jaBote 438 Posted July 25, 2013 It's supposed you can use this with any client as far as I'm concerned. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Takumirai 1 Posted July 25, 2013 @jabote , i have problem with opensetup/setup.exe - there's an error appear when i use 2013 client 20130605 - [string ''buf'']:1: attempt to index global 'CmdOnOffList' (a nil value) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted July 25, 2013 Updated to 2.8.2, fixes a Lua loading bug and adds sanity checks for Lua for people with Lua errors in client (and messed up installs). Also updates Russian and Japanese translation. There is no public 2.8.1, because it was not stable. New bits: TEXT_ERROR_INSANE_ENGINE, "Selected settings engine has determined, that your installation state will interfere with the correct loading and saving of settings.rnrnSee opensetup.log for details." 1 evilpuncker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted July 28, 2013 Updated to 2.8.3, fixes and updates translations, no functional changes. 1 evilpuncker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaBote 438 Posted July 28, 2013 Translating the new string: TEXT_ERROR_INSANE_ENGINE, "Se ha observado que el estado de la instalación de Ragnarök Online interfiere en la carga y el guardado correcto de ajustes.rnrnMás detalles en el archivo opensetup.log"Not quite sure on this one, though. 1 Ai4rei reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alohadoubt 0 Posted July 29, 2013 Is there a way to make it work on 2013 client? because when I save the options this one occur(2010?/2011?/2012) CmdOnOffList["/notrade"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/noshift"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/noctrl"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/skillfail"] = 1CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg2"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/showname"] = 1CmdOnOffList["/fog"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/aura"] = 1CmdOnOffList["/window"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/miss"] = 1CmdOnOffList["/q1"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/q2"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/effect"] = 1CmdOnOffList["/bgm"] = 1CmdOnOffList["/sound"] = 1CmdOnOffList["/loginout"] = 1CmdOnOffList["/shopping"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/stateinfo"] = 1CmdOnOffList["/snap"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/itemsnap"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/skillsnap"] = 1CmdOnOffList["/hoai"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/merai"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/camera"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/lightmap"] = 1CmdOnOffList["/monsterhp"] = 1OptionInfoList["Trilinear"] = 0OptionInfoList["Bgm_Volume"] = 100OptionInfoList["Effect_Volume"] = 100OptionInfoList["AutoOpen1to1Window"] = 1OptionInfoList["AutoOpen1to1Window_Friend"] = 1OptionInfoList["PlaySound_Open1to1Window"] = 1OptionInfoList["Outdoor_ViewLatitude"] = -45.000000OptionInfoList["Outdoor_ViewDistance"] = 300.000000OptionInfoList["Indoor_ViewLatitude"] = -45.000000OptionInfoList["Indoor_ViewDistance"] = 300.000000OptionInfoList["SkinName"] = "<Basic Skin>"OptionInfoList["ChannelCopID"] = 0OptionInfoList["Window_XPos"] = 640OptionInfoList["Window_YPos"] = 300OptionInfoList["Simplicity_SkillList"] = 0OptionInfoList["Show_SkillDescript"] = 0OptionInfoList["ChangeChatMode"] = 1OptionInfoList["LockMouse"] = 0OptionInfoList["ShowBattleFieldIcon"] = 1OptionInfoList["MouseExclusive"] = 1OptionInfoList["ISFULLSCREENMODE"] = 0OptionInfoList["WIDTH"] = 640OptionInfoList["HEIGHT"] = 480OptionInfoList["BITPERPIXEL"] = 16OptionInfoList["DEVICECNT"] = 0OptionInfoList["MODECNT"] = 0OptionInfoList["SPRITEMODE"] = 2OptionInfoList["TEXTUREMODE"] = 2OptionInfoList["bLockItemDropFromItemWnd"] = 0 but on 2013 client, its different(2013) CmdOnOffList = {["/battlemode"] = 0,["/notrade"] = 0,["/noshift"] = 0,["/noctrl"] = 1,["/skillfail"] = 1,["/notalkmsg"] = 0,["/notalkmsg2"] = 0,["/showname"] = 1,["/fog"] = 1,["/aura"] = 1,["/window"] = 0,["/miss"] = 1,["/q1"] = 0,["/q2"] = 0,["/effect"] = 1,["/bgm"] = 1,["/sound"] = 1,["/loginout"] = 1,["/shopping"] = 