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About imbadudelz

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  1. Their plan is for 1 year subscription. I just want to host my patcher for 1 month not 1 or 2 years.
  2. What's the command to make screen for login/char/map?
  3. When I warp to cursed abbey 3(abbey03), my server hangs without showing errors, the Map server just disconnects. The processes of the server becomes not responding. How can I fix this?
  4. I tried this command but nothing happens, it did not run the char-server and login-server. What I'm confused about using GDB is that to run my server under dbg is I have to run this command. I tried that but it does not connect my map-server to char and login server because only map-server is running. So how can I connect to my server if the char-server and login-server is not running, only the map-server. How can I wait the server crash if I cannot connect?
  5. When I use "gdb map-server" it can't connect to the char-server and login-server because it is not running so I can't connect to the game using my client. https://imgur.com/ufVHg5V How can I run the 3 server under gdb?
  6. What are your suggestions for the best web host for my thor patcher? Web Hosting good for 1 month.
  7. My server is up and running now. Your solution fixed the problem.
  8. OS: Debian I'm installing hercules on my VPS. I followed the instructions on the wiki. I created a new user on the OS of my VPS and logged in that user. I installed all the packages listed on the wiki on my VPS. The problem is I can't use the command ./configure on my VPS. It says Permission denied. How can I fix this? https://imgur.com/45g1Kqz I tried the command "sudo ./configure". But it says "command not found". However, "sudo mysql" is working. I even tried to use "./configure" using root user. https://imgur.com/uyyjDZZ
  9. Thank you for answering my question sir. Ok I will contact you if I can't fix it.
  10. Ohh ok. How can I disable that feature?
  11. There is a bug on my client 2014-10-22b. Whenever I pm another player, there is a 7 digit number beside the name. How can I remove this numbers?? img: https://imgur.com/tynkqrq
  12. The host of the website is different from the host of the server right?
  13. Do I need to pay a different host for my patcher? or the host of the server is also the host for the patcher?
  14. What View ID number should I start on my custom items? Is there a full guide on how to add custom items? because the guide on wiki is incomplete.
  15. I solved it. I have to change the item description and item display name on "System/itemInfo.lub" file.
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