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  1. 1 point
    [Guide] How to add items to bNoGemStone Hi guys, I have made this little guide for those who want add items such as Element Stones (Ninja Skills) or Wind of Verdure, Red Blood, etc (Sage Skills). Step 1: Open itemdb.h and find this: So, add this after: ITEMID_STONE_FLAME, ITEMID_STONE_ICE, etc, correspond to Element Stone items (IDs 7521, 7522, 7523, 7524). Step 2: Again in itemdb.h find this: And replace Line 524 (which is shown in the picture), with this: #define itemid_isgemstone(n) ((n) >= ITEMID_YELLOW_GEMSTONE && (n) <= ITEMID_BLUE_GEMSTONE || (n) >= ITEMID_STONE_FLAME && (n) <= ITEMID_STONE_SHADOW) >=ITEMID_STONE_FLAME && (n) <=ITEMID_STONE_SHADOW It refers that covers between ITEMID_STONE_FLAME and ITEMID_STONE_SHADOW, it mean that, ITEMID_STONE_FLAME = 7521, // Start Here ITEMID_STONE_ICE = 7522, ITEMID_STONE_WIND = 7523, ITEMID_STONE_SHADOW = 7524, // End Here In the case that you want add existent items in itemdb.h, such as: (Needed to Endow Skills), use the method above. Finally compile the emulator. Remember that this only affect "bonus bNoGemStone" (Mistress Card effect) Regards
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