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Posts posted by mrlongshen

  1. Last thing that comes to mind is that your webhost alone is not permitting outgoing connections on that port; this is something you would have to resolve with your webhost; I've had similar problems when hosting with GoDaddy.


    Oh and you should probably set up the rest of your connections settings in your servers.php file; you're missing configuration for your logs, map, char, and login arrays.


    my webhosting said, they wont allow a external connection because i buy the shared hosting ... 

    what should i do know ? 

  2. Doesn't mean they used up every ID. There's tons of gaps of unused ID's.


    i know but there a many number. need to find carefull.



    true but i think they are leaving them blank to add weapons/shields etc in future. but for headgears they will probably have to expand

    agree with u sir.  Im pretty sure it will be used for custom weapon.

    currently is free 26000~28000 sir.


    neo, u cant inject the client to read 50k or mayb 100k ? hehe

  3. Last thing that comes to mind is that your webhost alone is not permitting outgoing connections on that port; this is something you would have to resolve with your webhost; I've had similar problems when hosting with GoDaddy.


    Oh and you should probably set up the rest of your connections settings in your servers.php file; you're missing configuration for your logs, map, char, and login arrays.


    i try contact my webhost 1st. ask them to permit outgoing connection on that port 1st. ok..

    the servers.php is configure well :)

  4. You don't need shared SQL if you have MySQL installed and running on your VPS; it was merely an alternative suggestion in case you didn't want to go through the trouble of setting it up. See if MySQL is running on your system by checking the port (typically 3306) here with your VPS's IP: Check Ports Tool


    tcp        0      0 116.xxx.xxx.136:3306*                   LISTEN      27408/mysqld  


    mysql is running well

  5. did you open the ports on your VPS to allow the web hosting link to come back to your website?


    assuming you're using CentOS on your VPS,


    you could try pressing setup and see opening up the ports to allow the SQL data to come in.


    setup. what setup do you means sir ?


    Are you sure MySQL is even running on your VPS? If you purchased an unmanaged VPS, it's unlikely that you'll have  it pre-installed for you.


    Guide: Installing MySQL on Unix/Linux

    Guide: Installing MySQL on Microsoft Windows


    Alternatively, you can purchase shared SQL and just point FluxCP (and your server's SQL settings) there.


    Offloaded SQL via Frantech - $1.00 per month


    yes i buy a unmanaged vps. yes the mysql is running because. i can open my website there.

    but i dont want since i have the other webhosting.

    aw. shared sql ? do i really need this ?

  6. Hello all..

    First thing I  want to share is, I have a vps server with full root access.

    2nd thing is, I have a webhosting.


    The problem is.

    I want to install my fluxcp on my website.

    what should i config, in fluxcp/config/server.php folder? 

    when I try configure the below configuration error.

    Its seem mysql does not accept connection from webhosting.


    on my thinking, i create a subdomain on my webhosting.


    then i upload the fluxcp file on the subdomain.

    then i setup like below. but i got an error.


    is that false i setup like below ? 

    i put my vps ip on there ?


