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About Thyr

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  1. Thyr

    Token Quest Shop

    How can i determine if it exchange 5m - 1 T, 50m - 10T, and 500m - 100T?
  2. Thyr

    Token Quest Shop

    Hello anyone here can help me edit the Token to Zeny? I don't understand how it is working I want it to make 5m - 1 T, 50m - 10T, and 500m - 100T Here's the script I use. // Trades tokens // getarg(0) - number of tokens to be traded function script thqs_trade_token { @type = getarg(0); if( @type == 4 ) close; // 10^0, 10^1, 10^2 @type -= 1; @price = (10 ** @type); // 10^3, 10^4, 10^5 @type += 3; // So we can use pow later to determine the qt of Zeny @prize = (10 ** @type); if( #Treasure_Token < @price ) { mes "You don't have enough tokens!"; close; } if( Zeny == MAX_ZENY ) { mes "You can't add more zeny to your character"; close; } Zeny += @prize; #Treasure_Token -= @price; close; } // Main script prt_in,164,174,1 script Treasure Hunter's Shop 1_M_YOUNGKNIGHT,{ mes "[Ash]"; mes "Ahh, "+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"! Welcome to the Offical Treasure Hunter's Guild Shop."; mes "You currently have ^FF0000"+#Treasure_Token+"^000000 treasure tokens!!!"; next; switch( select("How does this place work?","What do you have in stock?","Nevermind") ) { case 1: mes "[Ash]"; mes "Well you see here you can exchange your treasure hunter tokens for zeny or rare weapons forged by our blacksmiths."; mes " "; mes "Everything has its own price value and the only way you can get the tokens is by completing quests assigned to you,the system normally works like this."; mes " "; mes "The harder the mission the more Tokens you will earn. All red quests are worth 4-8 Tokens, and the rest are worth 1-5."; mes " "; mes "Hope that solves your problem and questions."; close; case 2: break; case 3: close; } mes "[Ash]"; mes "Ok here is our Big list of goods."; mes " "; mes "(Note T stands for a Treasure Token.)"; next; mes "[Ash]"; mes "This is what we have to offer."; next; switch( select("Trade for zeny", "Trade for Weapons", "Trade for Cards", "Nevermind") ) { case 1: select("1000z - 1T","10000z - 10T","100000z - 100T","Nevermind"); thqs_trade_token(@menu); case 2: mes "[Ash]"; mes "This is what we have to offer."; next; select("Axe's","1 Handed Swords","2 Handed Swords","Book's","Bow's","Katar's","Knuckle's","Mace's","Whips","Wands","Nevermind"); ths_menu_weapons(@menu); case 3: mes "[Ash]"; mes "This is what we have to offer."; next; thqs_menu_buy("$THQS_menu_cards","$THQS_menu_price"); case 4: close; } end; }
  3. Thyr

    @PK Command

    Player can turn off PK Mode for their own, not for everyone. (If a player turned off PK Mode @pk off, He/She can't be attacked or He/She cannot attack enemies who are on PK Mode.) Command will only be @pk (on,off)
  4. Thyr

    @PK Command

    Simple, a custom command that enable the player to toggle the pk ON and OFF. NOTE: this is for the server with a PK Mode set as 1 ( @ misc.conf) // PK Server Mode. // Turns entire server pvp(excluding towns). // Experience loss is doubled if killed by another player. // When players hunt monsters over 20 levels higher, they will receive 15% // additional exp., and 25% chance of receiving more items. // There is a nopvp.txt for setting up maps not to have pk on in this mode. // Novices cannot be attacked and cannot attack. // Normal pvp counter and rank display are disabled as well. // Note: If pk_mode is set to 2 instead of 1, players will receive a // manner penalty of 5 each time they kill another player (see manner_system // config to adjust how this will affect players) pk_mode: 1
  5. Thyr

