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Ragnar Lothbrok

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Everything posted by Ragnar Lothbrok

  1. 2013-07-03 and latest Client crash when entering in my custom map..
  2. how to fix this error? and what is this green letter C?
  3. I want to implement this script commands on my server can anyone help me to make it compatible
  4. ah okei... maraming salamat mga KOSA...
  6. How to fix this cash shop item image
  7. how to add chances to recieved the badge when killing players like 40%/chances will recieved the badge
  8. How to make a simple SHOP NPC, but it use items to buy..
  9. 5758,Dying_Swan,Resting Swan,5,20,,100,,17,,1,0x00080000,8,0,256,,100,1,635,{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bLuk,1; bonus bMdef,5; bonus bLongAtkRate,5; bonus bUseSPrate,-10; },{},{} i want only Gypsy can wear the item and i try to make it like this 0x00080000,2,0, but when i try in game i can wear it on clown class... how to make it work only for gypsy 5751,Minstrel_Song_Hat,Minstrel Song Hat,5,20,,100,,12,,1,0x00080000,8,1,256,,100,1,628,{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bLuk,1; bonus bMdef,5; bonus bLongAtkRate,4; bonus bUseSPrate,-10; },{},{} opposite of this only for clown job only i do like this 0x00080000,2,1, but gypsy can wear it.. can you help me guys.. thanks
  10. how to midify this item if use it will directly insert on the 4th slot?
  11. i try to use enchant orb like str+3 on armor, but when i check the item the orb was place on the 1st slot not on the 4th slot and i can remove the orb using Card Remover NPC.. is this normal? thanks
  12. try to disabled your custom map and try the @reloadscript in game, if you're map-server did not crush then the problem is your custom maps... i already fix mine and i found that my custom map do the crushing.. try fixing your custom map using browedit...
  13. okei thank you sir... ill just check it out...
  14. what about for slot? coz some of the Headgear item dont show slot in game but they are sloted you can put cards on then..
  15. i got problem on this client side idnum2itemdesctable.tx i try to change some of the items description but when i try to look in game it dont change the description of the items... im using 2013-06-05.. how to fix this?
  16. BUMP! can anyone fix this script please, bec i love this script.. im not good in scripting so i dont know what script command will i replace.. thanks..
  17. so is ther possible to fix this? can you help me fix this script?
  18. can anyone help me fix this script please.. i forgot to do a screenshot on the error but i remember a bit on the error it something like this on the console 139 's'uccessenchant .@Part,.@Enchant; im not at home so i will just post later the screenshot.. but you can try the script to know the error.. hope anyone can fix it.. thanks [cbox]// Hidding Slot Enchant NPC // Important Note : Item ID 677 Platinum Coin is a special item that allow user to select the Enchant. prontera,144,183,5 script Shiriublem 84,{ mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I'm an engineer that specializes in Enchating Armors."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Enchanting may seem simple, but it's far more complicated than it looks."; mes "If you're interested in my service, let me know."; next; switch( select( "^4169E1Weapon Enchant^000000:Enchant Armor:^0000FFHeadGear Enchant^000000:^FFA500Garment/Footgear Enchant^000000:^FF0000Shield Enchant^000000:^4169E1Accesory Enchant^000000:Information:Cancel" ) ) { case 1: mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "^FFA500To enchant your Weapon^000000:"; mes "a) Need 50 Bravery, 50 Valor and 50 Heroism Badges."; mes " 500.000 Zeny"; mes "c) Enchant Type are Elemental or Racial."; mes "d) ^FF0000Weapon will loose refines and cards^000000."; mes "e) Weapon must be 3 slots or less"; next; setarray .@Position$[3], "Left hand","Right hand"; set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 3; .@i <= 4; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@i) ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + .@Position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]"; set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + ":"; } set .@Part,select(.@Menu$ + "Cancel") + 2; if( .@Part >= 5 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Your not wearing anything there..."; close; } if( getequipweaponlv(.