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Mikegyver last won the day on February 28 2017

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About Mikegyver

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  1. i think it is 2017-04-12 exe client.. coz the exe client is released weekly on wednesday..
  2. i'm the first commenter? all hail @Rytech thanks for this precious gift to the community. xD
  3. for renewal https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE for pre https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE
  4. u can grab 2015 clients from here... and i think for the packets, hercules should be already have them.
  5. since the based emulator development (rA or herc) is from kRO, thus u must need kRO Full Client. which u can download it from here.. https://rathena.org/board/topic/106413-kro-full-client-2017-04-11-includes-bgm-rsu/ this is the latest kRO full client u can get. the nickyzai pretty old, january 2016... while this one, can be say not too updated but not too old.. but u can patch the kRO full client using RO Patcher Lite made by @Ai4rei and u also need patched ragexe client.. but, u don't need to replace the kRO full client's ragexe since the ragexe client name is addressed by its date, should be u don't come across overwrite existing file option. taking example of 2013-12-23cRagexe, 2014-10-22bRagexe, 2015-11-04aRagexe client.. so just let be & no doing anything to the kRO full client's ragexe.. just don't bother of it. xD
  6. https://rathena.org/board/topic/110452-2017-01-25aragexere/
  7. U should read on nemo patcher link i gave above.
  8. U can have a copy of 2015 client from here. https://rathena.org/board/topic/104205-2015-client-support The clients which got released to be easy understanding is not yet patched. That is why u will need nemo patcher to patch that client so that it can be use to login into the server u creates earlier. Diff is nemo patches list. Before nemo exist, in order to prepare the client, we need to diff it.. by nowadays, just patch it using nemo patcher.. however the word 'diff' still stick until today as that is the process to prepare the client. How to diff / patch the client using nemo patcher? U can go to nemo patcher topic. The person who develop the nemo patcher already provide the guide how to diff / patch the client. And if u looking for older clients, u can visit this link. http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/
  9. Perhaps maybe the owner remove the client due to the client itself is unstable? I just read this topic and this guy found this client is unstable.. anyway, perhaps u can ask that guy.. coz he got the copy of the client.
  10. try to grab either 2015-09-16 or 2015-11-04 Ragexe client from rA forum.. https://rathena.org/board/topic/104205-2015-client-support/
  11. if u want a grab for 2015 client, u can get it from rA forum. u can download either 2015-09-16 client or 2015-11-04 client. https://rathena.org/board/topic/104205-2015-client-support/
  12. doram start at 2015-10-01... u can use either 2015-10-29 or 2015-11-04 client to use play the doram race. currrent issue that stop most of people using newer client, is nemo patcher. seems to be @Neo has stop providing support for that patcher. i might say, u select the client in the RUCR repo, try to patch it with nemo.. some of the server owner stick to certain client date as want the client to be patch with some patch list. i have tested 2015-12-16.. that client started to have patch failed in nemo.. failed to patch custom encryption keys.. but, for me it is okay. anyway, it is depend on u.. if some patch lists u won't mind not having them, u can move up to newer client.
  13. and perhaps u could add the discord id to be place in the contact method at the user profile... much more convenient..
  14. and perhaps u could add the dicord id to be place in the contact method at the user profile... much more convenient..
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