an image).
And the last one: How I can remove the icons that show up over the npcs?
EDIT: I attached another image when I open the shop.

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