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Devil's Square Nightmare-Mode 2021 NEW! (@editds, @disableds, @repeatds!) 1.2

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Devil Square [Nightmare-Mode]


(Special thanks to: IeYaseru (Old friend who gave me a DS script I reinvented)





In this version of Devil's Square, once the amount of players have joined, that's it.

You won't be able to continue going back inside of Devil Square once you die, after entering and Devil Square starts, it will be closed.

All other players won't be able to join, and it's up to all the players to either complete Devil Square or die and not be able to come back in.


If no players enter in the timeframe, it will cancel out the event.

Also counts up the Max amount of Users when they enter Devil's Square. Once the Max Users have been established, no one else can join, and then it's just up to that team of people!

Once all the Players have died and warped out of the event, it will announce that all the users who entered have failed Victory in Devil Square, and the event will be reset.




Difference in Type 2:


In this version when you die and get warped out, if you hurry up you'll be able to come back into Devil Square again.

NOTE: You WILL have to REPAY the amount of Zeny to re-enter.

Since players can die, and repay/pay at anytime to join inside the event, there's no need to cancel out the event if no one joins.


New Additions to Revision 5 (For Type 1 And Type 2):

Created commands:

@disableds - Allows you to disable Devil Square whenever you want (This feature is also inside of the NPC!)

@repeatds - Allows you to repeat the Devil Square on the go. (This feature is also inside of the NPC!)

@editds - Allows you to edit, or as I put it "Over Ride" the settings in the OnInit: inside of [DS] Organizer::DSORG

Changes happen in the menu whether the event is active or not. If it's active it will allow you to disable or go to the Player Menu, if it's unactive it'll ask if you want to Start Devil's Square.

Basically redesigned a lot of the aspects of the script, beforehand it didn't even work, and had errors upon errors.

Made the script to be flexible and totally configurable!

Future additions/ideas: Add the ability to also edit the mob data for each Round as well as the MvP list.

Also before hand if it was <= 5 users it would only spawn 8 Treasure Chests, otherwise it would spawn 16. Now you can choose as much as you want!

When a GM is editing an option inside of Devil's Square, another GM cannot edit an option until that GM is done editing an option via `@editds`.


NOTE: Not every Treasure Chest is the same either!

What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


  • No changes yet.
  • Fixed bugs & made compatible with Hercules 2021 emulator.

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