    Soul Linker NPC

    Script works but don't Links the character... prontera,161,185,4 script Linker 4_M_ROTERT,{ set .@n$,"[ ^0000FFLinker^000000 ]"; set .@time, 300000; // the buff last 5 minutes set @zenycost,600000; mes .@n$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+",do"; mes "You want me to Soul Link you?"; switch(select("Yes", "No")) { case 1: if(Zeny < @zenycost) goto l_nozeny; set Zeny,Zeny - @zenycost; switch ( basejob ) { case Job_Alchemist: set .@spirit, 445; break; case Job_Monk: set .@spirit, 447; break; case Job_Star_Gladiator: set .@spirit, 448; break; case Job_Sage: set .@spirit, 449; break; case Job_Crusader: set .@spirit, 450; break; case Job_SuperNovice: set .@spirit, 451; break; case Job_Knight: set .@spirit, 452; break; case Job_Wizard: set .@spirit, 453; break; case Job_Priest: set .@spirit, 454; break; case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break; case Job_Rogue: set .@spirit, 456; break; case Job_Assassin: set .@spirit, 457; break; case Job_Blacksmith: set .@spirit, 458; break; case Job_Hunter: set .@spirit, 460; break; case Job_Soul_Linker: set .@spirit, 461; break; default: if ( upper == 1 && baselevel < 70 ) set .@spirit, 494; } if ( .@spirit ) { sc_start4 SC_SOULLINK, 360000, 5, .@spirit,0,0; skilleffect .@spirit, 5; } case 2: mes .@n$; mes "Okay,goodbye!"; close; } l_nozeny: mes .@n$; mes "You need 600,000 Zeny for a Soul Link."; close; }
  6. Hello anyone can help me get a exchanger that exchanges arena points to ticket? vise verssa here is the arena points farm script i use If there is 1 Arena point is to 1 Ticket rebel_mt,215,170,4 script Monster Arena 4_F_CRU,{ if(lifetime >= 1) goto LLT; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "What do you want to do?"; menu "Enter Monster Arena",-,"Exchange Arena Points",Lex,"Check Arena Points",Lcheck; next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can earn points by killing monster that are inside there, and the points you earn can be traded for cool stuffs."; next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "There are two kinds of Gate pass, the ^0000FFone-time ticket^000000 is for one entry which cost 1 Credit and there's a ^0000FFlife-time ticket^000000 that can give you access anytime which cost 10 Credits."; mes "What entry do you want to go to?"; menu "One-Time Ticket",-,"Life-Time Ticket",Llife; next; if(countitem(20030) < 1) goto Lnen; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go! Come & Visit us again!"; mes "*Stamp Stamp*"; delitem 20030,1; close2; warp "bat_b02",312,225; end; OnInit: waitingroom "Monster Arena",0; end; Llife: if(countitem(20030) < 10) goto Lnen; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Wow! you must be rich! Here you go! Come & Visit us again!"; mes "*Stamp Stamp*"; delitem 20030,10; set lifetime,1; close2; warp "bat_b02",312,225; Lnot: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Suit yourself!"; close; Lnen: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Not enough Credits!"; close; LLT: mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "What do you want to do?"; menu "Enter Monster Arena",-,"Exchange Points",Lex,"Check Arena Points",Lcheck; next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "I see you have a life-time pass.."; mes "Do you want to enter the Monster Arena?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",Lnot; next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Bye! Shazam !"; close2; warp "bat_b02",312,225; end; Lnoep: mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Not Enough Points!"; close; Lcheck: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes strcharinfo(0)+"'s Arena Points : ^0000FF"+arenapoint+"^000000 Point(s)"; close; Lex: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Choose from the categories below :"; menu "Cards",-,"^0000ffEquips^000000",Leqp,"^FF00FFSupplies^000000",Lsupp; next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Choose from my card album.."; menu "Atroce Card - 10,000",-,"Golden Thief Bug Card - 15,000",Lgtb,"Memory of Thanatos Card - 20,000",Lthana,"Fallen Bishop Card - 30,000",Lfbh,"Gloom Under Night Card - 30,000",Lgloom; next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 10000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4425,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-10000; close; Lgtb: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 15000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!";; getitem 4128,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-15000; close; Lthana: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 2000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4399,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-20000; close; Lfbh: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 30000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4441,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-30000; close; Lgloom: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 30000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4408,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-30000; close; Leqp: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Choose from the available equipments.."; menu "Fusion Valkyrie Armor - 10,000",-,"Fusion Valkyrie Manteau - 10,000",Lfmant,"Fusion Valkyrie Shoes - 10,000",Lfshoe,"Fusion Valkyrie Shield - 10,000",Lfshld,"Flame Aura - 20,000",Lfaura,"Travelers Hat - 15,000",Ltrhat,"Kakashi Headprotector - 15,000",Lkakas,"Ensign Helm - 15,000",Lensi,"Cyclops Eye - 30,000",Lcycl,"Robo Ears - 10,000",Lrobo,"Devil Wings - 30,000",Ldevil; next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 10000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 20042,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-10000; close; Lfmant: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 10000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 20043,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-10000; close; Lfshoe: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 10000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 20045,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-10000; close; Lfshld: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 10000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 20044,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-10000; close; Lfaura: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 20000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 20063,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-20000; close; Ltrhat: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 15000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 20027,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-15000; close; Lkakas: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 15000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 20026,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-15000; close; Lensi: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 15000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 20028,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-15000; close; Lcycl: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 30000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 5135,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-30000; close; Lrobo: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 10000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 20024,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-10000; close; Ldevil: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 30000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 20056,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-30000; close; Lsupp: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Choose