Kasthiel 1 Posted April 16, 2015 hi , I installed and played the npc curtins in the illustration folder , but when I go to play in the NPC , not much happens , what can be wrong? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bringer 0 Posted May 13, 2015 i want change prize item can anyone guide me? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kong 9 Posted May 26, 2015 This script is a little buggy, configurations when changed in-game are not applying at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
butasro 1 Posted December 21, 2015 (edited) Error when the machine gets success /* =============================================================/* Slot Machine - Triple Slot Machine/* =============================================================/* Version: v0.7/* v0.1 - Original Script Created./* v0.2 - Added Option for Triple Slot Machine with animations./* v0.3 - Added support for item pricing &/or zeny pricing./* v0.4 - Cleaned up script variables for easy editing./* v0.5 - Tested out some new scripting methods with IF(THEN)./* v0.6 - Added option to change slot machine modes ingame./* v0.7 - Added optional sound effects to slot machines. - NOTE/* =============================================================/* Description/* =============================================================/* This script will allow users to spend zeny &/or an item for a/* chance to win a prize from the slot machine. Currently there/* are 2 versions. First is a Single Slot Machine, where only 1/* slot is rolled. Second is the Triple Slot machine, where 3/* slots are rolled. For either version, SUCCESS must be the/* only thing displayed in order to win./* =============================================================/* NOTE - If using soundeffects you must add the ".wav" files/* provided in the ".rar" file to your: data/wav folder located/* in either your: ( Ragnarok folder ) OR ( .grf file )/* =============================================================/* Created By: GmOcean/* ===========================================================*/moc_para01,174,100,4 script SlotMachine::1slot 563,{ if( getgmlevel() == 99 ) { mes "Welcome Administrator.","What would you like to do?"; menu "Play Game",-,"Change Slot Machine Mode",iMode; next; }switch( getd(".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"") ){ case 0: // Single Slot machine mode. mes "Do you want to play a game?"; if( !.payment ) { mes "It costs: "+ .ssm_payment_message$[0] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 1 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .ssm_payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 2 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .ssm_payment_message$[0] +" & "+ .payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } if( select("YES:NO") == 2 || Zeny < .ssm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.ssm_payment[1]) < .ssm_payment[2] && .payment ){ close; } while( @menu == 1 ){ if( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) { Zeny -= .ssm_payment[0]; } if( .payment ) { delitem( .ssm_payment[1], .ssm_payment[2] ); } if( .soundeffects ) { soundeffect "se_cash_provider.wav",0; } .@a = rand(1,100); if( .@a < atoi(.ssm_animate$[0]) ){ .@a = 1; } else { .@a = 2; } .@b = 1; while( .@b < atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]) ) { cutin .ssm_animate$[3] + .@b,4; sleep2 ( ( atoi(.ssm_animate$[4]) * 1000 ) / atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]) ); .@b++; } if( .@a == 1 ){ cutin .ssm_animate$[3] + atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]),4; dispbottom "Failed"; } else { cutin .ssm_animate$[3] + atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]),4; if( !.prize || .prize == 2 ) { Zeny += .ssm_prize[0]; } if( .prize ) { getitem .ssm_prize[1], .ssm_prize[2]; } if( .soundeffects ){ soundeffect "rog_steal coin.wav",0; } } if( select("Another Round:I'm done") == 2 || Zeny < .ssm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.ssm_payment[1]) < .ssm_payment[2] && .payment ){ cutin "",255; close; } } end; case 1: // Triple Slot machine mode. mes "Do you want to play a game?"; if( !.payment ) { mes "It costs: "+ .tsm_payment_message$[0] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 1 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .tsm_payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 2 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .tsm_payment_message$[0] +" & "+ .tsm_payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } if( select("YES:NO") == 2 || Zeny < .tsm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.tsm_payment[1]) < .tsm_payment[2] && .payment ){ close; } while( @menu == 1 ){ if( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) { Zeny -= .tsm_payment[0]; } if( .payment ) { delitem( .tsm_payment[1], .tsm_payment[2] ); } if( .soundeffects ) { soundeffect "se_cash_provider.wav",0; } // Slot 1 = 100% Chance for success. (Because I didn't make a fail animation for it. .