1,["/stateinfo"] = 1,["/snap"] = 0,["/itemsnap"] = 0,["/skillsnap"] = 1,["/hoai"] = 0,["/merai"] = 0,["/camera"] = 0,["/btg"] = 1,["/lightmap"] = 1}OptionInfoList = {Window_XPos = -1,Window_YPos = -1,Trilinear = 0,Bgm_Volume = 100,Effect_Volume = 100,AutoOpen1to1Window = 1,AutoOpen1to1Window_Friend = 1,PlaySound_Open1to1Window = 1,Simplicity_SkillList = 0,Show_SkillDescript = 0,ChangeChatMode = 1,LockMouse = 0,ChannelCopID = 0,Outdoor_ViewLatitude = -45,Outdoor_ViewDistance = 400,Indoor_ViewLatitude = -45,Indoor_ViewDistance = 300,SkinName = "<Basic Skin>",MouseExclusive = 1, ISFULLSCREENMODE = 0,WIDTH=800,HEIGHT=600,BITPERPIXEL=16} Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted July 29, 2013 (edited) There is no difference between those two, except that the later also declares the dictionary if it does not already exist. Also the latest official setup still generates: OptionInfoList["Bgm_Volume"] = 0OptionInfoList["Effect_Volume"] = 0OptionInfoList["MouseExclusive"] = 0OptionInfoList["ISFULLSCREENMODE"] = 0OptionInfoList["WIDTH"] = 640OptionInfoList["HEIGHT"] = 480OptionInfoList["BITPERPIXEL"] = 16OptionInfoList["DEVICECNT"] = 0OptionInfoList["MODECNT"] = 0OptionInfoList["SPRITEMODE"] = 2OptionInfoList["TEXTUREMODE"] = 2CmdOnOffList["/bgm"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/sound"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/notrade"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/noshift"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/noctrl"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/skillfail"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg2"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/showname"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/fog"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/aura"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/window"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/miss"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/effect"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/shopping"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/stateinfo"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/loginout"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/snap"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/itemsnap"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/camera"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/hoai"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/merai"] = 0CmdOnOffList["/lightmap"] = 0While the thing you posted, looks way more like decompiled defaults from systemLuaFiles514OptionInfo.lub Thus I do not see a reason for a change. Edited July 29, 2013 by Ai4rei 1 evilpuncker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alohadoubt 0 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) ohhhhh now I see. I forgot to test and include this "SystemLuaFiles514OptionInfo.lub" I thot its not included on 2013 but still I tried and it worked. thanks mate Edited July 30, 2013 by alohadoubt Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted September 1, 2013 Updated to 2.9.0, adds troubleshooting option for disabling hardware-accelerated graphics, detection of active mirror drivers (which prevent hardware-acceleration) and various tweaks to visuals and translations. New bits: IDCHECKBOX_HELDEVICE, "Turns hardware-accelerated graphics on and off.nnThis option is only for troubleshooting graphics card issues. When enabled, graphics card will not be utilized by the client for graphics rendering.nNote: This option is NOT recommended for low and average system specification users." IDINFOICON_VIDEO_MIRRORDRIVER, "Warning: Mirror driver detected.nnYour graphics card cannot be detected when a mirror driver is active. This can be caused by an active VNC session, remote control server software or malware." TEXT_DLG_HELDEVICE, "Disable hardware-accelerated graphics" 2 jaBote and evilpuncker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaBote 438 Posted September 23, 2013 Translating'em since I've a bit of free time: IDCHECKBOX_HELDEVICE, "Activa o desactiva la aceleración de gráficos por hardware.nnUtiliza esta opción solo si tienes problemas con tu tarjeta gráfica. Si está activado, el cliente no utilizará la tarjeta gráfica para renderizar gráficos.nNota: Esta opción NO se recomienda para los usuarios de sistemas de bajas o medias capacidades." IDINFOICON_VIDEO_MIRRORDRIVER, "Aviso: Se ha detectado un controlador espejo (mirror driver).nnNo se puede detectar tu tarjeta gráfica si tienes un controlador espejo activo. Esto puede ocurrir a causa de una sesión activa de VNC, software de control remoto o malware." TEXT_DLG_HELDEVICE, "Desactivar aceleración de gráficos por hardware" As I told you, a bit unsure on the mirror drivers one, but the others are good enough. 