@Part) == 0 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "This enchant only work for Weapons, not Shields..."; close; } set .@Slot0, getequipcardid(.@Part,0); if( .@Slot0 == 255 || .@Slot0 == 254 || .@Slot0 < 0 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I am sorry, i cannot work on Signed items."; close; } set .@Item, getequipid(.@Part); if( getitemslots(.@Item) >= 4 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I am sorry, i cannot work on 4 slots weapons."; close; } mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You want to enchant your " + getitemname(.@Item) + "?"; mes "The cost of this work is ^0000FF50 Bravery, 50 Valor and 50 Heroism Badges^000000."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "If you have the badges, we can go ahead with the Enchant attempt."; mes "But before that, I must warn you of the risk."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Once the weapon receives the enchant ^FF0000it will loose refine and cards^000000."; mes "Do you still want to Enchant?"; next; if( select("^FF0000Enchant it Elemental^000000:^0000FFEnchant it Racial^000000:^FFA500Let me choose (Platinum Coin)^000000:Cancel") == 4 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } set .@Type, @menu; // 1 : Elemental | 2 : Racial if( countitem(7828) < 50 || countitem(7829) < 50 || countitem(7773) < 50 || Zeny < 500000 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I'd like to go ahead with this Enchant attempt, but you're missing a few things."; mes "You sure that you have the badges?"; close; } set .@Slot0, getequipcardid(.@Part,0); if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) || !getequipweaponlv(.@Part) || .@Slot0 == 255 || .@Slot0 == 254 || .@Slot0 < 0 || .@Item != getequipid(.@Part) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "This is not the equip we were talking about..."; mes "Get out of here!!"; close; } if( .@Type == 3 && countitem(677) < 1 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Oh.. ok... and where is the Platinum Coin?"; mes "Platinum Coin is the reward for being in the Top 3 Battlegrounds players of the Week."; close; } switch( .@Type ) { case 1: // Elemental set .@Enchant, 4964 + rand(5); break; case 2: // Racial set .@Enchant, 4969 + rand(10); break; case 3: // Selective set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 4964; .@i <= 4978; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + getitemname(.@i) + ":"; set .@Enchant, 4963 + select(.@Menu$); delitem 677,1; break; } delitem 7828,50; delitem 7829,50; delitem 7773,50; set Zeny, Zeny - 500000; successenchant .@Part,.@Enchant; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Great, your weapon received ^0000FF" + getitemname(.@Enchant) + "^000000 enchant."; mes "It looks pretty well done. Congratulations!"; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "See you again, buddy!"; close; case 2: mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You want to enchant your Armor?"; mes "Remember this item will lose previus enchants."; next; if ( select("Attempt Enchant","Cancel") == 2 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } if( !getequipisequiped(2) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You're not wearing any armor..."; mes "I can´t enchant your body!"; close; } deletearray .@Armor[0],127; setarray .@Armor[0],2358,2307,2309,2314,2316,2321,2325,2327,2330,2332,2334,2335,2341,2344,2346,2348,2350,2337,2386,2311,2318,2319,2320,2308,2310,2315,2317,2322,2324,2326,2331,2333,2336,2342,2345,2347,2349,2351,2364,2365,2374,2375,2387,2389,2391,2390,2376,2377,2378,2379,2380,2381,2382,2394,2395,2396; set .@Item, getequipid(2); for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@Armor); set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( .@Armor[.@i] == .@Item ) break; } if( .@i >= getarraysize(.@Armor) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I am sorry, but i cannot work on this armor."; mes "If you need information, just ask me..."; close; } mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You want to enchant your " + getitemname(.@Item) + "?"; mes "The cost of my work is 400.000 zeny."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "If you have my zeny service fee and the Armor, then we can go ahead with the Enchant attempt."; mes "But before that, I must warn you of the risk."