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Lord Ganja

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Everything posted by Lord Ganja

  1. If you're using an old client from rathena, you probably diffed it with 'disable packet encryption' and on server side you enabled the 'packet obfuscation'. Try to use Nemo - Client Patcher to diff your client Look for your client version at src/map/packets.h and diff your client packetkeys with the same packetkeys on packets.h
  2. try to remove #define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE 20130807 and comment on #define PACKETVER_RE it should look like this: #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20130807#endif // PACKETVER//Uncomment the following line if your client is ragexeRE instead of ragexe (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE).- #define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE 20130807 // Remove this line#ifdef ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE //#define PACKETVER_RE // Comment this line #undef ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE#endif // DISABLE_PACKETVER_RE
  3. Are you using packet obfuscation? If yes, you MUST NOT use the 'disable packet obfuscation' client diff. and you need to diff your client with packet keys 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. If you're using custom packet keys, you also need to edit your src/map/packets.h
  4. Might because of your data grf files.. I used this one before with no problem LINK
  5. Damn. Yeah. Haven't think of that anyway last question, what do I have to change with atcommand->exec to trigger the bindatcmd? I use this: OnInit: bindatcmd("vendcheck","vend_check::OnVendCheck",100,100); but when atcommand->exec(sd->fd, sd, "@vendcheck", true); is triggered, it says "@vendcheck is Unknown Command."
  6. Oh, I mean, like the script will be triggered before it enters autotrade mode.. at_timeout works like, vendors which are already in autotrade mode will be kicked from server.
  7. Thank you @@malufett. it's working! btw as @@karazu mentioned, can you make it like trigger a script so we could add a timer before it use @autotrade? clif->showvendingboard(&sd->bl,message,0);+atcommand->exec(sd->fd, sd, "@autotrade", true); // CHANGE THIS ONE TO A CODE THAT WILL TRIGGER A SCRIPTidb_put(vending->db, sd->status.char_id, sd); the script is like: - script auto_autotrade -1,{attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+"";initnpctimer;// Added this so the vendor will have 10 seconds to recheck the vended items before it goes to autotrade modeOnTimer10000; atcommand "@autotrade"; end; }
  8. Is it possible for players to automatically use @autotrade command right after clicking the 'OK' button when vending? Check this image for further explanation. Thanks in advance!
  9. Can anyone provide a guide here how to add custom jobs? Server side + client side guide. I'm currently using 2013-12-23 client. I can see some guides from wiki(server side) and neomind(client side) how to add custom job but it seems not updated. Thank you for your time and attention.
  10. I sent you a message sir. EDIT: Now working on rAthena!!!! Thank you Ryuzaki for the fast and good service! Thumbs up!!
  11. This is great!!!! Can it be applied to rathena?
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