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Everything posted by Ind

  1. I'll get my cygwin setup so I may debug it fully, thank you for bringing this to us.
  2. Thank you Fixed in https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/f409afc22eb2d561e9eedcb238aa624ad7e80f4e
  3. You're absolutely correct, fixed in https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/939d15818b6f17913a12175e197ac7aea1e2e05dThank you very much
  4. The issue you're experiencing is unrelated to this change, please refer to the bug tracker.Thank you
  5. Its pretty simple to get the slots to work but i haven't done it myself because I still don't understand how this thing is supposed to work, what conditions are there for items to be used in this category, etca, need more info.
  6. I've taken a pass on it, I believe the delay and global_delay_var settings are now being properly employed, fixed the leave/kick bg thing keeping people in queue (HQO was off), the match will now end when either team ends up with no opponent due to kick/logout (still need to code the grant win to whoever left part), logging in/out now properly removes player from queue (again HQO was off), the "cancel" thing should now be working as well. Thank you very much, https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/449a41af45d448e18006ef9c105c393592239de1
  7. Ind

    Some help with code

    I think in the part of the code you didn't show there is some variable called 'script', it usually isnt a problem when not making use of the script interface but script_getnum uses the interface so it is conflicting, rename your 'script' variable to anything else and it should work.
  8. Item Packages: Update In this commit we've modified the 'Random' field so that it can be used to define a group id to that item, as to allow packages to have more than one random group of items as its official equivalents do. The updated documentation is as follows, note that random field is no longer optional, and for "Must" types it should be 0, this commit has updated package_items.conf in both pre-re and re, the remaining fields remain optional when their value isn't necessary, e.g. you don't need to specify Count if it is 1, Expire if it is 0, Announce/Named if it is false. <Container_Item_Name>: { <Entry_Item_Name>: { Random: 0 - Signs what group type this item belongs to, 0 is "Must", a group of items that come out whenever the package is open (doesn't use rate), anything above 0 is considered "random_group_<value>", a package with 2 random groups for example gets 2 items whenever open, one from each group Count: 30 - Stands for how much <Entry_Item_Name> will be obtained. Expire: 2 - Signs how many hours this item will last (makes a rental item). Announce: True/False - Signs whether to relay a special item obtain announcement when this item comes out of the package. Rate: 50 - If 'Random' is not 0, a rate from 1 to 10000 (0.01% - 100%) will be given. Named: True/False - Signs whether the item should have the owner's name in it. } } HCache Reading these new files takes more processing time than the previous as the format is more flexible (or complex), and as we are always trying to improve we couldn't let this stand, we've designed a caching method to make this processing time overhead happen only when the files are modified. Smart The feature checks when a file has been last modified, and if it hasn't been modified since the cache was made it relies on the cache instead of reading the file over. This feature also is capable of realizing when the server been recompiled and re-writes the caches when it happens so the data in them is always up to date with the latest source code. The Future As we have a number of other planned things we'll be slowly extending this to the other files that would benefit from it. This feature can be employed in any files and used to store any data we like, we have intent to boost NPC parsing/reload with it in the near future, our estimates expect NPC parse time to drop by over 80%, reload time will drop just as much. Special Thanks to Beret and hemagx, its thanks to them we became aware of the missing feature in item packages. Muad_Dib for all the data he provided to this update mkbu95 for his help in the development of HCache Link~u Commit
  9. Fixed in https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/0b2fc3888b9d09b397a829db4af3f8d35cdaabb9 as confirmed by mleo1
  10. Hercules most active month to date! give yourselves a hand, thank you all!
  11. I'm using the latest herc. @reloadscript still crashes when map_cache.dat is custom /sob. humm o_o could you send me your map_cache.dat?
  12. Thanks to information provided by Igniz I have thoroughly debugged @reloadscript and cleansed it from all bugs, a couple days ago, make sure you are up to date (or please provide a crash dump).
  13. I'd like to know what flags are enabled in your gcc, could you run the following 3 commands and paste its output to me? touch empty.cgcc -O1 -S -fverbose-asm empty.ccat empty.s
  14. I'm not yet sure of why you're getting these warnings, but even with them (according with the compile log you provided) hercules should be compiling
  15. Hello~! Today we've released a test arena (using flavius) using the official bg queue feature, we'd very much appreciate if you could give it a try and let we know on any issues you encounter, once we deem this stable we'll be replacing the original ones with it. Enabling In conf/battlegrounds.conf change feature_off:trueto feature_off:falseIn npc/scripts.conf remove 'npc/battleground/flavius/flavius01.txt' and add 'npc/custom/bgqueue/flavius.txt'Troubleshooting [*]"I try to join a queue but I get invalid arena!" [*]The arena names in your conf/battleground.conf and client most likely are different (make sure they match)
  16. Ind

    Character Based Sex

    the per-sex character selection screen is not possible without client modifications as many pointed out, it is possible to make per-character sex with a plugin though (would work everywhere except in the char selection screen) -- e.g. by overloading the function where sex is received and modify it according to something (e.g. a character var reg).
  17. Such are considered invalid by format unfortunately, for now you'd need to add such items using the 'ID' syntax e.g. 'ID2115:70' for valkyrie shield.As for the discount field, could you post it in the suggestions forum please? Thank you
  18. Probably can be adapted with little to no effort ( original's over at eathena http://eathena-project.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/plugins/dbghelpplug.c ), but since I don't use windows I can't do the compile/test/implementing myself.
  19. Fixed in https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/5d467dd19d1756e42d3c95f553054177be6b5290 (Thanks to Yommy!)
  20. Ind

    SQL Structure

    I agree, wouldn't it be better if trade logs were given its own table though? since its the one case where extra columns would be most used aye
  21. whats your client date? When I tested that it was totally different (message was way shorter for starters), and in your case the item name and the reward name appear to be swapped
  22. There we go, (didnt find the first 2 by the way): https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/02bb58d320f16ddc30ac3d1e6508cf08997f583a Thank you again.
  23. say in the update the items orders are changed, online players will still see it differently, say a player has 1000 points, wanna buy a a 100 point thing but as he is out of sync the server makes him buy something different (since the order changed), say, a -700 point thing. I'd say its pretty troublesome doing it that way -- the thing to check when the player last received the list vs when it was last updated (upon trying to purchase something or opening the shop) would be a work around to this as I mentioned in the other post.
  24. By the way I've fixed the problem with the random package rates (thanks to Beret!), also added the missing +130 items (thanks to Streusel!): https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/045c1a44df08c1472f5a95742628a2765c1be9d1
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