1 Ai4rei reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Petey Pablo 0 Posted October 19, 2013 Do you have RO Open setup that can support with latest PlayOnLinux? I already try your latest version but it doesnt work on Ubuntu 13.10 with latest PlayOnLinux. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted October 20, 2013 (edited) Since PlayOnLinux is uses WINE, it should work. But this is the first time I saw it, I'll look into it. Edit: Hmm, after playing around with it a bit, PlayOnLinux is just a front-end that does simple stuff, the complicated way. OpenSetup runs fine on WINE/PlayOnLinux in a VM when graphics accelerated emulation is off (VM settings) and WINE crashes when graphics acceleration is available. Since I do not have a real machine with linux installed, you should be more specific about what does not work for you. Edited October 20, 2013 by Ai4rei 1 evilpuncker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted October 20, 2013 Updated to 2.9.1, updates Japanese and Spanish translation. No functional changes. 1 evilpuncker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted June 29, 2014 Updated to 2.10.0, adds three new in-game commands and improves compatibility and troubleshooting. New bits: IDINFOICON_SOUND_MISSINGFILES, "Warning: Missing or corrupt 'Miles Sound System' files.nnYou are missing some or all of the following files: 'mss32.dll', 'mssfast.m3d', 'mp3dec.asi'. Background music might not work." IDCHECKBOX_MONSTERHP, "Turns monster HP display on and off.nnIngame: /monsterhp" IDCHECKBOX_Q1, "Turns F9 mouse-mapping on and off.nEnables you to use a skill assigned to F9 hotkey with a right-click.nnIngame: /quickspell or /q1" IDCHECKBOX_Q2, "Turns F7 and F8 mouse-mapping on and off.nEnables you to use skills assigned to F7 and F8 hotkeys by rolling the mouse wheel up and down respectively.nnIngame: /quickspell2 or /q2" 2 evilpuncker and Legend reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaBote 438 Posted June 29, 2014 Meep meep IDINFOICON_SOUND_MISSINGFILES, "Aviso: Los archivos de "Miles Sound System" faltan o están corruptos.nnFaltan todos o algunos de los siguientes archivos: 'mss32.dll', 'mssfast.m3d', 'mp3dec.asi'. La música del juego podría no funcionar." IDCHECKBOX_MONSTERHP, "Activa o desactiva mostrar la barra de vida restante (HP) de los monstruos.nnUso en el juego: /monsterhp" IDCHECKBOX_Q1, "Activa o desactiva el mapeo de F9 al ratón.nPermite utilizar la skill asignada a la tecla F9 con un click derecho.nnUso en el juego: /quickspell o /q1" IDCHECKBOX_Q2, "Activa o desactiva el mapeo de F7 y F8 al ratón.nPermite utilizar skills asignadas a las teclas F7 y F8 desplazando la rueda del ratón hacia arriba y abajo, respectivamente.nnUso en el juego: /quickspell2 o /q2" 2 Ai4rei and Legend reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted July 29, 2014 Updated to 2.10.1, updates Japanese and Spanish translation. No functional changes. 1 evilpuncker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted July 29, 2014 Updated to 2.10.1, updates Japanese and Spanish translation. No functional changes. great mind giving me the missing bits from portuguese so I can translate them? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted July 31, 2014 great mind giving me the missing bits from portuguese so I can translate them? http://pastebin.com/FReKEKZs Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted July 31, 2014 great mind giving me the missing bits from portuguese so I can translate them? http://pastebin.com/FReKEKZs done http://pastebin.com/KGa1pZ0L 1 Ai4rei reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted August 3, 2014 Thanks. Updated to 2.10.2, updates Brazilian Portuguese translation. No functional changes. 1 evilpuncker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted August 11, 2014 Updated to 2.11.0, improves Lua settings saving and adds an option to save in data rather than savedata as some older clients expect the settings there. 1 evilpuncker reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted August 11, 2014 great =D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
