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About ReckedCat

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  1. Goddamn right you're following me now. Nnnnfffffff.

    1. ReckedCat


      Yer gosh darn right!

  2. Since no one else has said it yet; Thank you Dastgir for being so fast to update these. The community definitely appreciates it.
  3. See attached. That's the latest version. There may be things you need to adjust or remove for your own server, but this is currently what is being used. gobind.txt
  4. There were a couple of issues. I fixed some space->tab conversions, and then fixed check/setriding->check/setmount. Should work fine now. Reseter.txt
  5. FYI, I've noticed that the use of this script causes memory leakage from the cash shop being reloaded. I personally see around 763 bytes that fails to be released after a reload. Running the command twice left 1426 bytes that the Memory Manager had to clean up afterwards. Not that this is that much, but I imagine it could become an issue with extended use. Not sure if there's much that can be done on this one. The code looks like it frees up the struct it creates, and deletes the timer. I'll look at it later on when I have some time to see if there's something that can be done. Alternatively, is anyone else noticing this?
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