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Guild Antagonist Support


Okay, so following what was posted by Annieruru in another topic I added the changes needed to make players able to attack each other if their guild is listed as an antagonist guild for that said enemy. I also made a few changes to this:


/*====================================================* Player sd, asking player tsd a formal enemy relation between their 2 guilds*---------------------------------------------------*/int guild_opposition(struct map_session_data *sd,struct map_session_data *tsd){    struct guild *g, *tg;    int i;    nullpo_ret(sd);    g=sd->guild;    tg=tsd->guild;    if(g==NULL || tsd==NULL)        return 0;    // Prevent creation opposition with same guilds [LuzZza]    if(sd->status.guild_id == tsd->status.guild_id)        return 0;    //Checks to antagonist count returns 0 if max.    if( guild->get_alliance_count(g,1) >= battle_config.max_guild_alliance )    {        clif->guild_oppositionack(sd,1);        return 0;    }    //Checks antagonist count of target guild, returons 0 if max.    if( guild->get_alliance_count(tg,1) >= battle_config.max_guild_alliance )    {        clif->guild_oppositionack(sd,1);        return 0;    }    for (i = 0; i < MAX_GUILDALLIANCE; i++) { // checking relations        if(g->alliance[i].guild_id==tsd->status.guild_id){            if (g->alliance[i].opposition == 1) { // check if not already hostile                clif->guild_oppositionack(sd,2);                return 0;            }            if(map->agit_flag || map->agit2_flag) // Prevent the changing of alliances to oppositions during WoE.                return 0;            //Change alliance to opposition.            intif->guild_alliance(sd->status.guild_id,tsd->status.guild_id,             sd->status.account_id,tsd->status.account_id,8);            //Change alliance to oppostion for Target Guild.            intif->guild_alliance(tsd->status.guild_id,sd->status.guild_id,                 tsd->status.account_id,tsd->status.account_id,8);        }    }    // inform other serv    intif->guild_alliance(sd->status.guild_id,tsd->status.guild_id,     sd->status.account_id,tsd->status.account_id,1);    // inform other serv for target guild    intif->guild_alliance(tsd->status.guild_id,sd->status.guild_id,         tsd->status.account_id,sd->status.account_id,1);    return 0;}


Which promptly checks to see if the "target" guild has a free slot in it's antagonist list, then if both the src & target guild have free slots, it will add them both to each other's antagonist list, and thusly inform each guild as well.


What I need help doing is editing the removal process. I can't seem to figure out how to make it so when Guild A removes Guild B from their list, Guild A needs to be removed from Guild B's list as well. But incidentally this isn't enough for what I need it to do.

I was trying to write 2 script commands that would do the following:


1. Add each guild to each other's Antagonist list. ( Still haven't figured out the best way of doing this without just directly copy + paste the code into a BUILDIN block ). I keep running into trouble when trying to find the information of the target guild. Especially since I don't know how to code this so it acts like a skill scroll, where you can click the target and it pulls the required information... @.@;


2. Remove each guild from each other's Antagonist list. ( I haven't started on this because I don't know how to do it through a patch yet, also in order for this command to be useful to my needs, I need to disable the possibility of guild leader's being able to remove them on their own ). <-- Is it even possible to remove the deletion option? I would assume I could remove the code block but would the player still have the option of Right Click -> Delete? I think that'd result in a crash D:


I am in need of help from the src masters i've seen recently... spread light on the darkness that clouds my tiny brain !!

Edited by GmOcean

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