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About keripikotaku

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  1. i think i got it.. is it right sir ?? bool bot_check_target(struct block_list *src, unsigned int id){ struct block_list *bl = map->id2bl(id); if (bl) { if (path->search(NULL, bl, src->m, src->x, src->y, bl->x, bl->y, 1, CELL_CHKNOREACH) && distance_xy(src->x, src->y, bl->x, bl->y) < 11) { TBL_MOB *md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, bl); if (md) { if (md->status.hp > 0) { return true; } } } } return false;} recompile is success.. but i dont know if its right edit** DOOOONE~~~ ITS WORK GUUYS~~~ domo arigatouuu /bow >< Love you guuuysss~
  2. still the same error when i recompile that. can u make it work with latest hercules sir? i just saw the new script v3 by @@goddameit is using old rev hercules. like SC__CHAOS 577 SC__FEINTBOMB_MASTER 578 SC_FALLENEMPIRE 579+SC_BOT 581 e_gasp 0 e_what 1 but the e_gasp 0 , e_what 1 was located after SC_CUP_OF_BOZA so i put SC_BOT after it like and the code was 612, cos 581 was used by SC_DEFSET SC_FOOD_CRITICALSUCCESSVALUE 610SC_CUP_OF_BOZA 611SC_BOT 612e_gasp 0e_what 1 sry for trouble .. /sob
  3. i add manually to my server, and when i recompile, i found this.. can u help me? ^ fix i just read at page 1 to add #include "common/socket.h" and now i have new prob.. /?
  4. hiya.. @@KirieZ i just test ur script. i found something strange.. 1. with refine multiple times, i choose 10 times to refine 0 vanargand helm. and viola, i get +10 vanargand helm without fail 2. with safe item, when i go to +8 > +9, or +9 > +10, it say i can just using safe to 7 armor sertificate maybe you can fix it? >< its great script btw ^^ keep it up!
  5. wow.. thanks a lot sir.. now its work.. but now i've another error.. getting error spr when @go or @jump using this plugin.. lol im gonna trying to fix myself.. /no1
  6. Can u help me with this? example : { Id: 20052 AegisName: "C_AFK_Hat" Name: "Costume AFK Hat" Type: 5 Loc: 1024 View: 471 OnEquipScript: <" { atcommand "@autoatk"; } "> OnUnequipScript: <" { atcommand "@autoatk"; } "> },
  7. im using 1.4, follow ur step, and got this sir @@Mhalicot . can u help me.? [img]http://i.imgur.com/F4fiseJ.png[/img]
  8. so.. what i must doing so i can use this script sir @@Dastgir ?? i just try what @@evilpuncker said at page 1..
  9. help.. getting error when patch >< i just follow this Windows: go place the folder in the index folder richt click the *.diff file and go to TortoiseSVN menu click patch but i find error can you help me? <a href=" "><img src="http://i.imgur.com/rV9DYZ4.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>
  10. Hi everyone.. I just have brilliant idea! I just see a new commands @autoattack on download plugin page by @@ossi0110 . search, walk and attacking mob on map.. thats like BOT >< i dont know it still work or not.. cos i didnt install it right now.. And now, i want to know if i can use that commands with the new item, say like AFK Card or something. i want put that item on cash item or rental item so that has expired thing or time using. and if it was on our storage (etc item), as long as remain there, we can using @autoattack command.. 1 hour AFK card, 3 hour, 1 day.. etc.. Can u help me to make the script >< Thankyou a lot b4
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