    <?phpreturn array(	// Example server configuration. You may have more arrays like this one to	// specify multiple server groups (however they should share the same login	// server whilst they are allowed to have multiple char/map pairs).	array(		'ServerName'     => 'FluxRO',		// Global database configuration (excludes logs database configuration).		'DbConfig'       => array(			//'Socket'     => '/tmp/mysql.sock',			//'Port'       => 3306,			//'Encoding'   => 'utf8', // Connection encoding -- use whatever here your MySQL tables collation is.			'Convert'    => 'utf8',				// -- 'Convert' option only works when 'Encoding' option is specified and iconv (http://php.net/iconv) is available.				// -- It specifies the encoding to convert your MySQL data to on the website (most likely needs to be utf8)			'Hostname'   => '116.xxx.xxx.136', <--My VPS IP			'Username'   => 'xxxxx', <--My sql username			'Password'   => 'xxxxxxxxxxx', <--My sql passwd			'Database'   => 'xxxxxxxx_rag', <--My sql database			'Persistent' => true,			'Timezone'   => null // Example: '+0:00' is UTC.			// The possible values of 'Timezone' is as documented from the MySQL website:			// "The value can be given as a string indicating an offset from UTC, such as '+10:00' or '-6:00'."			// "The value can be given as a named time zone, such as 'Europe/Helsinki', 'US/Eastern', or 'MET'." (see below continuation!)			// **"Named time zones can be used only if the time zone information tables in the mysql database have been created and populated."		),		// This is kept separate because many people choose to have their logs		// database accessible under different credentials, and often on a		// different server entirely to ensure the reliability of the log data.		'LogsDbConfig'   => array(			//'Socket'     => '/tmp/mysql.sock',			//'Port'       => 3306,			//'Encoding'   => null, // Connection encoding -- use whatever here your MySQL tables collation is.			'Convert'    => 'utf8',				// -- 'Convert' option only works when 'Encoding' option is specified and iconv (http://php.net/iconv) is available.				// -- It specifies the encoding to convert your MySQL data to on the website (most likely needs to be utf8)			'Hostname'   => '',			'Username'   => 'ragnarok',			'Password'   => 'ragnarok',			'Database'   => 'ragnarok',			'Persistent' => true,			'Timezone'   => null // Possible values is as described in the comment in DbConfig.		),		// Login server configuration.		'LoginServer'    => array(			'Address'  => '',			'Port'     => 6900,			'UseMD5'   => true,			'NoCase'   => true, // rA account case-sensitivity; Default: Case-INsensitive (true).			'GroupID'  => 0,    // Default account group ID during registration.			//'Database' => 'ragnarok'		),		'CharMapServers' => array(			array(				'ServerName'      => 'FluxRO',				'Renewal'         => true,				'MaxCharSlots'    => 9,				'DateTimezone'    => null, // Specifies game server's timezone for this char/map pair. (See: http://php.net/timezones)				//'ResetDenyMaps'   => 'sec_pri', // Defaults to 'sec_pri'. This value can be an array of map names.				//'Database'        => 'ragnarok', // Defaults to DbConfig.Database				'ExpRates' => array(					'Base'        => 100, // Rate at which (base) exp is given					'Job'         => 100, // Rate at which job exp is given					'Mvp'         => 100  // MVP bonus exp rate				),				'DropRates' => array(					// The rate the common items (in the ETC tab, besides card) are dropped					'Common'      => 100,					'CommonBoss'  => 100,					// The rate healing items (that restore HP or SP) are dropped					'Heal'        => 100,					'HealBoss'    => 100,					// The rate usable items (in the item tab other then healing items) are dropped					'Useable'     => 100,					'UseableBoss' => 100,					// The rate at which equipment is dropped					'Equip'       => 100,					'EquipBoss'   => 100,					// The rate at which cards are dropped					'Card'        => 100,					'CardBoss'    => 100,					// The rate adjustment for the MVP items that the MVP gets directly in their inventory					'MvpItem'     => 100				),				'CharServer'      => array(					'Address'     => '',					'Port'        => 6121				),				'MapServer'       => array(					'Address'     => '',					'Port'        => 5121				),				// -- WoE days and times --				// First parameter: Starding day 0=Sunday / 1=Monday / 2=Tuesday / 3=Wednesday / 4=Thursday / 5=Friday / 6=Saturday				// Second parameter: Starting hour in 24-hr format.				// Third paramter: Ending day (possible value is same as starting day).				// Fourth (final) parameter: Ending hour in 24-hr format.				// ** (Note, invalid times are ignored silently.)				'WoeDayTimes'   => array(					//array(0, '12:00', 0, '14:00'), // Example: Starts Sunday 12:00 PM and ends Sunday 2:00 PM					//array(3, '14:00', 3, '15:00')  // Example: Starts Wednesday 2:00 PM and ends Wednesday 3:00 PM				),				// Modules and/or actions to disallow access to during WoE.				'WoeDisallow'   => array(					array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'online'),  // Disallow access to "Who's Online" page during WoE.					array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'mapstats') // Disallow access to "Map Statistics" page during WoE.				)			)		)	));?> 




    when i want to install.

    i got this error.


    Exception Details

    Error: PDOException

    Message: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2003] Can't connect to MySQL server on '116.xxx.xxx.136' (4) <--This is my vps IP!

    File: /home/syokro8/public_html/cpanel/lib/Flux/Connection.php:81


    how to fix this ? 

    what should i do ?

    i dont want point my website cpanel.xxxxx.net to ip 111.xxx.xxx.xxx like that.

    i want when i open my cpanel.xxx.net its will a control panel. not point. please




    ****i hope someone will try to guide and help me. thx you.


    is this .min = 1;    // Minimum

       .max = 100;    // Maximum??

    is that a percent or 1 to 100 z free ?


    That sets the range of a random number from 1 to 100 to be rewarded in zeny.


    oic, sir how about the set all mobs in mob_db ? but i would like to have this function too to specific another zeny prize. can ?

     setarray .monster[0], 1001, 1002 , 1004, 1005;

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