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "^FF0000Your Armor will loose any Refine and Cards^000000."; mes "Also, if the attempt to Enchant fails, the ^FF0000Armor^000000 will be destroyed^000000."; mes "Do you still want to try to Enchant?"; next; if ( select("Go with the enchant","Cancel") == 2 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } if( getequipisequiped(2) == 0 || getequipid(2) != .@Item || Zeny < 400000 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I'd like to go ahead with this Enchant attempt, but you're missing a few things."; mes "You sure that you have the equipment and the zeny?"; close; } mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Alright then, let the work begin!"; mes "You'd better pray for a successful result."; mes "Let me take your armor..."; next; set .@Enchant, 0; if( countitem(677) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Wooo!! You own a Platinum Coin."; mes "Look, I can let you choose a +3 Safe Enchant from one of my store armors."; mes "If you give me your current armor and that Coin."; next; if( select("Ok... let me choose:No thanks, just continue") == 1 ) { set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < 6; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + getitemname(4702 + (.@i * 10)) + ":"; set .@Enchant, 4702 + ((select(.@Menu$) - 1) * 10); delitem 677,1; } } set Zeny, Zeny - 400000; if( .@Enchant == 0 ) { set .@Rate, rand(50); if( .@Rate < 14 ) { // 14% Break chance failedenchant 2; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Wah! ...I am so sorry, it failed."; mes "However, I am completely innocent."; mes "This is your luck, and it is destined by god, okay?"; mes "Don't be so disappointed, and try next time."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I wish you good luck next time!"; close; } else if( .@Rate < 32 ) set .@Enchant, 4700 + (rand(6) * 10); // 18% to become +1 stat else if( .@Rate < 44 ) set .@Enchant, 4701 + (rand(6) * 10); // 12% to become +2 stat else set .@Enchant, 4702 + (rand(6) * 10); // 6% to become +3 stat } successenchant 2,.@Enchant; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Great, it seems to be successful."; mes "Your armor received ^0000FF" + getitemname(.@Enchant) + "^000000 enchant."; mes "It looks pretty well done. Congratulations!"; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "See you again, buddy!"; close; case 3: mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "^FFA500To enchant your HeadGear^000000:"; mes "a) Need 100 Bravery, 100 Valor and 100 Heroism Badges."; mes " 500.000 Zeny"; mes "c) If it's already enchanted, it will require ^0000FF1 Terra's Bronze Coin^000000."; mes "d) Stats is +1 and random."; mes "e) ^FF0000Headgear will loose refines and cards^000000."; next; if ( select("Attempt Enchant","Cancel") == 2 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } if( !getequipisequiped(1) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You're not wearing any headgear..."; mes "I can´t enchant your head!"; close; } set .@Slot0, getequipcardid(1,0); set .@Slot3, getequipcardid(1,3); set .@NeedCP, 0; if( .@Slot0 == 255 || .@Slot0 == 254 || .@Slot0 < 0 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I am sorry, i cannot work on Signed items."; close; } if( .@Slot3 != 0 ) { set .@NeedCP, 1; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "This headgear is already enchanted. You will need also to pay me 1 ^0000FFTerra's Bronze Coin^000000."; next; } mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You want to enchant your " + getitemname(getequipid(1)) + "?"; mes "The cost of this work is ^0000FF100 Bravery, 100 Valor and 100 Heroism Badges^000000."; if( .@NeedCP ) mes "And 1 ^0000FFTerra's Bronze Coin^000000"; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "If you have the badges, we can go ahead with the Enchant attempt."; mes "But before that, I must warn you of the risk."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Once the headgear receives the enchant, it cannot be enchanted anymore and ^FF0000it will loose refine and cards^000000."; mes "Do you still want to Enchant?"; next; if ( select("Go with the enchant","Cancel") == 2 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } if( countitem(7828) < 100 || countitem(7829) < 100 || countitem(7773) < 100 || Zeny < 500000 || (.