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poring catcher event problem


i'm having problem with poring catcher. when the player killed the correct poring nothing happens. but when the player killed the wrong poring he loses and warped out of the play area.


//= Poring Catcher - Auto Event Script//===== By: ================================================================================//= Washi - www.EarthBound-RO.com//===== Compatible With: ====================================================================//= Any eAthena Version//===== Description: ========================================================================//= Single NPC that starts automatically starts every hour.//===== Additional Comments: ================================================================//= This script is a combenation of the Dice Event by [Mahina]//= and the origonal Poring Catcher Event by [Wild Karrd]//================================================================================//===========//= OnMinute - Change this to the minute you would like this script to load. [ LINE 22 ]//= getitem - Change this to the Item ID of your prize. [ LINE 118 ]//================================================================================//===========-	script	poring#announcer	-1,{OnInit:    disablenpc "Poring Catcher Warper";    hideonnpc "Poring Catcher#evnt2";    end;OnClock0030: // SET THE 30 TO THE MINUTE YOU WANT THE EVENT TO START EACH HOUR.OnClock0430:OnClock0830:OnClock1230:OnClock1630:OnClock2030:OnClock1900:OnGMStart:	announce "Poring Catcher : It's time to play some Poring Catcher!",0;    killmonster "poring_w01","All";    sleep2 10000;    announce "Poring Catcher : Please make your way to the west side of our maintown, Tower of God!",0;    sleep2 10000;    announce "Poring Catcher : After 1 minute, the portal will close!",0;    sleep2 10000;    announce "Poring Catcher : Enter the portal now if you want to join.",0;    enablenpc "Poring Catcher Warper";    initnpctimer;    end;OnTimer30000:    announce "Poring Catcher : Last 30 seconds.",0;    sleep2 5000;    announce "Poring Catcher : Hurry to the west side of TOG if you want to join.",0;    end;    OnTimer50000:    announce "Poring Catcher : Last 10 seconds.",0;    end;    OnTimer55000:    announce "Poring Catcher : 5.",0;    end;    OnTimer56000:    announce "Poring Catcher : 4.",0;    end;    OnTimer57000:    announce "Poring Catcher : 3.",0;    end;    OnTimer58000:    announce "Poring Catcher : 2.",0;    end;    OnTimer59000:    announce "Poring Catcher : 1.",0;    end;    OnTimer60000:    announce "Poring Catcher : Time's up. Portal will open again in four hours.",0;    end;    OnTimer61000:    disablenpc "Poring Catcher Warper";    donpcevent "Poring Catcher#evnt2::OnEnable";    stopnpctimer;    end;}	prontera,158,171,0	warp	Poring Catcher Warper	0,0,poring_w01,106,129    //--------------------------------------------------    prontera,162,171,1	script	Poring Catcher	909,{if (getgmlevel()<50){player_here:	mes "^FF0000[Poring Catcher Schedule]^000000";	mes "^0000FF[        00:30AM        ]^000000";	mes "^0000FF[        04:30AM        ]^000000";	mes "^0000FF[        08:30AM        ]^000000";	mes "^0000FF[        12:30PM        ]^000000";	mes "^0000FF[        04:30PM        ]^000000";	mes "^0000FF[        08:30PM        ]^000000";	next;	mes "^FF0000[Poring Catcher]^000000";	mes "Current Prize:";	mes "----------------------";	mes "^008000"+$rewardamount+" "+getitemname($rewarditem)+"s";	close;}gm_only:	if (getgmlevel() < 80) goto player_here;	mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher Warper^000000";	mes "Yes, master?";	mes "What can I do for you today, master?";	next;	switch(select("Start Event:Stop Event:Check Prize:Set Prize:Nothing"))	{	case 1:		next;		mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000";		mes "Hello, GM ^008000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000!";		mes "Do you want to start the event?";		next;		switch(select("Yes:Leave"))		{		case 1:			next;			mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000";			mes "Here we go!";			close2;			announce "GM "+strcharinfo(0)+" has started the Poring Catcher Event!",0;			sleep 2000;			donpcevent "poring#announcer::OnGMStart";			end;		case 2:			next;			mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000";			mes "Ok, nothing changed!";			close;		}	case 2:		next;		mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000";		mes "Hello, GM ^008000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000!";		mes "Do you want to stop the event?";		mes " ";		mes "^FF0000Note that you can only stop the event if it is already starting.";		mes "If the event is still on the giving of directions, it couldn't be stopped!^000000";		next;		switch(select("Yes:No"))		{		case 1:			next;			mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000";			mes "Close this window to stop the event!";			close2;			goto stopbygm;		case 2:			next;			mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000";			mes "Ok, nothing changed!";			close;		}	case 3:		next;		mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000";		mes "Current Prize :";		mes "-------------------";		mes "^008000"+$rewardamount+" "+getitemname($rewarditem)+"s";		next;		goto gm_only;	case 4:		next;		mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000";		mes "What will be the new reward?";		input .@itemid;		if (getitemname(.@itemid) == "null" || getitemname(.@itemid) == "") {next; mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000"; mes "The item is not found in the database.."; next; goto gm_only; }		set $rewarditem, .@itemid;		next;		mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000";		mes "How many ^008000"+getitemname($rewarditem)+"s^000000 should we give?";		input .