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  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    High-Res Damagefont Here is a new damage font i've cooked for you guys. Alot simpler than the other ones ive uploaded, wen't for a more minimalistic design. I've tried not to kill the pixelated vibe that we all love from the original one, but still improving its resolution. Was pretty happy with the result ;] Hope you all like it. CyA
  2. 1 point

    Introducing Hercules Channel System

    Introducing Hercules' Channel System Hello~! - What?! 1st, it is a replacement for the old @main 2nd, it is a super ultra mega improvement compared to the functionality @main provided. 3rd, whops. there is no 3rd. channels.conf format /* default channels (available on boot) */ default_channels: { /* channel_name : channel_messages_color */ main: "Orange" /* available as #main */ support: "Blue" /* available as #support */ trade: "Red" /* available as #trade */ offtopic: "Cyan" /* available as #offtopic */ /* as many channels as you like */ } /* colors available */ colors: { Default: "0xffffff" /* custom channels will use the first in the list unless a font is selected thru @channel */ Red: "0xff0000" Blue: "0x83cfe9" Orange: "0xe57c00" Cyan: "0x00b89d" Yellow: "0xffff90" Green: "0x28bf00" Normal: "0x00ff00" /* as many colors as you like */ } /* allow users to create their own (private) channels through @channels command? */ /* (must also allow players to use @channels in groups.conf) */ allow_user_channel_creation: true /* "map_local_channel" is a instanced channel unique to each map */ map_local_channel: true map_local_channel_name: "map" /* available as #map */ map_local_channel_color: "Yellow" map_local_channel_autojoin: true /* can disable autojoin in specific maps through mapflag or zone: nomapchannelautojoin */ /* "ally_channel" is a channel shared by all your guild allies */ ally_channel_enabled: true ally_channel_name: "ally" /* available as #ally */ ally_channel_color: "Green" ally_channel_autojoin: true Notes on the format/configuration default_channels is the list of reboot-persistent channels, you can setup as many as you like and each can have its own color for chat, which you can specify in colors (again, you can setup as many as you like) map_local_channel is a feature that grants each map its own instanced channel (available, by default as #map -- which can be changed as per map_local_channel_name) map_local_channel_autojoin whether users will autojoin the local channel when they load a map with it enabled map_local_channel_autojoin can be disabled on selected maps (e.g. if you dont want it on gvg maps) through a mapflag (with a horribly long name D:) '<map name><tab>mapflag<tab>nomapchannelautojoin' ally_channel_enabled is a feature that grants a instanced channel for each guild's allies (as well as their own members), available by default as #ally -- which can be changed as per map_local_channel_name ally_channel_autojoin whether users will autojoin their respective ally chats upon login. New Commands Explained @join Simple: @join <#channel_name>or, for password-protected rooms: @join <#channel_name> <password> @channel Does a number of things. Create a new channel (option available as long as allow_user_channel_creation is enabled) @channel create <#channel_name> <password> List public channels (groups with hchsys_admin can view private channels as well) @channel list Change a channel's color (requires to be owner of said channel or be in a group with hchsys_admin permission) @channel setcolor Samples available colors and displays their keys/names @channel list colors Leaves a specific channel @channel leave <#channel_name> Binds your global chat to a specific channel, making everything you type that'd normally be displayed to nearby characters be redirected to that channel instead @channel bindto <#channel_name> Unbinds your global chat from the current (if any) binded channel @channel unbind Bans a specific character from a channel @channel ban <#channel name> <character name> Lists all banned characters from a channel (groups with channel system admin permission can also see their account id) @channel banlist <#channel name> Unbans a specific character from a channel @channel unban <#channel name> <character name> Changes a channel's options (for now, channel message delay and announce-when-someone-joins) @channel setopt <#channel name> <option name> <option value> How to speak in a #channel You can either bind a channel to your global chat (see @channel bindto above) or PM the channel you want to speak to, if you attempt to send a pm to a non-password protected channel that you have not joined, you'll autojoin. Other stuff as I coded this feature I also improved overall guild processing/lookup, extremely, extremely faster (did I already say its ridiculously faster? WoE overhead probably more than halved with this). over a hundred lookups were replaced by a cached guild state that takes only 4~8 bytes per player. The commit also fixed a "wearing-garment-removed-costume-garment-look" bug - special thanks to jTynne for letting me know~! Groups with channel admin permission can bypass the channel message delay Special Thanks to Streusel for proposing an idea that'd end up as the @channel bindto feature. to Frost for proposing the per-channel message delay limitation to Fatalis for proposing what'd end up as the @channel ban, @channel unban and @channel unbanall to Zopokx for proposing an improvement to how the map/local channels function Links~! Commit Commit (update)
  3. 1 point
    Omg this is so untrue... what all he wanted? Full Installation of Server Website design & Code I Installed on a dedicated server Up-to-date Hercules Emulator (stable). Up-to-date Client (stable) I have completed the whole project and submitted to him. his domain name:- http://www.playzombieragnarok.com what all I did? 1] Logo 2] graphics 3] installation of herc on his server. 4] installation of 2017 bug-free Client [with some modifications]. 5] Whole Responsive bootstrap coded Design. 6] Coding of the Website. 7] Patcher Design and Coding. 8] then he suggested me to update all the website the way he wanted it. I did that as well. everything was good and he was very polite and nicely talking, he was very happy and satisfied. I really don't know all of a sudden what happens to him. He has shut down the domain:- http://playzombieragnarok.com but I have uploaded it on my demo site (to show that the work is completed):- http://theme3.yug-webdev.com/ I have already completed all the above and really don't know why is he behaving like this? all the above is completed this person has also claimed a returned on PayPal, I did everything he wanted. I don't know if he has changed the password or just closed the server and domain .. I don't he might have changed his mind of opening server etc,. I really don't understand how to deal with this now. he is trying to scam me.. he already got all that I have done.. and now he is trying to get the money as well. can anyone suggest me what to do in this situation? I suggest checked that this person has joined the herc forum on 31st of May. 2018 was he a fraud ? or someone's duplicate account?
  4. 1 point

    Jogo desfigurado.

    então isso acontece em algumas placas da nvidea em alguns modelos de hexed. existe essas formas de concertar Aparentemente é um problema comum em Nvidia 750. Supondo que esse seja o seu caso também, parece que até o momento as melhores opções, segundo usuários do fórum da Nvidia, são: Abra o jogo; Force o CCU aparecer; Verifique se normalizou. Abra o jogo; Faça logoff no computador; Faça logon outra vez; Verifique se normalizou. Abra o jogo; Faça um CTRL+ALT+DEL e cancele; Verifique se normalizou. Tudo solução temporária, vai ter que fazer toda vez até a Nvidia se pronunciar sobre o caso. Mais facil Isso é por causa da placa de vídeo "moderna demais" pro ragnarok. Você usa uma gtx 960/970/980/980ti né? pra resovler é simples, na tela de seleção de char aperta Ctrl+Alt+Del e depois Esc. <<<<< o melhor jeito é esse
  5. 1 point

    Costume System

    Version Version 2.1


    ~ Originally script by Rebel, Zephyrus [rAthena], ~ I don't own this script I'd revised it to make it compatible with Hercules. ~ [Original Topic] http://goo.gl/YU1Z7o ~ 100% compatible in (revision 137*) Download contains: Costume System.diff and costume.txt
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