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Everything posted by greenieken

  1. @@Legend where can I get the other files that are needed in the data folder? e.g. texture folder, model folder, palette folder and the like
  2. @@Zhao Chow @@Dastgir yep. both are present, everything is in their correct position. Another issue is that the file name is _akatsuki, but as you can see the client is looking for a different file name. I've checked everything from sprite, texture, iteminfo, item_db, idnum2itemresnametable and the like. One problem that I can think of is the accname.lua and accessoryid.lua. Im a bit confused in this part of the guide, see image below: http://imageshack.com/a/img911/2719/EFBGjq.png Does this mean that I have to create the shortcut for luac5.0.2.exe twice?
  3. Hi. Im having a problem in adding custom items. I followed everything in the hercules wiki, everything seems to be fine except that I get error when I wear the item. No error when the item is in my inventory only, even when I drop the item, it gives the right sprite. Error occurs only when I wear it, after the error the headgear is also not visible in my character. Error of the image below: http://tinypic.com/r/282mh5i/9
  4. @ Hi. I think I have a similar problem. The only difference is that, when I try to wear the item I get error. Everything seems to be okay, when i drop the item, when right click the item, no error. only when I wear it. the file name that of the item is _akatsuki, but the error looks like this: http://tinypic.com/r/282mh5i/9
  5. @@Dastgir thankyou! i'll try this one.
  6. ohh i see. is there any way on how to prevent that from happening? @@Dastgir @@AnnieRuru
  7. @@Legend My data folder is originally from the grf file that my host gave me, i just extracted it using grf tool but when I opened it, everything is in chinese characters. What I need is the clean data folder with english translations. I'll give this a shot and see if it works. But if you have a clean complete data folder (english), can you please share it with me? Coz im trying to make a server but i know where to get this data folder. thanks!
  8. @@Legend Exactly my point. Thanks! I'll try this one.
  9. @@Zhao Chow Can I just overwrite the chinese characters with english characters? I'll be getting the english files here
  10. Hi. How can i configure this script if I want it to be available to selected accounts only?
  11. Hi. Can anyone share their data folder that is compatible with 20130807? Im having a problem with my data folder especially with idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt idnum2itemdesctable.txt idnum2itemresnametable.txt itemslotcounttable.txt It's all in chinese character.
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