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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Unhandled Packet

    no. this is only warning. it can be issue for other packet id, but for 0x044A it's fine
  2. 1 point
    map server by itself does not auto-restart, what you are using is a wrapper script (map-server.bat) if you do not want it to restart you should use map-server.exe directly or make your own wrapper script
  3. 1 point
    =General *Cleaned up some code. =Skills *WL_FROSTMISTY *WL_JACKFROST -Fixed a issue where under certain odd conditions the damage might miss. *WL_CRIMSONROCK -Updated damage formula. -Adjusted knock back behavior. -Fixed a odd issue with the skill being used on ice walls. *SC_TRIANGLESHOT *LG_OVERBRAND_BRANDISH -Fixed a issue where the target would get pushed back depending on its facing -direction when it should be depending on the caster and targets position. *SR_CURSEDCIRCLE -Recoded the skill. -Now requires 1 spirit sphere before casting. -Item pickup/drop is now blocked for both caster and enemies. -Now uses a array to keep track of all affected enemys. -Status now checks every second to see if the affected target is still in AoE -range. If outside the AoE the status will end. -Status now ends if the caster dies, if the caster uses any skills, if outside -the AoE, or if the duration ends. -Does not affect boss monsters. *GN_BLOOD_SUCKER -Recoded the skill. -Now uses a array to keep track of all affected enemys. -A max of 3 can be active at a time. -Caster no longer does repeated skill cast actions while active. -The status now ends if the caster dies, is farther then 12 cells from the -caster, or the duration ends. *GN_CRAZYWEED *GN_CRAZYWEED_ATK -Fixed a issue where the caster did repeated skill cast actions when casted. *RL_C_MARKER *RL_H_MINE *SJ_FLASHKICK -Fixed a issue where the status was not removed from monster's when the caster dies.
  4. 1 point

    WOE Event

    Evento Guerra do Empério NPC de evento, Não-Oficial, criado por mim, com base na História do Ragnarok. Toda vez que a WOE começar, existe uma chance de esse evento começar, e o NPC íris vai ser ativado, quem falar com o NPC enquanto o evento estiver ativo poderá fazer a quest primeiro para poder participar do evento, que é trazer 100 mantos e estar usando um manto sagrado. O Objetivo é matar 100 players (por padrão) na WOE para ganhar o prêmio que é uma Coroa do Deus-Sol. Enquanto o jogador estiver no evento, há uma chance de ele ser bufado e ganhar porção branca.O NPC vai dar prêmio somente para 1 jogador, ou seja, o primeiro a matar 100 players. DOWNLOAD https://xp-dev.com/svn/tecnocronus_scripts/scripts/PT/Woe%20Event.txt CHANGELOG http://trac.xp-dev.com/TC_Scripts/log/scripts/PT/Woe Event.txt
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