@NeedCP && countitem(8905) < 1) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I'd like to go ahead with this Enchant attempt, but you're missing a few things."; mes "You sure that you have the badges and Zeny?"; if( .@NeedCP ) mes "And remember, a Terra's Bronze Coin."; close; } set .@Slot0, getequipcardid(1,0); set .@Slot3, getequipcardid(1,3); if( !getequipisequiped(1) || .@Slot0 == 255 || .@Slot0 == 254 || .@Slot0 < 0 || (.@NeedCP == 0 && .@Slot3 != 0) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "This is not the headgear we were talking about..."; mes "Get out of here!!"; close; } set .@Enchant, 0; if( countitem(677) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Wooo!! You own a Platinum Coin."; mes "Look, I can let you choose a +1 Safe Enchant from one of my store headgers."; mes "If you give me your current headgear and that Coin."; next; if( select("Ok... let me choose:No thanks, just continue") == 1 ) { set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < 6; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + getitemname(4700 + (.@i * 10)) + ":"; set .@Enchant, 4700 + ((select(.@Menu$) - 1) * 10); delitem 677,1; } } delitem 7828,100; delitem 7829,100; delitem 7773,100; set Zeny, Zeny - 500000; if( .@Enchant == 0 ) set .@Enchant, 4700 + (rand(6) * 10); if( .@NeedCP ) delitem 8905,1; successenchant 1,.@Enchant; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Great, your headgear received ^0000FF" + getitemname(.@Enchant) + "^000000 enchant."; mes "It looks pretty well done. Congratulations!"; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "See you again, buddy!"; close; case 4: mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "^FFA500To enchant Footgear or Garment.^000000:"; mes "a) 30 Bravery, 30 Valor and 30 Heroism Badges."; mes " 200.000 Zeny"; mes "c) Enchant Type are HP or SP bonus"; mes "d) ^FF0000Equip will loose refines and cards^000000."; next; if ( select("Attempt enchant my Garment:Attempt enchant my Footgear:Cancel") == 3 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } set .@Equip, 4 + @menu; // Selected option if( !getequipisequiped(.@Equip) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You're not wearing nothing there..."; mes "I can´t enchant your body!"; close; } set .@Slot0, getequipcardid(.@Equip,0); if( .@Slot0 == 255 || .@Slot0 == 254 || .@Slot0 < 0 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I am sorry, i cannot work on Signed items."; close; } mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You want to enchant your " + getitemname(getequipid(.@Equip)) + "?"; mes "The cost of this work is ^0000FF30 Bravery, 30 Valor and 30 Heroism Badges^000000."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "If you have the badges, we can go ahead with the Enchant attempt."; mes "But before that, I must warn you of the risk."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Once the equip receives the enchant ^FF0000it will loose refine and cards^000000."; mes "Do you still want to Enchant?"; next; if ( select("^FFFF00Enchant it with HP^000000:^0000FFEnchant it with SP^000000:^FFA500Let me choose (Platinum Coin)^000000:Cancel") == 4 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } set .@Type, @menu - 1; // 0 : HP | 1 : SP if( countitem(7828) < 30 || countitem(7829) < 30 || countitem(7773) < 30 || Zeny < 200000 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I'd like to go ahead with this Enchant attempt, but you're missing a few things."; mes "You sure that you have the badges and Zeny?"; close; } set .@Slot0, getequipcardid(.@Equip,0); if( !getequipisequiped(.@Equip) || .@Slot0 == 255 || .@Slot0 == 254 || .@Slot0 < 0 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "This is not the equip we were talking about..."; mes "Get out of here!!"; close; } if( .@Type == 2 && countitem(677) < 1 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Oh.. ok... and where is the Platinum Coin?"; mes "Platinum Coin is the reward for being in the Top 3 Battlegrounds players of the Week."; close; } if( .@Type == 2 ) { set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < 2; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + getitemname(4996 + (.@i * 3)) + ":"; set .@Enchant, 4996 + ((select(.@Menu$) - 1) * 3); delitem 677,1; } else { set .@Rate, rand(100); if( .@Rate < 50 ) set .@Enchant, 4994 + (.@Type * 3); else if( .@Rate < 85 ) set .@Enchant, 4995 + (.@Type * 3); else set .@Enchant, 4996 + (.