On old system, I can do pc_readglobalreg(sd, "variablename") and the data will be read from global_reg_value sql table.
But, ever since Hercules 1st mega update, setd command in npc script is now stored in char_reg_num_db sql table. The problem is now I can't read it anymore in a source by using pc_readglobalreg(sd, "variablename"). It will just return 0.
May I know what's the right source command now that can be used to retrieve the data in the source?
On pc.h
On old system, I can do pc_readglobalreg(sd, "variablename") and the data will be read from global_reg_value sql table.
But, ever since Hercules 1st mega update, setd command in npc script is now stored in char_reg_num_db sql table. The problem is now I can't read it anymore in a source by using pc_readglobalreg(sd, "variablename"). It will just return 0.
May I know what's the right source command now that can be used to retrieve the data in the source?
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