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Posts posted by mrlongshen





    looks like you didn't updated your source files :/


    eh ? i have make the svn up. should i do manually ? 


    yes, if you do update by command and have custom src modifications there will be conflicts and it will not change some files and your src you become a mess :P


    but i dont have any custom mod sir ? 

    how should i update ?

    If using svn

    svn up

    If using Git

    Check http://herc.ws/board/topic/152-obtaining-hercules/ (Post #3 and Post #4)

    If downloaded a zip from github, i fear that you have to manual patch, or download new from git/svn and apply your edits,


    yesterday i update to latest one, and this problem occur again. why...

  2. [Warning]: script error in file 'npc/custom/monsterwiki.txt' line 14 column 3    parse_syntax: use of deprecated keyword (use 'case' instead).    11: case 1:    12:         if( getgmlevel() >= 80 ) mes "Answer : ^FF0000"+.Answer$+"^000000";    13:         switch( .Mode ){*   14:                 Case 0:        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^    15:                         mes "Please Input the ^FF0000NAME^000000 of monster.";    16:                         mes "^0000FFRemind^000000 : It is ^FF0000Case-Sensitive^000000";    17:                         mes "Example : ^0000FFPoring^000000";[Error]: script error in file 'npc/custom/monsterwiki.txt' line 14 column 3    parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function    11: case 1:    12:         if( getgmlevel() >= 80 ) mes "Answer : ^FF0000"+.Answer$+"^000000";    13:         switch( .Mode ){*   14:                 Case 0:        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^    15:                         mes "Please Input the ^FF0000NAME^000000 of monster.";    16:                         mes "^0000FFRemind^000000 : It is ^FF0000Case-Sensitive^000000";    17:                         mes "Example : ^0000FFPoring^000000";


    Above is the error of the below script. Please help me :(


    prontera,155,164,5	script	Monster Wiki	439,{while( 1 ){mes "Event Status : "+((!.WikiStatus )?"^FF0000OFF":"^0000FFON")+" ^000000";mes "^00FF00_______________________________^000000";mes "How may i assist you, ^0000FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000 ?";next;switch( select( ( !.WikiStatus || !.MonsterID )?"":"Write Answer",				"^00FF00Information^000000",				( getgmlevel() < 60 )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 "+(( !.WikiStatus )?"Start Event":"Stop Event"),				( getgmlevel() < 80 )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 Setting" )){Case 1:	if( getgmlevel() >= 80 ) mes "Answer : ^FF0000"+.Answer$+"^000000";	switch( .Mode ){		Case 0:			mes "Please Input the ^FF0000NAME^000000 of monster.";			mes "^0000FFRemind^000000 : It is ^FF0000Case-Sensitive^000000";			mes "Example : ^0000FFPoring^000000";			break;		Case 1:				mes "Please Input the ^FF0000LEVEL^000000 of monster.";			mes "Example. ^0000FF10 / 20 / 35 / 75^000000";			set .Hint,getmonsterinfo( .MonsterID,1 ) - rand(30);			mes "^FF0000Hint^000000 : Between "+( (( .Hint ) < 1 )?"0":.Hint)+" ~ "+( getmonsterinfo( .MonsterID,1 ) + rand(30) )+" ";			break;		Case 2:			mes "Please Input the ^FF0000SIZE^000000 of monster.";			mes "^0000FFRemind^000000 : It is ^FF0000Case-Sensitive^000000";			mes "Example. ^0000FFSmall / Medium / Large^000000";			break;		Case 3:			mes "Please Input the ^FF0000RACE^000000 of monster.";			mes "^0000FFRemind^000000 : It is ^FF0000Case-Sensitive^000000";			mes "^FF0000List of Available Answer^000000";			mes "^00FF00_______________________________^000000";			for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Race$ ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){				mes " - ^0000FF"+.Race$[.@i]+"^000000";				}			break;		Case 4:				mes "Please Input the ^FF0000ELEMENT^000000 of monster.";			mes "^0000FFRemind^000000 : It is ^FF0000Case-Sensitive^000000";			mes "^FF0000List of Available Answer^000000";			mes "^00FF00_______________________________^000000";			for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Element$ ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){				mes " - ^0000FF"+.Element$[.@i]+"^000000";				}			break;		}	input @Guess$;	if( .MonsterID == 0 || @Guess$ != .Answer$ ){		mes "Sorry, you are ^FF0000WRONG^000000 or ^FF0000Too Late^000000 for the Answer.";		close;	}else{		mes "^FF0000Correct^000000 !! I wonder how good are you in this.";		stopnpctimer;		getitem $WikiItemID,$WikiAmount;		close2;		setnpcdisplay( strnpcinfo(0),rand( 436,439 ) );		announce "You're Right [ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] . The Answer is [ "+.Answer$+" ]",bc_npc,0xED1ADC;		set .MonsterID,0;		doevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart";	}	end;	Case 2:	mes "This is a ^FF0000Monster Wiki^000000";	mes "I will ask you everything about ^FF0000Monster^000000.";	mes "^00FF00_______________________________^000000";	mes "The ^0000FFQuestions^000000 could be either in ^FF0000Name , Race , Element , Level , Size ^000000 of Monster.";	next;	break;Case 3:	if( !$WikiRound || getitemname( $WikiItemID ) == "null" ){		mes "Please Configure your ^FF0000NPC Setting^000000 before you start.";		next;		break;		}	set .WikiStatus,( .WikiStatus )?"0":"1";	mes "Event is now "+( .WikiStatus )?"^0000FFStarted":"^FF0000Stopped"+"^000000";	announce "Monster Wiki Event is now "+( .WikiStatus )?"Started":"Stopped"+"^000000",bc_blue;	close2;	if( .WikiStatus ){		set .Round,0;		doevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart";		}	end;Case 4:	while( 1 ){	mes "How can i assist you ^FF0000GM^000000?";	next;	switch( select( "Prize [ ^0000FF"+$WikiAmount+" x "+getitemname( $WikiItemID )+"^000000 ]",					"Round [ ^0000FF"+$WikiRound+"^000000 ]",					"^0000FFBack^000000" )){		Case 1:			mes "Input the ^FF0000Item ID^000000";			do{				input $WikiItemID,501,32767;			}while( getitemname( $WikiItemID ) == "null" );			mes "Input the ^FF0000Amount^000000";			input $WikiAmount,1,32767;			next;			break;		Case 2:			mes "Input the ^FF0000Max. Round^000000";			input $WikiRound,1,50;			next;			break;		Case 3:			mes "Redirect back to menu...";			next;			}			break;		}	break;	}}OnMinute00:for( set .@i,3; .@i > 0 ; set .@i,.@i - 1 ){announce "Monster Wiki Event will take place in Prontera within "+.@i+" Minutes",bc_blue;sleep 60000;}set .Round,0;set .WikiStatus,1;OnStart:sleep2 5000;set .Round,.Round + 1;if( .Round > $WikiRound ){mapannounce .Map$,"Monster Wiki Event has Ended. Thank for Participate in this Event.",bc_map,0x7766EE;set .WikiStatus,0;sleep2 5000;//mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",155,171;setnpcdisplay( strnpcinfo(0),rand( 436,439 ) );}else{npctalk "Round [ "+.Round+" ] within 5 Seconds.";sleep2 5000;	do{		set .MonsterID,rand( 1001,2380 );	}while( getmonsterinfo( .MonsterID,0 ) == "null" || getmonsterinfo( .MonsterID,0 ) == "" || getmonsterinfo( .MonsterID,1 ) == -1 );	set .Mode,rand(5);	switch( .Mode ){		Case 0:	set .Answer$, getmonsterinfo( .MonsterID,0 );	break;	// Name		Case 1:	set .Answer$, getmonsterinfo( .MonsterID,1 );	break;	// Level		Case 2:	set .Answer$, .Size$[ getmonsterinfo( .MonsterID,18 ) ];	break;	// Size		Case 3:	set .Answer$, .Race$[ getmonsterinfo( .MonsterID,19 ) ];	break;	// Race		Case 4:	set .Answer$, .Element$[ getmonsterinfo( .MonsterID,20 ) ];	break;	// Element		}	setnpcdisplay( strnpcinfo(0),.MonsterID );	npctalk "Click me to view the Question of this Round..";	initnpctimer;}end;OnTimer10000:	npctalk "20 Seconds to go...";	end;OnTimer20000:	npctalk "10 Seconds to go...";	end;OnTimer30000:mapannounce .Map$,"Time's Up. All Failed in this Round.",bc_map,0x00FF00;donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart";set .MonsterID,0;stopnpctimer;end;OnInit:OnWhisperGlobal:set .Map$,"prontera";setarray .Size$[0],"Small","Medium","Large";setarray .Race$[0],"Formless","Undead","Brute","Plant","Insect","Fish","Demon","Demi Human","Angel","Dragon";setarray .Element$[0],"Neutral","Water","Earth","Fire","Wind","Poison","Holy","Dark","Spirit","Undead";end;		} 