@Type * 3); } delitem 7828,30; delitem 7829,30; delitem 7773,30; set Zeny, Zeny - 200000; successenchant .@Equip,.@Enchant; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Great, your equip received ^0000FF" + getitemname(.@Enchant) + "^000000 enchant."; mes "It looks pretty well done. Congratulations!"; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "See you again, buddy!"; close; case 5: mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "^FFA500To enchant a Shield you need:^000000:"; mes "a) Need 30 Bravery, 30 Valor and 30 Heroism Badges."; mes " 200.000 Zeny"; mes "c) Enchant Type are Elemental or Racial."; mes "d) ^FF0000Shield will loose refines and cards^000000."; next; if ( select("Attempt enchant:Cancel") == 2 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } if( !getequipisequiped(3) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You're not wearing nothing there..."; mes "I can´t enchant your hand!"; close; } if( getequipweaponlv(3) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "This Enchant is for Shield, not weapons..."; close; } set .@Slot0, getequipcardid(3,0); if( .@Slot0 == 255 || .@Slot0 == 254 || .@Slot0 < 0 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I am sorry, i cannot work on Signed items."; close; } mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You want to enchant your " + getitemname(getequipid(3)) + "?"; mes "The cost of this work is ^0000FF30 Bravery, 30 Valor and 30 Heroism Badges^000000."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "If you have the badges, we can go ahead with the Enchant attempt."; mes "But before that, I must warn you of the risk."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Once the equip receives the enchant ^FF0000it will loose refine and cards^000000."; mes "Do you still want to Enchant?"; next; if ( select("^FFFF00Enchant it Elemental^000000:^0000FFEnchant it Racial^000000:^FFA500Let me choose (Platinum Coin)^000000:Cancel") == 4 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } set .@Type, @menu; // 1 : Elemental | 2 : Racial if( countitem(7828) < 30 || countitem(7829) < 30 || countitem(7773) < 30 || Zeny < 200000 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I'd like to go ahead with this Enchant attempt, but you're missing a few things."; mes "You sure that you have the badges?"; close; } set .@Slot0, getequipcardid(3,0); if( !getequipisequiped(3) || getequipweaponlv(3) || .@Slot0 == 255 || .@Slot0 == 254 || .@Slot0 < 0 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "This is not the equip we were talking about..."; mes "Get out of here!!"; close; } if( .@Type == 3 && countitem(677) < 1 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Oh.. ok... and where is the Platinum Coin?"; mes "Platinum Coin is the reward for being in the Top 3 Battlegrounds players of the Week."; close; } switch( .@Type ) { case 1: // Elemental set .@Enchant, 4979 + rand(5); break; case 2: // Racial set .@Enchant, 4984 + rand(10); break; case 3: // Selective set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 4979; .@i <= 4993; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + getitemname(.@i) + ":"; set .@Enchant, 4978 + select(.@Menu$); delitem 677,1; break; } delitem 7828,30; delitem 7829,30; delitem 7773,30; set Zeny, Zeny - 200000; successenchant 3,.@Enchant; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Great, your equip received ^0000FF" + getitemname(.@Enchant) + "^000000 enchant."; mes "It looks pretty well done. Congratulations!"; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "See you again, buddy!"; close; case 6: mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "^FFA500To enchant your Accesory^000000:"; mes "a) Need 750 Bravery, 750 Valor and 500 Heroism Badges."; mes " 1.000.000 Zeny"; mes "c) Enchant Type is a Bonus on Max Weight"; mes "d) ^FF0000Accesory will loose cards^000000."; next; setarray .@Position$[7], "Accessory 1","Accessory 2"; set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 7; .@i <= 8; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@i) ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + .@Position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]"; set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + ":"; } set .@Part,select(.@Menu$ + "Cancel") + 6; if( .@Part >= 9 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Your not wearing anything there..."; close; } set .