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Git Pull messed up EVERYTHING


So I'll put this in General as like the title says, git pull messed up almost everything on my server.


- Reduction (race,elemental,size) doesn't work -again


- HP Pool got reduced to 1/3 of the original HP (before git pull HP of Baby Sin 98000, after update 32000) 


- Almost ALL the src/common files have "<<<<<<<HEAD" and ">>>>>>> 5d83253484c92116580fd400eb77b8fe65f1b1f3" embedded somewhere in the codes


- Same with scripts have "<<<<<<<<HEAD" and ">>>>>>> 5d83253484c92116580fd400eb77b8fe65f1b1f3" all over the scripts. Both custom and official ones from the SVN


- After git pull, I can't even upload files to my own host? O_O Permission Denied? As a root user? LOL! So I need to delete the file on the trunk and replace it manually?



I've updated through git pull before (total of 4 times all in all) but this is the first time this has happened.

Now I got a bunch of pissed off players on the server who will most likely leave very very soon.



What happened? It wasn't like this before. 

Edited by Dogpatch

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the best thing you could do was setting up a private repository for your server and then pushing each hercules update to it, what simply happened now is that when you update it will just replaced your files (that you have edited I guess) with the new ones, and about the hp thing, read here.

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Well I know it just replaced the edited files. I guess the "git pull" should not be encouraged anymore if this is what happens when you use it.

Other than that, any other solutions to fix this? All the files pretty much got messed up.


About the HP/SP,

Makes sense but that just completely f***** up servers that have a max level over 150. 


Is there a way to get the prior Herc files that didn't mess up anything?

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there is no way to make it automatically I guess, and for the hp/sp problem just generate a new one with this

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Well I know it just replaced the edited files. I guess the "git pull" should not be encouraged anymore if this is what happens when you use it.

Other than that, any other solutions to fix this? All the files pretty much got messed up.


About the HP/SP,

Makes sense but that just completely f***** up servers that have a max level over 150. 


Is there a way to get the prior Herc files that didn't mess up anything?

Git pull is encouraged, as we always said, there's chances of conflicts, if you have edited extensively (or sometimes even a line or two can cause conflicts)

Those <<<<<< and >>>>>>> states conflicts and shows your vs their lines.

So you need to manually edit conflicts.

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I always encourage myself and others with your issue to always sustain a backup before you do a git pull.

Curious, did you ever happen to do a git stash of all your edits and then do a git pull? Git Stashing reverts ever edit you ever made and makes the Hercules a "fresh" install with no edits while "Stashing" away any changes you made to the original git repo.

That's what I do and I have had no issues whatsoever.

If you DID do that, then I have no idea what went wrong. If you're good with source or added a ton of changes from the hercules community in your source folder, that's where your problem lies. In the db for all your custom changes you should always use whatever dbname(2) like don't use item_db.conf to add custom items, use item_db2.conf to add custom items. That will make your changes not matter in the case you modified your DB by adding custom items/preferences. @@Dogpatch

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Yeah I have a backup of most of the files I've edited. And yeah, I have a extensive edited source files =P


Oh well, gotta learn from mistakes I guess and move on. Nothing can really be done now other than fixing it manually. Thanks for all who replied.

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Yeah I have a backup of most of the files I've edited. And yeah, I have a extensive edited source files =P


Oh well, gotta learn from mistakes I guess and move on. Nothing can really be done now other than fixing it manually. Thanks for all who replied.

You can stash it and just checkout your commit.

If you have used git commit prior to git pull,

You can use it by

git checkout revHash

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