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script goes into infinite loop


Hello All,


i have a script for mining and it gets stuck in an infinite loop and freezes up causing players to re-log.


Does anyone have any advice on how stop the freezing up?


Thank you in advance





/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NORMAL MINE////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-	script	MinerSpot	-1,{	freeloop(0);	if (!getarraysize($@CommonMinerals)) goto OnInit;	if (countitem(7318) < 1) {		mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";		mes "Yeah, this is a beautiful mineral vein, but i can't work on it.";		mes " ";		mes ">> Required item: ^FF0000" + getitemname(7318) + " ^000000<<";		close;	}	// * Remove 1 Old Pick	delitem 7318,1;		// Game Startup (don't change)	set @HRock,rand(10,25);	// How strong is the rock	set @Hpick,rand(10,21);	// How strong is the Old Pick	set @HWeak,rand(9);	// Weak spot in the rock	set @HWP,0;		// Flag for Weak Point Found		// ** Resistence	set @RESIST,0;	// Headgear	if (isequipped(5031) || isequipped(5009))		set @RESIST, @RESIST + 50 + getequiprefinerycnt(1);	else {		if (getequipisequiped(1)) set @RESIST, @RESIST + 15 + getequiprefinerycnt(1);		if (getequipisequiped(9)) set @RESIST, @RESIST + 10;		if (getequipisequiped(10)) set @RESIST, @RESIST + 5;	}		// * Shoes	if (isequipped(2401) || isequipped(2402) || isequipped(2403) || isequipped(2404) || isequipped(2407) || isequipped(2416))		set @RESIST, @RESIST + 10 + getequiprefinerycnt(6);	else if (getequipisequiped(6))		set @RESIST, @RESIST + 20 + getequiprefinerycnt(6);			// * Hand protectors	if (getequipid(7) == 2604 || getequipid(7) == 2615  || getequipid(7) == 2624 || getequipid(7) == 2667 || getequipid(7) == 2692 || getequipid(7) == 2701)		set @RESIST, @RESIST + 10;	if (getequipid(8) == 2604 || getequipid(8) == 2615  || getequipid(8) == 2624 || getequipid(8) == 2667 || getequipid(8) == 2692 || getequipid(8) == 2701)		set @RESIST, @RESIST + 10;	if (@RESIST > 100) set @RESIST, 100;		// * Armor	if (getequipisequiped(2)) set @RESIST, @RESIST + 10 + getequiprefinerycnt(2);		// * Chance to get minerals - (10 = 10%) - (20 = 5%) - (100 = 1%)	set @HLuck,rand(2);	mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";	mes "I need discover a weak point in this mineral vein as soon as posible.";	mes " ";	mes ">> Equip Resistance: ^FF0000" + @RESIST + "%^000000";	next;L_BrkRock:	if (@HRock > 20)		set @RockSt$,"^0EAE1B";	else if (@HRock > 15)		set @RockSt$,"^7CAE0E";	else if (@HRock > 10)		set @RockSt$,"^E3C521";	else if (@HRock > 5)		set @RockSt$,"^D86112";	else		set @RockSt$,"^D82412";		if (@Hpick > 20)		set @PickSt$,"^0EAE1B";	else if (@Hpick > 15)		set @PickSt$,"^7CAE0E";	else if (@Hpick > 10)		set @PickSt$,"^E3C521";	else if (@Hpick > 5)		set @PickSt$,"^D86112";	else		set @PickSt$,"^D82412";	for (set @x, 0; @x < 25; set @x, @x + 1) {		if (@HRock > @x)			set @RockSt$, @RockSt$ + "¤";		else			set @RockSt$, @RockSt$ + "^E0E0E0¤";		if (@Hpick > @x)			set @PickSt$, @PickSt$ + "¤";		else			set @PickSt$, @PickSt$ + "^E0E0E0¤";	}	mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";	if (@HWP){		mes "Weak Point: ^0000FF" + $@PickLocation$[@HWeak] + "^000000";	} else {		mes "Searching Weak Point...";	}	mes "> Rock: ";	mes " [" + @RockSt$ + "^000000]";	mes "> " + getitemname(7318) + ": ";	mes " [" + @PickSt$ + "^000000]";	next;	deletearray @KPos,127;	deletearray @KNm$,127;	setarray @KPos[0],50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50;	set @i, 0;	while(@i < 9) {		set @Wrd, rand(9);		set @Repeated,0;		if (@i > 0) {			for (set @x, 0; @x < @i; set @x, @x + 1) {				if (@Wrd == @KPos[@x]) set @Repeated,1;			}		}		if (!@Repeated) {			// Set the position in the array			set @KPos[@i],@Wrd;			set @i, @i + 1;		}	}	set @tmpMenu$,"";	for (set @x, 0; @x < 9; set @x, @x + 1) {		set @tmpMenu$, @tmpMenu$ + $@PickLocation$[@KPos[@x]] + ":";	}	set @tmpMenu$, @tmpMenu$ + "Exit";	// Select the location to break the rock	set @opc, select(@tmpMenu$) - 1;	if (@opc == 9) goto L_Exit;	// Weak side found!	if (@KPos[@opc] == @HWeak) {		soundeffect "chepet_attack.wav",0;		set @HWP,1;		set @Hpower1, rand(3,4);		set @Hpower2, rand(2);	} else {		soundeffect "apocalips_h_move.wav",0;		set @Hpower1, rand(2);		set @Hpower2, rand(1,3);	}	set @HRock, @HRock - @Hpower1;	set @Hpick, @Hpick - @Hpower2;	if (!rand(10)) {		// Accident!!!		mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";		if (@RESIST < 100 || !rand(10)) {			if (Sex)				soundeffect "die_male.wav",0;			else				soundeffect "die_merchant_female.wav",0;			percentheal -rand(1,rand(100-@RESIST)),0;			mes "^FF0000" + $@MNAccidents$[rand(getarraysize($@MNAccidents$))] + "^000000";		} else {			mes "^FF0000" + $@MNAccidents2$[rand(getarraysize($@MNAccidents2$))] + "^000000";		}		if (Hp < 1) close;		next;	} else if (!rand(500)) {		// Earth Quake!!!		soundeffect "earth_quake.wav",0;		percentheal -100,-100;		announce "The mine is colapsing, you are dead!",3;		end;	}	if (@Hpick < 1) {		// Old Pick is broken!		specialeffect2 155;		mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";		mes "Holy shit, i broke this " + getitemname(7318) + "!";		mes " ";		mes ">> ^FF0000" + countitem(7318) + "^000000 " + getitemname(7318) + " left";		close;	}	// Give another chance while @HRock is > 0	if (@HRock > 0) goto L_BrkRock;	soundeffect "tming_success.wav",0;	specialeffect 266;	mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";	mes "Yeahh!!!, the stone wall is history!";	next;	soundeffect "ice_titan_die.wav",0;L_GetMinerals:	if (@Hpick > 20){		set @PickSt$,"^0EAE1B";	} else if (@Hpick > 15){		set @PickSt$,"^7CAE0E";	} else if (@Hpick > 10){		set @PickSt$,"^E3C521";	} else if (@Hpick > 5){		set @PickSt$,"^D86112";	} else {		set @PickSt$,"^D82412";	}	for (set @x, 0; @x < 25; set @x, @x + 1) {		if (@Hpick > @x){			set @PickSt$, @PickSt$ + "¤";		} else {			set @PickSt$, @PickSt$ + "^E0E0E0¤";		}	}	mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";	mes "> " + getitemname(7318) + ": ";	mes " [" + @PickSt$ + "^000000]";	next;	select("Beat");	// Clang!!!	soundeffect "green_iguana_damage.wav",0;		set @Points, rand(@HLuck);	if (!@Points) { // 10%		set @IType, rand(1000);		if (!@IType) { // 0.1%			set @Mineral, $@BonusItems[rand(getarraysize($@BonusItems))];			set @Message$, "OMG!!! i found 1 " + getitemname(@Mineral) + "!";		} else if (@IType < 50) { // 5%			set @Mineral, $@SpecialMinerals[rand(getarraysize($@SpecialMinerals))];			set @Message$, "Yeah!, this is usefull!";		} else { // 94.9%			set @Mineral, $@NormalMinerals[rand(getarraysize($@NormalMinerals))];			set @Message$, "There's nothing usefull here?";		}	} else { // 90%		set @Mineral, $@CommonMinerals[rand(getarraysize($@CommonMinerals))];		set @Message$, "Pfff...";	}	if (@Mineral > 500) {		// Check weight		if (checkweight(@Mineral,1) == 0) {			mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";			mes "Damn!!!... i need more space to get this...";			mes "(You Lose: ^FF00001 " + getitemname(@Mineral) + "^000000)";			close;		}		getitem @Mineral,1;		dispbottom "Mine: You get 1 " + getitemname(@Mineral);		mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";		mes @Message$;		next;	} else {		mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";		mes ">> Grr!!... damn mine!!! <<";		next;	}	// Calculate the Old Pick	set @Hpick, @Hpick - rand(3);	if (@Hpick < 1) {		// Old Pick is broken!		specialeffect2 155;		mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";		mes "Damn, i broke this " + getitemname(7318) + ".";		mes " ";		mes ">> ^FF0000" + countitem(7318) + "^000000 " + getitemname(7318) + " left";		close;	}	goto L_GetMinerals;	end;L_Exit:	mes "[^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]";	mes "I'm tired... fiuuufff...";	close;	end;OnInit:	setarray $@CommonMinerals[0],	909,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1;	setarray $@NormalMinerals[0],	715,716,717,7067,7300,733,910,911,912,984,985,998,999,1002,1010,1011,7053,7054,7096,7220,7321;	setarray $@SpecialMinerals[0],	718,719,720,721,722,723,724,725,726,727,728,729,730,731,732,990,991,992,993,994,995,996,997,1000,1003,7224,7231,7232,7233,7289,7290,7291,7292,7293,7294,7295,7296,969;	setarray $@BonusItems[0],	616,2622,2605,2616,2621,2624,2626,2665,2666,2667,2670,2673,	2682,2683,2684,2685; // OCA & RINGS	setarray $@PickLocation$[0],	"[O] Center","[/] Up","[/] Down","[<] Left","[>] Right","[<] Top Left","[/>] Top Right","[</] Bottom Left","[>] Bottom Right";	setarray $@MNAccidents$[0],	"Ouchhh!!! my eye... snifff","Arghh!!!!... my finger!","Ouch!... a stone fell on my head...";	setarray $@MNAccidents2$[0],	"Oh my lord, that was lucky!","He he he... i'm protected!";}


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	freeloop(1);	while(@i < 9) {		set @Wrd, rand(9);		set @Repeated,0;		if (@i > 0) {			for (set @x, 0; @x < @i; set @x, @x + 1) {				if (@Wrd == @KPos[@x]) set @Repeated,1;			}		}		if (!@Repeated) {			// Set the position in the array			set @KPos[@i],@Wrd;			set @i, @i + 1;		}	}	freeloop(0);

Just add freeloop(1) and freeloop(0) before and after that part, as shown above.

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