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About kifu21

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  • Birthday 12/24/1992

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  1. kifu21

    map.c error

    @4144 Well I believe that the error came from the spider web skill its about making it like a trap skill not on enemy placing skill Hope i can get some help fixing with latest hercules codes on this BUG Error.txt
  2. kifu21

    map.c error

    These are all the errors #0 0x00000000004e3207 in bl_getall_area (type=1, m=23, x0=224, y0=28, x1=28, y1=0, func=0x0) at map.c:769 args = <error reading variable args (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> #1 0x00000000004e3a9f in map_vforeachinarea (func=0x46e870 <clif_send_sub>, m=23, x0=224, y0=28, x1=28, y1=0, type=1, ap=0x7fffff3ff1d8) at map.c:1028 returnCount = 21 blockcount = 32756 apcopy = <error reading variable apcopy (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> #2 0x00000000004dd026 in map_foreachinarea (func=0x17, m=23, x0=224, y0=28, x1=28, y1=0, type=21) at map.c:1058 returnCount = 21 ap = <error reading variable ap (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> #3 0x00000000004699c1 in clif_send (buf=0x7fffff3ff370, len=9, bl=0xa050b40, type=AREA) at clif.c:502 p = 0x5b03600 g = 0x5b03600 bgd = 0x15 __func__ = "clif_send" #4 0x00000000004883df in clif_status_change_end (bl=0x17, tid=23, target=224, type=28) at clif.c:18925 ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---run p = {PacketType = 406, index = -1, AID = 2000012, state = 0 '\000'} #5 0x00000000005ffdf8 in status_change_end_ (bl=0xa050b40, type=SC_STONE, tid=0, file=0x0, line=28) at status.c:11407 sc = 0xd7 sce = 0x5b036d8 opt_flag = 0 #6 0x00000000005d62c0 in skill_unit_onout (src=0x413adcc, bl=0xa050b40, tick=5868761517) at skill.c:13589 target = 0x15 sg = 0x457fdfc sc = 0xa050f78 sce = 0xe0 type = SC_CONCENTRATION #7 0x00000000005a319d in skill_unit_move_sub (bl=0x413adcc, ap=0x17) at skill.c:17858 result = 21 group = 0x457fdfc target = 0xa050b40 tick = 5868761517 flag = 2 dissonance = 28 __func__ = "skill_unit_move_sub" #8 0x00000000004dd5e4 in bl_vforeach (func=0x17, blockcount=23, max=2147483647, args=0x7fffff3ff558) at map.c:556 argscopy = <error reading variable argscopy (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> returnCount = 0 #9 0x00000000004e37c8 in map_vforeachincell (func=0x5a2e40 <skill_unit_move_sub>, m=23, x=224, y=28, type=23, ap=0x7fffff3ff5a8) at map.c:1262 returnCount = 21 blockcount = 32754 apcopy = <error reading variable apcopy (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> #10 0x00000000004dcdf0 in map_foreachincell (func=0x17, m=23, x=224, y=28, type=28) at map.c:1286 returnCount = 21 ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---return ap = <error reading variable ap (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> #11 0x00000000005dae57 in skill_unit_move (bl=0xa050b40, tick=5868761517, flag=224) at skill.c:17896 No locals. #12 0x00000000004de287 in map_moveblock (bl=0xa050b40, x1=201, y1=182, tick=168) at map.c:348 sc = 0xa050f78 x0 = 201 moveblock = 0 #13 0x000000000059bbfe in skill_unit_onplace (src=0x413adcc, bl=0xa050b40, tick=5868761517) at skill.c:12521 td = 0x15 sec = 8000 sg = 0x457fdfc ss = 0x301e6b0 sc = 0x1f40 sce = 0xa8 __func__ = "skill_unit_onplace" #14 0x00000000005a304c in skill_unit_move_sub (bl=0x413adcc, ap=0x17) at skill.c:17851 result = 21 group = 0x457fdfc target = 0xa050b40 tick = 5868761517 flag = 3 dissonance = 28 __func__ = "skill_unit_move_sub" #15 0x00000000004dd5e4 in bl_vforeach (func=0x17, blockcount=23, max=2147483647, args=0x7fffff3ff858) at map.c:556 argscopy = <error reading variable argscopy (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> returnCount = 0 #16 0x00000000004e37c8 in map_vforeachincell (func=0x5a2e40 <skill_unit_move_sub>, m=23, x=224, y=28, type=23, ap=0x7fffff3ff8a8) at map.c:1262 returnCount = 21 ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---<return> blockcount = 32752 apcopy = <error reading variable apcopy (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> #17 0x00000000004dcdf0 in map_foreachincell (func=0x17, m=23, x=224, y=28, type=28) at map.c:1286 returnCount = 21 ap = <error reading variable ap (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> #18 0x00000000005dad90 in skill_unit_move (bl=0xa050b40, tick=5868761517, flag=224) at skill.c:17896 No locals. #19 0x00000000004de238 in map_moveblock (bl=0xa050b40, x1=201, y1=182, tick=168) at map.c:376 sc = 0xa050f78 x0 = 201 moveblock = 0 #20 0x000000000059bbfe in skill_unit_onplace (src=0x413adcc, bl=0xa050b40, tick=5868761517) at skill.c:12521 td = 0x15 sec = 8000 sg = 0x457fdfc ss = 0x301e6b0 sc = 0x1f40 sce = 0xa8 __func__ = "skill_unit_onplace" #21 0x00000000005a304c in skill_unit_move_sub (bl=0x413adcc, ap=0x17) at skill.c:17851 result = 21 group = 0x457fdfc target = 0xa050b40 tick = 5868761517 flag = 3 dissonance = 28 __func__ = "skill_unit_move_sub" #22 0x00000000004dd5e4 in bl_vforeach (func=0x17, blockcount=23, max=2147483647, args=0x7fffff3ffb58) at map.c:556 argscopy = <error reading variable argscopy (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---uit returnCount = 0 #23 0x00000000004e37c8 in map_vforeachincell (func=0x5a2e40 <skill_unit_move_sub>, m=23, x=224, y=28, type=23, ap=0x7fffff3ffba8) at map.c:1262 returnCount = 21 blockcount = 32750 apcopy = <error reading variable apcopy (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> #24 0x00000000004dcdf0 in map_foreachincell (func=0x17, m=23, x=224, y=28, type=28) at map.c:1286 returnCount = 21 ap = <error reading variable ap (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> #25 0x00000000005dad90 in skill_unit_move (bl=0xa050b40, tick=5868761517, flag=224) at skill.c:17896 No locals. #26 0x00000000004de238 in map_moveblock (bl=0xa050b40, x1=201, y1=182, tick=168) at map.c:376 sc = 0xa050f78 x0 = 201 moveblock = 0 #27 0x000000000059bbfe in skill_unit_onplace (src=0x413adcc, bl=0xa050b40, tick=5868761517) at skill.c:12521 td = 0x15 sec = 8000 sg = 0x457fdfc ss = 0x301e6b0 sc = 0x1f40 sce = 0xa8 __func__ = "skill_unit_onplace" #28 0x00000000005a304c in skill_unit_move_sub (bl=0x413adcc, ap=0x17) at skill.c:17851 result = 21 group = 0x457fdfc target = 0xa050b40 tick = 5868761517 flag = 3 dissonance = 28
  3. kifu21