erijhon 3 Posted August 20, 2014 (edited) Well, guys, I need a little bit help here... I was having te same error trying to save changes with OpenSetup (LUA mode, as REG mode is not working with my client). I'm used the last version available, 2014-08-11opensetup- I have attached 2 screenshots, with my OpenSetup desired configuration and the error I get when I try to save the changes. Also, there, you can see that systemluafiles514optioninfo.lub file exists. I copied it from a working client folder. == RO OpenSetup Log ============================================================[2014-08-20 10:39:17.586][info] Logging started.[2014-08-20 10:39:17.586] [info] Version: (built: 53e8e3a9, linker: 6.0, subsystem: 4.0, checksum: 00060923)[2014-08-20 10:39:17.586] [info] Operating System: Windows 8 (6.2.9200, Windows NT platform, 32-bit)[2014-08-20 10:39:17.586] [info] Memory Utilization: 32%[2014-08-20 10:39:17.586] [info] Integrity Level: High[2014-08-20 10:39:17.586] [info] Command Line: "C:UsersErijhonDesktopNewClientROopensetup.exe"[2014-08-20 10:39:17.586] [Warning] Either there is no config file or it failed to open.[2014-08-20 10:39:17.609][info] Enumerated 2 DX7 drivers.[2014-08-2010:39:17.609] [info] Driver 'Controlador de pantalla primaria': 13video modes (5 filtered), 1 hw devices, 1 sw devices[2014-08-20 10:39:17.609] [info] HW Device 'Direct3D HAL': Type 1[2014-08-20 10:39:17.609] [info] SW Device 'RGB Emulation': Type 0[2014-08-20 10:39:17.609] [info] Driver 'Intel® HD Graphics 4000': 13 video modes (5 filtered), 1 hw devices, 1 sw devices[2014-08-20 10:39:17.609] [info] HW Device 'Direct3D HAL': Type 1[2014-08-20 10:39:17.609] [info] SW Device 'RGB Emulation': Type 0[2014-08-20 10:39:17.642][info] OnChangeSettingsEngine: LUA[2014-08-20 10:39:36.521][info] LUA settings engine sanity check started.[2014-08-20 10:39:36.521] [info] Checking for 'SystemLuaFiles514OptionInfo.lub'...[2014-08-20 10:39:36.521] [info] Default settings file 'SystemLuaFiles514OptionInfo.lub' found. Continuing...[2014-08-20 10:39:36.521] [info] Checking for 'savedataOptionInfo.lua'...[2014-08-20 10:39:36.521] [info] Settings file 'savedataOptionInfo.lua' found, can be both read and written.[2014-08-20 10:39:36.521] [info] Checking for 'savedataOptionInfo.lub'...[2014-08-20 10:39:36.521] [Warning] File 'savedataOptionInfo.lub' found.[2014-08-20 10:39:36.521] [Error] Remove *.lub files from your savedata or your client won't be able to read settings.[2014-08-20 10:39:36.521][info] LUA settings engine sanity check stopped.================================================================================ What can be happening? Is there something else I can provide you to let you know what's going on? Thank you guys. EDIT: Guys, I was so desperate that I couldn't see I was having a different error after having copied the OptionInfo.lub file. Now the problem was, as the LOG file says, that OptionInfo.lub file was also in SaveData (I don't know how, I never copied it there). After deleting it, OpenSetup perfectly works. Thanks and sorry for the time I might have taken. Edited August 20, 2014 by erijhon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tinpont 3 Posted October 24, 2014 (edited) Here is the Chinese Simplified translate for OpenSetup http://pastebin.com/bT5cHSah Edited October 24, 2014 by tinpont 1 Ai4rei reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ai4rei 321 Posted October 26, 2014 (edited) Here is the Chinese Simplified translate for OpenSetup http://pastebin.com/bT5cHSah Thank you. Updated to 2.11.2, adds Simplified Chinese translation, updates Spanish translation and fixes various UI and debug log issues. Also read the doc/history.txt if you happen to use Ctrl+Cancel. Edit: Also updated the sources while being at it. Edited October 26, 2014 by Ai4rei Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites