Client Date: 2022-04-06_Ragexe
Server Mode: Pre-Renewal
Description of Issue: Killcount problem for Achievement Group "ACH_KILL_MOB_CLASS".
Result: The killcount doesnt go to anyone inside the group and stays 0 when you have party exp share enabled.
Expected Result: The killcount should be shared among the members of the group that are nearby ("AREA_SIZE")
How to Reproduce: Create a group with another player and enable party exp share, kill a monster that is on the list of achievements, and you will see that the achievementupdate doesnt work anymore.
Hi everyone!
Client Date: 2022-04-06_Ragexe
Server Mode: Pre-Renewal
Description of Issue: Killcount problem for Achievement Group "ACH_KILL_MOB_CLASS".
Result: The killcount doesnt go to anyone inside the group and stays 0 when you have party exp share enabled.
Expected Result: The killcount should be shared among the members of the group that are nearby ("AREA_SIZE")
How to Reproduce: Create a group with another player and enable party exp share, kill a monster that is on the list of achievements, and you will see that the achievementupdate doesnt work anymore.
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