from the available supplies."; menu "50 Box of Thunder - 100",-,"50 Yggdrasil Berry - 150",Lberry,"50 Yggdrasil Seed - 75",Lseed,"50 Poison Bottle - 500",Ledp,"50 Glistening Coat - 1000",Lgcoat,"50 Cursed Water - 100",Lcwater,"50 Wind Converter - 150",Lwconv,"50 Earth Converter - 150",Leconv,"50 Fire Converter - 150",Lfconv,"50 Frost Converter - 150",Lfrconv,"10 STR Food +10 - 500",Lsfood,"10 AGI Food +10 - 500",Lafood,"10 VIT Food +10 - 500",Lvfood,"10 INT Food +10 - 500",Lifood,"10 DEX Food +10 - 500",Ldfood,"10 LUK Food +10 - 500",Llfood; next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 100) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12028,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-100; close; Lberry: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF150^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 150) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 607,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-150; close; Lseed: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF75^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 75) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 608,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-75; close; Ledp: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF500^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 500) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 678,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-500; close; Lgcoat: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF1000^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 1000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 7139,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-1000; close; Lcwater: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF100^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 100) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12020,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-100; close; Lwconv: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF150^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 150) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12117,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-150; close; Leconv: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF150^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 150) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12116,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-150; close; Lfconv: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF150^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 150) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12114,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-150; close; Lfrconv: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF150^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 150) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12115,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-150; close; Lconv: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF150^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 150) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12114,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-150; close; Lsfood: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF500^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 500) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12075,10; set arenapoint,arenapoint-500; close; Lafood: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF500^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 500) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12090,10; set arenapoint,arenapoint-500; close; Lvfood: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF500^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 500) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12085,10; set arenapoint,arenapoint-500; close; Lifood: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF500^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 500) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12080,10; set arenapoint,arenapoint-500; close; Ldfood: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF500^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 500) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12095,10; set arenapoint,arenapoint-500; close; Llfood: next; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF500^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 500) goto Lnoep; mes "[ Gate Keeper ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12100,10; set arenapoint,arenapoint-500; close; } - script monsterarena FAKE_NPC,{ OnGuardianKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+1; dispbottom "You earned 1 Arena Point"; end; OnBowGuardianKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+2; dispbottom "You earned 2 Arena Point"; end; OnFlower1Kill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+20; dispbottom "You earned 20 Arena Points"; end; OnFlower2Kill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+20; dispbottom "You earned 20 Arena Points"; end; OnFlower3Kill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+20; dispbottom "You earned 20 Arena Points"; end; OnPCDieEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) == "bat_b02" ) { if ( death >= 0 ) { set arenapoint,arenapoint-3; dispbottom "You have lost 3 Arena Points. Your total is "+arenapoint+" Arena Points."; set death, 0; } } } bat_b02,0,0,0,0 monster Wild Flower 2111,15,1,7200,monsterarena::OnFlower1Kill bat_b02,0,0,0,0 monster Wild Flower 2111,15,1,7200,monsterarena::OnFlower2Kill bat_b02,0,0,0,0 monster Wild Flower 2111,15,1,7200,monsterarena::OnFlower3Kill bat_b02,0,0,0,0 monster Arena Bow Guardian 2108,120,5,900,monsterarena::OnGuardianKill bat_b02,0,0,0,0 monster Arena Sword Guardian 2109,150,5,900,monsterarena::OnBowGuardianKill /////////// bat_b02 mapflag nowarp bat_b02 mapflag nosave bat_b02 mapflag pvp bat_b02 mapflag noteleport bat_b02 mapflag nowarpto bat_b02 mapflag noreturn bat_b02 mapflag nobranch bat_b02 mapflag noskill
  7. tihs script blocks on all maps
  8. Pk plugins can damage each other when inside party.
  9. Sir Dastgir, when PK is ON and you and your friends are in party. We still can damage each other but casting skills and normal attacking (Shift + Left Click on Character)
  10. Empty each tables (I don't need to execute another main.sql from sql-files folder?) what table should I make empty to remove overall items from the server and leave the account and characters of my players? (The character and account is still there but items inventory, storage item, cart item will be gone.)
  11. Hello anyone know download links for Luafiles514 in data folder? My luafiles514 is not compatible to my client 2014 10 22. I think its very outdated.
  12. Hello, Anyone can recommended me a stable Client for my Server (With Working Packet Keys)? My server is Pre-Renewal Server Trans job only. My server runs on 2014-10-22bRagexe client which it has problem on Cell Skill. This Client use System Folder its uses the Iteminfo.lua,etc., (If you want to see whats my problem with my current client 2014-10-22b) Here's the link and video
  13. The problem is in the client, it has problems with cell skill usinjg Bowling Bash i've tried old client like 2010-07-30 and it follows the enemy that knocks back when spamming bowling bash. Anyone can recommend me a Latest Client? The Cell problem client date is : 2014-10-22b Ragexe please test it out for confirmation.
  14. Hello, my server runs in Closed Beta Test (CBT) that will reset in 1 week for Official Release.. How can I wipe Items and character and start over? or Wipe just items (Characters will be not deleted just the items)
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