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Posts posted by Alexandria

  1. Hello guys!


    How can I change the item price for 10 cash points?


    OnMobKilled:	killmonster "poring_w01","All";	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher: Nice !! "+strcharinfo(0)+" caught the real Poring !",bc_all,0xFFCCFF;	getitem 3001,1;	sleep2 5000;	mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher: 2nd Round !! Catch [ Poporing ] !!",bc_all,0xFFCCFF;	sleep2 3000;


    Thank you!




    You can do it like that:

    .@userId = 200001;.@creditAmount$ = "+5";callfunc( "changeCredits", .@userId, .@creditAmount$ );function	script	changeCredits	{	// Check if the GM Level is 99 or higher.	if( getgroupid() < 99 ) return 0;	.@accId = getarg( 0 );	.@credAmt$ = getarg( 1 );			// Check if there is a prefix.	.@prefix$ = substr( .@credAmt$, 0, 1 );	if( .@prefix$ != "-" || .@prefix$ != "+" ) return 0;		// Update the credit amount.	.@qc = query_sql( "UPDATE cp_credits SET balance = " + .@credAmt$ + " WHERE account_id  = " + .@accId );		return 1;}


    Thank you but I cant see an "input" to write the name of the character which is going to get the points

  3. Hello there.


    I'm trying to duplicate the map called "ra_temsky" by using my "resnametable.txt".


    Im using 2013 08 07.




    But it looks like this: (It doesnt have clouds and mini map)





    And It should look like this:




    Any help would be appreciated


    	.@chance = rand( 1,100 );	for (.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(.chances); .@i++)		if (.chances[.@i] <= .@chance)			break;	if (.@i == getarraysize(.chances))		end;			.@reward = getd(".rewardIds_"+.chances[.@i]+"["+rand(getd(".rewardIds_"+.chances[.@i]))+"]");	getitem .@reward, 1;	announce strcharinfo( PC_NAME ) + " has been rewarded with " + getitemname( .@reward ) + "!", bc_all;	end; OnInit:	setarray .chances, 1, 60, 90, 100;	//Arranged in Ascending Order	setarray .rewardIds_1, 7227;	setarray .rewardIds_60, 5474, 5137;	setarray .rewardIds_100, 5766, 5786;	setarray .rewardIds_90, 5074, 5132;	end;


    Thank you, I'm wondering why did you add this line: setarray .rewardIds_1, 7227;


    Thank you for answering ossi0110 and Dastgir.


    @@Dastgir, I have to 2 question:


    1. is it just going to affect @go command or all type of teleportation? (items, skills and commands)


    2. I know that I have to add a line in any file of battle/conf but what is this?


    int64 warp_delay = 5000;		//Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Player).int64 warp_delay_mob = 6000;	//Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Monster).int64 warp_delay_pet = 7000;	//Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Pet).int64 warp_delay_homun = 8000;	//Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Homunculus).int64 warp_delay_merc = 9000;	//Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Mercenary).int64 warp_delay_others = 10000;//Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Others).

  6. Thank you for helping me but I am having this error in console:



        line 20 column 18 parse_line: need ';'    17:		 end;    18:    19: OnInit:*   20: .rewardIds = 5474, 5137, 5766, 5786, 5074, 5132;	    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ 

    Do you know how can I fix it? Thank you.

  7. Hello there.


    I made a quest npc but I'm missing the last code.


    The npc will give you 1 item of follow items: 5474, 5137, 5766, 5786, 5074 and 5132


    But the player will have 60% to get: 5474 or 5137


    30% to get: 5766 or 5786


    and 10% to get: 5074 and 5132


    with a broadcast: announce "PLAYERNAME has been rewarded with ITEMXname;bc_all;"


    Any help would be awesome! Thank you.

  8. Hi there,


    Just 2 questions


    /* * List here any IP ranges a char- or map-server can connect from. * A wildcard of "" means that server connections are allowed * from ANY IP. (not recommended). */allowed: (	//"", <-- comment	"",	"x.x.x.x:", // <-- change x to your Lan IP or Char-Server)

    Does it have to be the public IP of my dedicated/VPS or internal IP?


    And my second question... how do I get that information in console? (I have a Centos 6)


    Because in windows, you can get all information of lan by typing "ipconfig" in cmd.

  9. Hello there,


    I have a custom map in my server called "pvp_vs_guild", you can't leave that map without any another way. (There is a npc which helps you to exit)


    But when someone uses the skill called Urgent Call (guild skill) or I miss you (wedding skill) in prontera or another map, they can leave "pvp_vs_guild".


    Do you guys know how can I edit my SRC folder to block those guys who try to leave in that way?


    Thank you in advanced!

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