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Posts posted by jasonch

  1. @jamesandreww I recommend hercules(or maybe im just biased). Reasons mentioned above still stand true today, though I disagree with rAthena having Advanced Modifications, you can do pretty much anything in C that C++ provides. But rAthena has larger community, so I guess that's one more advantage(or disadvantage) using rAthena emu.

  2. It's not that. This is a non-profit open-source project and aims to be up-to-date and close to Kro while providing optimization and security. Sorry for sounding rude but you can freely modify the setup to fit your needs. Or port it, make a new emulator. Or look for aegis emu. Or look for the old eathena. Or download the earlier commits. You have the options.

  3. Hello guys!
    Since there's:

    // The maximum weight for a character to carry when the character stops healing naturally. (in %)
    natural_heal_weight_rate: 70

    Can I request for client mod that the lines: "HP/SP will not be restored when your carried...." & "Your HP/SP are now being restored.." will only appear when the char is at/from 70% weight. Additionally the weight in Alt+V will only color to red when at 70% weight.

    And another thing, is there a way to direct a usable item to a line in msgstringtable.txt when used? I made a custom Field Manual but it doesn't say in the chatbox anything like it is on the default Field Manual.

    Thank you!

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