@itemamount;		if(.@itemamount <= 0) {next; mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000"; mes "Please input a # greater than 0"; next; goto gm_only; }		set $rewardamount,.@itemamount;		next;		mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000";		mes "So, the winner will get ^008000"+$rewardamount+" "+getitemname($rewarditem)+"s";		next;		goto gm_only;	case 5:		next;		mes "^FF0000Poring Catcher^000000";		mes "Nothing Changed!";		close;	}	stopbygm:	stopnpctimer;	killmonster "poring_w01","All";	announce "Poring Catcher Event was stopped by GM "+strcharinfo(0)+"!",0;	sleep 2000;	mapwarp "poring_w01","prontera",155,176;	end;}    //--------------------------------------------------poring_w01,100,127,4	script	Poring Catcher#evnt2	715,{//--------------------------------------------------    mes "[Poring Catcher]";    if(PORING == 1) goto L_PORING;    mes "Please tell me your name";    next;    input .@name$;    if(.@name$ != strcharinfo(0)) {        mes "[Poring Catcher]";        mes "Are you sure thats your character name?";        close;    }    mes "[Poring Catcher]";    mes "Go home!";    close2;    announce "Poring Catcher : All laugh at, "+.@name$+". - This player tried to cheat the system. Muhahahahaha!",0;    warp "prontera",155,176;    end;L_PORING:    mes "Please tell me your name";    next;    input .@name$;    if(.@name$ != strcharinfo(0)) {        mes "[Poring Catcher]";        mes "Are you sure thats your character name?";        close;    }    mes "[Poring Catcher]";    mes "Congrats. You've won.";    close2;    announce "Poring Catcher : We have a winner, "+.@name$+". with "+$rewardamount+" "+getitemname($rewarditem)+"s",0;    getitem $rewarditem, $rewardamount; // SET THE 20085 TO THE ITEM ID OF YOUR PRIZE    set PORING,0;    warp "prontera",155,176;    hideonnpc "Poring Catcher#evnt2";    end;    OnEnable:    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : In 5 Minutes, I will be summoning 100 different Porings.",0;	initnpctimer;    sleep2 10000;    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Only one of these Porings is the correct Poring.",0;    sleep2 10000;    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : The correct Poring is called [ Poring ], all the other Porings have different names.",0;    sleep2 10000;    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : If you kill the wrong Poring, you're out of the game.",0;    sleep2 10000;    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : The first player to kill the correct Poring wins.",0;    sleep2 10000;    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : That's that.. Now let's play...",0;    goto L_Start;    end;OnTimer270000:	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Time is running out! You only got 30 seconds left!",0;	end;	OnTimer300000:	stopnpctimer;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Time is up! No one found the correct Poring!",0;	atcommand "@doommap";    killmonster "poring_w01","All";	sleep 3000;	mapwarp "poring_w01","prontera",155,176;	end;    L_Start:    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 5",0;    sleep2 1000;    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 4",0;    sleep2 1000;    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 3",0;    sleep2 1000;    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 2",0;    sleep2 1000;    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 1",0;    sleep2 1000;    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Lets Do This!",0;    areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1002,1,"poringwin::OnMobKilled";    areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Pouring",1002,20,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";    areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Proing",1002,20,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";    areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poiring",1002,20,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";    areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poing",1002,20,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";    areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Porning",1002,20,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";    areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"PoriNg",1002,20,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";    areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Porong",1002,20,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";    areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"P0ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";    areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Por1ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";    areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Porng",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";    end;}-	script	poringwin	-1,{OnMobKilled:    dispbottom "Poring : Congratulations. You've got me.";    set PORING,1;    atcommand "@doommap";    killmonster "poring_w01","All";    mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Come to me and tell me your name.",0;    hideoffnpc "Poring Catcher#evnt2";    end;}-	script	poringlose	-1,{OnMobKilled:    dispbottom "Poring Catcher : Wahaha, you're a loser! - I wasn't the correct Poring.";    warp "prontera",155,176;    end;}// -- Mapflagsporing_w01	mapflag	nowarpporing_w01	mapflag	nowarptoporing_w01	mapflag	noteleportporing_w01	mapflag	nosaveporing_w01	mapflag	nomemoporing_w01	mapflag	nobranchporing_w01	mapflag	nolootporing_w01	mapflag	noskillporing_w01	mapflag	nopenalty


