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About freezing1

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  1. I also have the same error, latest version of hercules
  2. thank you for your dedication and for helping us, Annie.
  3. Not everyone wants to sell, respect.
  4. freezing1


    Greetings, i have a question. the reflector shield is not reflecting anything, is it any bugs or tweaks i should make? i thank everyone
  5. I already tested, but it does not work. I'll test again
  6. https://rathena.org/board/topic/117448-release-partybuffspb/
  7. Você é o rapaz que pega plugins prontos daqui, compra scripts e revende falando que foi você quem fez? mas é um bosta mesmo.. Vulgo ragnarok brasil service kkkkk só sabe rippar temas do eadev e revender, além de revender plugins GRATUITOS do Dastgir por dinheiro. lixo humano
  8. Hello, I would suggest and ask for a script with daily, weekly and monthly ranking. Also, swap the pvp points for items. A "point changer".
  9. Hello, how are you? I would like to make a modification where mind breaker it was possible to get in the same group/guild, use in a friend. Is it possible? How do I do it? sry bad english, i'm use google tradutor.
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