    map.c error

    I tried "bt full" command and its says "No Stack" and I received another one of this
  4. kifu21

    map.c error

    Hi i need help on this one coz its making my server crash I run my server on gdb state to take a closer look which causes me to have this error
  5. Need help on this one It seems its not working case UNT_ANKLESNARE: case UNT_MANHOLE: case UNT_SPIDERWEB: if( sg->val2 == 0 && tsc && (sg->unit_id == UNT_ANKLESNARE || bl->id != sg->src_id) ) { int sec = skill->get_time2(sg->skill_id,sg->skill_lv); if( status->change_start(ss,bl,type,10000,sg->skill_lv,sg->group_id,0,0,sec, SCFLAG_FIXEDRATE) ) { const struct TimerData* td = tsc->data[type]?timer->get(tsc->data[type]->timer):NULL; if( td ) sec = DIFF_TICK32(td->tick, tick); if( sg->unit_id == UNT_MANHOLE || battle_config.skill_trap_type || !map_flag_gvg2(src->bl.m) ) { unit->movepos(bl, src->bl.x, src->bl.y, 0, 0); clif->fixpos(bl); } sg->val2 = bl->id; } else sec = 3000; //Couldn't trap it? if( sg->unit_id == UNT_ANKLESNARE ) { clif->skillunit_update(&src->bl); /** * If you're snared from a trap that was invisible this makes the trap be * visible again -- being you stepped on it (w/o this the trap remains invisible and you go "WTF WHY I CANT MOVE") * bugreport:3961 **/ clif->changetraplook(&src->bl, UNT_ANKLESNARE); } sg->limit = DIFF_TICK32(tick,sg->tick)+sec; sg->interval = -1; src->range = 0; } break;
  6. Afk is working now cool gonna try out the @itemmap command =)
  7. Need a compatible plugin for this command old one doesn't work Thanks in advance
  8. Is your services available?
  9. I already inputted the safety refine my problem now the 2nd one i dont know which line should i add
  10. I dont get this mam void skill_weaponrefine (struct map_session_data *sd, int idx) { nullpo_retv(sd); if (idx >= 0 && idx < MAX_INVENTORY) { struct item *item; struct item_data *ditem = sd->inventory_data[idx]; item = &sd->status.inventory[idx]; if (item->nameid > 0 && ditem->type == IT_WEAPON) { int material[5] = { 0, ITEMID_PHRACON, ITEMID_EMVERETARCON, ITEMID_ORIDECON, ITEMID_ORIDECON, }; int i = 0, per; if( ditem->flag.no_refine ) { // if the item isn't refinable clif->skill_fail(sd,sd->menuskill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); return; } if( item->refine >= sd->menuskill_val || item->refine >= 10 ){ clif->upgrademessage(sd->fd, 2, item->nameid); return; } if ((i = pc->search_inventory(sd, material[ditem->wlv])) == INDEX_NOT_FOUND) { clif->upgrademessage(sd->fd, 3, material[ditem->wlv]); return; } per = status->get_refine_chance(ditem->wlv, (int)item->refine) * 10; // Aegis leaked formula. [malufett] if (sd->status.class == JOB_MECHANIC_T) per += 100; else per += 5 * (sd->status.job_level - 50); currently stuck here where do i insert the safety refine and item obtained
  11. I am having error on this one when i click the npc then attack a monster I ended up unable to move
  12. hi need help on assisting on this source to increase the safety refine of whitesmith and how to show its Upgrade for example Weapon Upgrade +8 Knife etc
  13. Hi i need help on this I want to put the guild breaker’s name during WoE whoever breaks the castle Must be last hit basis example Emperium was destroyed Credits goes to (Breaker Name) of guild (guild of the breaker)
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