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N e s s

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Everything posted by N e s s

  1. hi sir neo! based on my observation, i think the aura of homun s and normal character is the same. how about you find the hex values of homun s aura and apply it to normal characters. is it possible?
  2. guild tip ? are you sure its not something from msgstringtable.txt? screenshot would be nice I'll check it out super thanks sir NEO! uhm question how to use spoiler tab? haha! have a nice day sir!
  3. sir neo! is it possible you to make a patch allowing aura in 150?
  4. why is that whenever i use fullscreen my client automatically close and another one when i play record my client craches. can some one help me? thanks in advance!
  5. can some one help me. im using k3dt's 20130807ragexe whenever i use fullscreen the client automatically close and another thing whenever i play a record the client crashes. how to fix this thanks in advance im using your diff patcher
  6. sir how can i fix the bifrost text in quest window like yours? thanks in advance sir themon!
  7. is their and guide about restoring it to default color? anyone?
  8. sir ossi0110 thanks for the reply i already fix it thank you sir have a nice day!
  9. why is my items have a color. how to make it default? thanks in advance
  10. please help me any diff, patch my client crashes even if I only selected recommended patch it still crash how to fix this? im using windows 8.1 thanks in advance also im using the latest rev
  11. 1000 = 1 sec 1000 x 60 = 60000 (1min) 60000 x 3 = 180000 (3mins)
  12. siri cant download it is the link broken? but nc project sir!
  13. thank you all sir for your help! it hels me alot!
  14. how to make a replay viewer? thanks in advance!
  15. super duper thank you sir themon! have a nice day sir!
  16. in addition the thief (female) client don't crash. thief (male) client crashes
  17. super duper thanks guys! you helped me alot! but why is that whenever i changejob to thief the client crash im using full client by themon! his grf and client files
  18. and another thing sir themon! how to hex the bitfrost message in quest? thanks in advance sir themon!
  19. good day sir themon! i have a question? how to fix the guild tip? because whenever i see it it contains ascii text? not in english. how to fix that thanks in advance sir themon!
  20. hi sir themon! this project is so great! sir can you release your hexed client and diff? thank you in advance! have a nice day sir!
  21. my bad sir evilpunker! ) i mean Visual Studio 2013. hercules only runs 2008 to 2012 projects? right? now. how can you compile your project if your using VS 2013? is it possible to compile using 2013 if you only have 2008 to 2012 sln project? thanks in advance!
  22. please make it compatible in all projects because whenever i compile using vb2013 many error appears im looking forward to this. thanks in advance!
  23. how can i make visual basic 2013 compatible to hercules?
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