    looks like you didn't updated your source files :/


    eh ? i have make the svn up. should i do manually ? 


    yes, if you do update by command and have custom src modifications there will be conflicts and it will not change some files and your src you become a mess :P


    but i dont have any custom mod sir ? 

    how should i update ?

  4. Planning to get VPS located at Las Vegas instead of Los Angeles , Most of my users will be coming from Asian country

    what do you think? Will it lag ? 


    not so much, still can play, but mostly 200 above ping latency. if on asia server below 100. 

  5. well, anyone can use this command (from lvl 0 to lvl 99) if you really want so that gms of lvl 40 or more don't use it, then add back:



    if ( getgroupid() >= 40 ) end;


    ok thanks bro :)




    bindatcmd "buff", strnpcinfo( 3 )+"::OnBuff";






    and take of that if ( getgroupid() > 40 ) end; check :P


    what do you means sir ? 

    remove the if ( getgroupid() > 40 ) end; ????????




    so gm also can use this command right ?

  7. change:

    bindatcmd "buff", strnpcinfo( 3 )+"::OnBuff";






    and take of that if ( getgroupid() > 40 ) end; check :P


    what do you means sir ? 

    remove the if ( getgroupid() > 40 ) end; ????????

  8. I have a problem about the private, when my player pm me, I can see what they sending to me in chat box, but when i reply, i cant see my replied. please help ?

    Im using 2013.08.07a client..

    this my diff


    8 Custom Window Title
    9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended)
    13 Disable Ragexe Filename Check (Recommended)
    14 Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen (Recommended)
    15 Disable HShield (Recommended)
    19 Enable Title Bar Menu
    24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended)
    28 Increase Headgear ViewID
    33 Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo() (Recommended)
    34 Enable /showname (Recommended)
    36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended)
    37 Read questid2display.txt (Recommended)
    38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended)
    39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended)
    40 Restore Login Window (Recommended)
    41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended)
    44 Translate Client (Recommended)
    47 Use Ragnarok Icon
    48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended)
    49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended)
    51 Ascii & Arial on All Langtypes (Recommended)
    52 Use Custom Font (Experimental)
    61 Disable Packet Encryption (Recommended)
    64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended)
    73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)
    84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended)
    88 Allow space in guild name
    90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended)
    97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended)

    here the ss..


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