@Slot0, getequipcardid(.@Part,0); if( .@Slot0 == 255 || .@Slot0 == 254 || .@Slot0 < 0 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I am sorry, i cannot work on Signed items."; close; } set .@Item, getequipid(.@Part); mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You want to enchant your " + getitemname(.@Item) + "?"; mes "The cost of this work is ^0000FF750 Bravery, 750 Valor and 500 Heroism Badges^000000."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "If you have the badges, we can go ahead with the Enchant attempt."; mes "But before that, I must warn you of the risk."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Once the Accesory receives the enchant ^FF0000it will loose cards^000000."; mes "Do you still want to Enchant?"; next; if ( select("^0000FFEnchant it^000000:Cancel") == 2 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; mes "Just remember that life's no fun if you're always playing it safe~"; close; } if( countitem(7828) < 750 || countitem(7829) < 750 || countitem(7773) < 500 || Zeny < 1000000 ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "I'd like to go ahead with this Enchant attempt, but you're missing a few things."; mes "You sure that you have the badges?"; close; } set .@Slot0, getequipcardid(.@Part,0); if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) || .@Slot0 == 255 || .@Slot0 == 254 || .@Slot0 < 0 || .@Item != getequipid(.@Part) ) { mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "This is not the equip we were talking about..."; mes "Get out of here!!"; close; } delitem 7828,750; delitem 7829,750; delitem 7773,500; set Zeny, Zeny - 1000000; successenchant .@Part,4963; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Great, your weapon received ^0000FF" + getitemname(4963) + "^000000 enchant."; mes "It looks pretty well done. Congratulations!"; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "See you again, buddy!"; close; case 7: mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Well, I haven't really refined the art of Enchanting."; mes "It's so complicated that I'd be lying if I told you that I knew every factor that affected the process."; mes "Still, I do notice a few trends..."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "When an armor become enchanted, it will show a special hiding slot with a gem on it."; mes "This will grant one aditional stat to the armor, and with different values."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "You should know that the Armor will lose their refine, cards and previous enchants."; mes "And maybe the armor too, if i fail..."; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Do you want to know what armor can be enchanted?."; mes "Tell me what list do you want to explore..."; next; deletearray .@Armor[0],127; switch( select( "Non Sloted Armors","Sloted Armors","High Class Armors" ) ) { case 1: setarray .@Armor[0],2358,2307,2309,2314,2316,2321,2325,2327,2330,2332,2334,2335,2341,2344,2346,2348,2350,2337,2386; break; case 2: setarray .@Armor[0],2311,2318,2319,2320,2308,2310,2315,2317,2322,2324,2326,2331,2333,2336,2342,2345,2347,2349,2351; break; case 3: setarray .@Armor[0],2364,2365,2374,2375,2387,2389,2391,2390,2376,2377,2378,2379,2380,2381,2382,2394,2395,2396; break; } mes "^0000FF** Armor List **^000000"; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@Armor); set .@i, .@i + 1 ) mes "" + getitemname(.@Armor[.@i]) + ""; next; mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Talk me again if you want to enchant your armor or if you need more information."; close; case 8: mes "[shiriublem]"; mes "Take it easy, adventurer."; mes "If you ever want to try to enchant your armors, come back and let me know."; mes "Seeya~"; close; } } [/cbox]
  19. Can anyone help me on this pvp_rank and dota announcer script... i dont recieve any errors, the problem is kills and death dont count in the rankings i use the sql on the script bellow..
  20. can anyone help me, map-server crash when i do the command @reloadscript... but when i check my map-server no error appears..
  21. i cant open this http://svn.github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git sorry if i post in wrong section..
  22. i cant open this one http://svn.github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git sorry if i post in wrong section..
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