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Everything posted by zackdreaver

  1. have you tried with different client date?
  2. Emulator? Client date? give us detailed info first if you want people help you
  3. I use sakexe20051017 just fine with Hercules, though i'm not recomend it, many NPC and gears that will give you error because they aren't supported by this client. but NOT with rAthena.. not letting me connect -.- (i wonder why... many broken packets on older clients)
  4. @@Nagad Not in near future, got something todo irl @@mrlongshen Check num2cardillustnametable.txt , does your card listed in there If listed check your card illust inside datatextureÀ¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽ºcardbmp does it exist or not and be sure to check the encoding of folder and your files ^see the folder name i mention before À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º
  5. as long as there is packet support, then yes hercules can support it. *I can run sakexe20051017 just fine
  6. @ https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/commit/643efbecf85838d65001bdf23fe9df111d99116d
  7. Use this https://github.com/zackdreaver/RO-Clientresources and check if you still get the error
  8. If you have trouble with client translation project, post them in this thread, as this project spesific http://herc.ws/board/topic/398-client-translation-project/ and dont post in another board, just saying
  9. @@Virtue might be "new" prontera
  10. hmm... when i look at your first post's SS there is one untranslated button... might be because of wrong path in your grf OR wrong order in data.ini example of mine:
  11. ss of your files inside GRF and this path dataluafiles514lua filesskillinfoz and your data.ini
  12. afaik 2012-04-10aRagexe reads from dataluafiles514lua files so does 20120418
  13. @@Virtue set public log to "on"
  14. just switch to older client like 20140416... it will hurt their feeling you know.. deleting their quest
  15. gotta ask developer for that one...
  16. um.. yes it's a "normal" bug there are still missing "packet" for that client and newer 2015 client
  17. @@Nagad fixed https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/commit/8fed76bb88d96714812be5d3b76dc11c20ac4ef8
  18. For 2014+ client https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/raw/master/data/msgstringtable.txt For spesific client date https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/tree/master/data/MsgString
  19. goto confchannels.conf change "map_local_channel:" to false
  20. why use difficult way? just resize it to 1x1 or use mine nc_cashshop.bmp
  21. i fix it in client translation project.... use the msgstringtable from there
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