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About Avian

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  • Birthday 10/04/1993

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  • Location:
    New York
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  1. stalker

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shourei



    3. Daifuku


      He is actually my boyfriend :B):

    4. Avian


      Lol that's dope.

  2. Confirmed. Double confirmed. Triple Confirmed Lol
  3. Nope guess not Lol, I only see [skip License Screen] & [skip Ressurection Button]
  4. @Neo Can you please add a [skip service select] patch to Nemo
  5. Avian

    Post your Picture!

    AWesome Cyrax the Gangster hahahaha joke peace Lmao
  6. O.o I don't really understand that much since I'm quite new to all this but i basically wanna use the cashop button feature as my donation npc for fluxcp i guess i also wanna change the currency to credits. I think we on the same page though lol idk if i can find some 1 who knows how to set this up I'm willing to pay
  7. I'm Talking about this Cashop btw I'm not sure if we on the same page o.O lol, but yea i just wanna know if i can modify this cashop so that the players who donate can buy the items in game through cashop instead of purchasing on the website , so lets say i donate 10$= 10 credits, in game the cashop will show my balance 10 credits and i can buy the items through cashop with the 10 credits. I don't even know if I'm explaining it right i suck at explanations anyways i hope you/others get what I'm trying to say Lol
  8. Hello, I have a question regarding the cashop i was wondering if it's possible to some how modify it so that it can consume credits instead of cashpoints. I honestly don't have any other idea on what to use it for, so i was thinking of making it like the donation shop in game since its a very nice feature only if its possible lol.
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