Hi I'm requesting 2 script_commands that are pretty self explanatory: duplicatenpc & duplicateremove.
I know this is possible since we are able to duplicate npcs for instances. But I want to do that outside of instances. I made an attempt myself, but sadly fell short (who am I kidding, far, very far) of what I believe is needed.
So, seeing as how I failed miserably, I've come to ask you expert's to do this for me. I don't know if my attempt will prove useful but there it is in all it's pile of mess lol.
If payment is required, then send me a PM and we can discuss terms there. Otherwise, I'd hope to get this done for free D:
Hi I'm requesting 2 script_commands that are pretty self explanatory: duplicatenpc & duplicateremove.
I know this is possible since we are able to duplicate npcs for instances. But I want to do that outside of instances. I made an attempt myself, but sadly fell short (who am I kidding, far, very far) of what I believe is needed.
So, seeing as how I failed miserably, I've come to ask you expert's to do this for me. I don't know if my attempt will prove useful but there it is in all it's pile of mess lol.
If payment is required, then send me a PM and we can discuss terms there. Otherwise, I'd hope to get this done for free D:
Please & Thank You!
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