Output in the server when i killed the correct poring:


Help me please! Thank you!

Edited by zxoom

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will check


Try this version of poring catcher

//=========== PORING CATCHER MADE ==============//=== BY: SHOGS-GFX and RAGNAROK DEVELOPERS ====//= Please Report if you encounter some errors =//===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======//==============================================//==FUNCTIONS===================================/* GM Can start the event manualy   GM Can also stop the event manualyHOW: just PM this npc (npc:pcatch)The Next Guide Will Be Given by the Manager 	*///======= PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CREDITS =========//==============================================//== MORE UPDATES TO COME FOR BETTER FUNCTION ==//===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======//==============================================//====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========-	script	GMCONTROL	-1,{OnInit:set $gmcontrol,60;end;}//---------------END OF SETUP-------------------//================ON WHISPER=========================-	script	pcatch	-1,{//====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========//OnInit://set $gmcontrol,60;//end;//---------------END OF SETUP-------------------OnWhisperGlobal:if(getgmlevel() >= $gmcontrol) {mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";	mes "Hello GameMaster!";mes "What do you want to do?";switch(select("Start Event:Stop Event:Nothing")){	case 1: 	{		next;		mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";		mes "Please confirm by typing START."; 		input .@confirm$;          		if (.@confirm$ == "START") 		{			donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStart"; 			close;		}		mes "Confirmation failed";		close;		break;	}	case 2:	{		next;		mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";		mes "Please confirm by typing STOP."; 		input .@confirm$;          		if (.@confirm$ == "STOP") 		{			donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStop";			close;		}		mes "Confirmation failed";		close;		break;			}						case 3:	{		next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";		mes "Good bye"; 		close;	}}}}//====================ANNOUNCER======================-	script	Announcer2	-1,{OnGMStart:	killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";	announce "(Poring Manager) : A Gamemaster started a Poring Catcher Event now.",0;	sleep 3000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera, enter the warp portal.",0;	enablenpc "PoringCatcher";	sleep 2000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : Prize: will be TCG and Gold Coins",0;	sleep 2000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal is going to close in one minute.",0;  	sleep 60000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal has been closed.",0;	disablenpc "PoringCatcher";	if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) 	{		disablenpc "Poring Banker";		announce "Event Poring Catcher didn't start because there's no players.",0;		end;	}	donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable";	end;OnGMStop:	killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";	announce "A Gamemaster has stopped the Poring Catcher Event",0;	mapwarp "poring_w01.gat","prontera.gat",155,173;	disablenpc "Poring Banker";	disablenpc "PoringCatcher";	end;OnClock1200:OnClock1100:OnClock1300:OnClock2300:	killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";	announce "(Poring Manager) : Poring Catcher Event will start at the moment.",0;	sleep 3000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera, enter the warp portal.",0;	enablenpc "PoringCatcher";	sleep 2000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : Prize: will be TCG and Gold Coins",0;	sleep 2000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal is going to close in one minute.",0;  	sleep 60000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal has been closed.",0;	disablenpc "PoringCatcher";	if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) 	{		disablenpc "Poring Banker";		announce "Event Poring Catcher didn't start because no players found in map.",0;		end;	}	donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable";	end;OnInit:	set .MaxRound,3;	disablenpc "Poring Banker";	disablenpc "PoringCatcher";}//---------All Job Registration----------------------------------------prontera,155,173,0	warp	PoringCatcher	2,2,poring_w01,105,128//---------------------------------------------------------------------//----------------------------------------------------------------------	script	Poring Banker	-1,{OnEnable:mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: The Poring Catcher Event will start shortly",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: I will be summoning 100 porings with different names kill the real poring",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: What are we waiting for?..Let's Catch some Porings!!...",0;sleep2 10000;goto L_Start;end;L_Start:	if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) goto L_None;	if(getmapusers("poring_w01") >= 1) {	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: Get ready at the count of 5 we will start!....",0;	sleep2 6000;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 5",0;	sleep2 5000;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 4",0;	sleep2 4000;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 3",0;	sleep2 3000;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 2",0;	sleep2 2000;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 1",0;	donpcevent "Poringsummoner::OnSummon";	end;	}	L_None:	disablenpc "Poring Banker";	killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";	end;}//==================SUMMONER OF PORINGS ======================-	script	Poringsummoner	-1,{OnSummon:   if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) goto L_2None;   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1002,1,"poringwin::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Pouring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Proing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poirng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"I'm not a Poring",1002,5,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Gnirop",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1113,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1062,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Por|ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Por1ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Porong",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"P0ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"P@ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Porng",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";end;L_2None:disablenpc "Poring Banker";killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";end;}//==================REAL PORING FOR WIN======================-	script	poringwin	-1,{OnMobKilled:   killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";   atcommand "@doommap";   getitem 7227,1;   getitem 671, 10;   announce "Poring Banker: We have a winner! well done " + strcharinfo(0) + ".",0;   warp "SavePoint",0,0;   end;}//==================DUMY PORINGS FOR LOSERS======================-	script	poringlose	-1,{OnMobKilled:  {   message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry, You did not catch the right Poring !";   percentheal -99,-99;   warp "prontera",155,176;   end;   }}//==================Mapflags========================poring_w01	mapflag	nowarpporing_w01	mapflag	nowarptoporing_w01	mapflag	noteleportporing_w01	mapflag	nosaveporing_w01	mapflag	nomemoporing_w01	mapflag	nobranchporing_w01	mapflag	nolootporing_w01	mapflag	noskillporing_w01	mapflag	nopenalty

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//=========== PORING CATCHER MADE ==============//=== BY: SHOGS-GFX and RAGNAROK DEVELOPERS ====//= Please Report if you encounter some errors =//===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======//==============================================//==FUNCTIONS===================================/* GM Can start the event manualy   GM Can also stop the event manualyHOW: just PM this npc (npc:pcatch)The Next Guide Will Be Given by the Manager 	*///======= PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CREDITS =========//==============================================//== MORE UPDATES TO COME FOR BETTER FUNCTION ==//===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======//==============================================//====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========-	script	GMCONTROL	-1,{OnInit:set $gmcontrol,60;end;}//---------------END OF SETUP-------------------//================ON WHISPER=========================-	script	pcatch	-1,{//====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========//OnInit://set $gmcontrol,60;//end;//---------------END OF SETUP-------------------OnWhisperGlobal:if(getgmlevel() >= $gmcontrol) {mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";	mes "Hello GameMaster!";mes "What do you want to do?";switch(select("Start Event:Stop Event:Nothing")){	case 1: 	{		next;		mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";		mes "Please confirm by typing START."; 		input .@confirm$;          		if (.@confirm$ == "START") 		{			donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStart"; 			close;		}		mes "Confirmation failed";		close;		break;	}	case 2:	{		next;		mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";		mes "Please confirm by typing STOP."; 		input .@confirm$;          		if (.@confirm$ == "STOP") 		{			donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStop";			close;		}		mes "Confirmation failed";		close;		break;			}						case 3:	{		next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";		mes "Good bye"; 		close;	}}}}//====================ANNOUNCER======================-	script	Announcer2	-1,{OnGMStart:	killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";	announce "(Poring Manager) : A Gamemaster started a Poring Catcher Event now.",0;	sleep 3000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera, enter the warp portal.",0;	enablenpc "PoringCatcher";	sleep 2000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : Prize: will be TCG and Gold Coins",0;	sleep 2000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal is going to close in one minute.",0;  	sleep 60000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal has been closed.",0;	disablenpc "PoringCatcher";	if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) 	{		disablenpc "Poring Banker";		announce "Event Poring Catcher didn't start because there's no players.",0;		end;	}	donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable";	end;OnGMStop:	killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";	announce "A Gamemaster has stopped the Poring Catcher Event",0;	mapwarp "poring_w01.gat","prontera.gat",155,173;	disablenpc "Poring Banker";	disablenpc "PoringCatcher";	end;OnClock1200:OnClock1100:OnClock1300:OnClock2300:	killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";	announce "(Poring Manager) : Poring Catcher Event will start at the moment.",0;	sleep 3000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera, enter the warp portal.",0;	enablenpc "PoringCatcher";	sleep 2000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : Prize: will be TCG and Gold Coins",0;	sleep 2000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal is going to close in one minute.",0;  	sleep 60000;	announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal has been closed.",0;	disablenpc "PoringCatcher";	if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) 	{		disablenpc "Poring Banker";		announce "Event Poring Catcher didn't start because no players found in map.",0;		end;	}	donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable";	end;OnInit:	set .MaxRound,3;	disablenpc "Poring Banker";	disablenpc "PoringCatcher";}//---------All Job Registration----------------------------------------prontera,155,173,0	warp	PoringCatcher	2,2,poring_w01,105,128//---------------------------------------------------------------------//----------------------------------------------------------------------	script	Poring Banker	-1,{OnEnable:mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: The Poring Catcher Event will start shortly",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: I will be summoning 100 porings with different names kill the real poring",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: What are we waiting for?..Let's Catch some Porings!!...",0;sleep2 10000;goto L_Start;end;L_Start:	if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) goto L_None;	if(getmapusers("poring_w01") >= 1) {	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: Get ready at the count of 5 we will start!....",0;	sleep2 6000;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 5",0;	sleep2 5000;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 4",0;	sleep2 4000;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 3",0;	sleep2 3000;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 2",0;	sleep2 2000;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 1",0;	donpcevent "Poringsummoner::OnSummon";	end;	}	L_None:	disablenpc "Poring Banker";	killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";	end;}//==================SUMMONER OF PORINGS ======================-	script	Poringsummoner	-1,{OnSummon:   if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) goto L_2None;   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1002,1,"poringwin::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Pouring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Proing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poirng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"I'm not a Poring",1002,5,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Gnirop",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1113,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1062,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Por|ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Por1ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Porong",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"P0ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"P@ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";   areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Porng",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";end;L_2None:disablenpc "Poring Banker";killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";end;}//==================REAL PORING FOR WIN======================-	script	poringwin	-1,{OnMobKilled:   killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";   atcommand "@doommap";   getitem 7227,1;   getitem 671, 10;   announce "Poring Banker: We have a winner! well done " + strcharinfo(0) + ".",0;   warp "SavePoint",0,0;   end;}//==================DUMY PORINGS FOR LOSERS======================-	script	poringlose	-1,{OnMobKilled:  {   message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry, You did not catch the right Poring !";   percentheal -99,-99;   warp "prontera",155,176;   end;   }}//==================Mapflags========================poring_w01	mapflag	nowarpporing_w01	mapflag	nowarptoporing_w01	mapflag	noteleportporing_w01	mapflag	nosaveporing_w01	mapflag	nomemoporing_w01	mapflag	nobranchporing_w01	mapflag	nolootporing_w01	mapflag	noskillporing_w01	mapflag	nopenalty


Tried This. When I Killed The Correct Poring It Says "Sorry, You did not catch the right Poring !"

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^ It means you killed a wrong Poring.. note this 

 areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1113,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; // DROPS areamonster "poring_w01.gat",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1062,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; // SANTA PORING

Same Poring name but Different on Sprite .


Objective is to hunt down the real poring with the Real Sprite.

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