@2 = rand(1,100); //Rolls dice for Slot 2 .@3 = rand(1,100); //Rolls dice for Slot 3 if( .@2 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[0]) && .@3 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 8; } else if( .@2 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[0]) && .@3 > atoi(.tsm_animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 6; } else if( .@2 > atoi(.tsm_animate$[0]) && .@3 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 4; } else { .@a = 2; } .@b = 1; while( .@b < atoi(.tsm_animate$[.@a+1]) ) { cutin .tsm_animate$[.@a] + .@b,4; sleep2 ( ( atoi(.tsm_animate$[10]) * 1000 ) / atoi(.tsm_animate$[.@a+1]) ); .@b++; } cutin .tsm_animate$[.@a] + atoi(.tsm_animate$[.@a+1]),4; if( .@a == 2 ){ if( !.prize || .prize == 2 ) { Zeny += .tsm_prize[0]; } if( .prize ) { getitem .tsm_prize[1], .tsm_prize[2]; } if( .soundeffects ){ soundeffect "rog_steal_coin.wav",1; } } else { dispbottom "Failed"; } if( select("Another Round:I'm done") == 2 || Zeny < .tsm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.tsm_payment[1]) < .tsm_payment[2] && .payment ){ cutin "",255; close; } } end; }OnSingleSlot:setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",0;end;OnTripleSlot:setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",1;end;iMode:next;mes "Which did you want to do?";menu "Change THIS machine's mode:Change ALL machine's mode",-;if( @menu == 1 ) { next; mes "What mode would you like this machine to have?"; menu "Single Slot Machine Mode:Triple Slot Machine Mode",-; if( @menu == 1 ) { setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",0; } else { setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",1; } close; } else { next; mes "What mode would you like to change all slot machines to?"; menu "Single Slot Machine Mode:Triple Slot Machine Mode",-; if( @menu == 1 ) { donpcevent "::OnSingleSlot"; } else { donpcevent "::OnTripleSlot"; } close; }OnInit:// 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled..soundeffects = 1;//[ 0 = Single Slot Machine Mode ]_[ 1 = Triple Slot Machine Mode ]setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",0;//[0] = Fail Rate//[1] = Fail (Do not change)//[2] = Success (Do not change)//[3] = File Name (Do not change)//[4] = Animation Time (Do not change, for best results )setarray .ssm_animate$[0],"30","29","33","slot_","3";//[0] = Fail Rate "Slot 2"//[1] = Fail Rate "Slot 3"//[2] = SSS (Do not change)//[3] = SSS_Count (Do not change)//[4] = SSF (Do not change)//[5] = SSF_Count (Do not change)//[6] = SFS (Do not change)//[7] = SFS_Count (Do not change)//[8] = SFF (Do not change)//[9] = SFF_Count (Do not change)//[10] = Animation Time (Do not change, for best results )setarray .tsm_animate$[0],"30","30","SSS_","41","SSF_","37","SFS_","41","SFF_","45","3";// Prize Settings// Prize Type// 0 = Zeny, 1 = Item, 2 = Zeny&Item.prize = 1;// [0] = Zeny, [1] = Item ID, [2] = Item Amount;setarray .ssm_prize[0],7608,14232,10;setarray .tsm_prize[0],7608,14232,30;// Payment Settings// Payment Type// 0 = Zeny, 1 = Item, 2 = Zeny&Item.payment = 0;// [0] = Zeny, [1] = Item ID, [2] = Item Amount;setarray .ssm_payment[0],100000; // Single Slot Machine Payment Pricesetarray .tsm_payment[0],100000; // Triple Slot Machine Payment Price// DO NOT CHANGE BELOW// Payment Text Syntaxsetarray .ssm_payment_message$[0],""+ .ssm_payment[0] +" zeny",""+ getitemname(.ssm_payment[1]) +" x"+ .ssm_payment[2] +"";setarray .tsm_payment_message$[0],""+ .tsm_payment[0] +" zeny",""+ getitemname(.tsm_payment[1]) +" x"+ .tsm_payment[2] +"";end;}//Duplicates//prontera,154,176,4 duplicate(1slot) SlotMachine#2slot 563//prontera,156,176,4 duplicate(1slot) SlotMachine#3slot 563 Edited December 21, 2015 by AnnieRuru use [code] if the script > 10 lines Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dhaisuke 1 Posted January 8, 2017 can anyone help me, i've add the script and cutins and sound effect in my .grf but when i start clicking the npc cutins not showing Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Begin 11 Posted June 1, 2018 Hello, May I know how to set the change of winning an item? Thank you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieRuru 958 Posted June 1, 2018 // Prize Settings // Prize Type // 0 = Zeny, 1 = Item, 2 = Zeny&Item .prize = 2; // [0] = Zeny, [1] = Item ID, [2] = Item Amount; setarray .ssm_prize[0],125,501,10; setarray .tsm_prize[0],450,501,30; the script doesn't let you to give more than 1 item in the configuration so can only change 10 red pot or 30 red pot ssm is single slot machine and tsm is triple slot machine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites