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Posts posted by madtoyz

  1. then change you item script..


    1490,Gigantic_Lance,Gigantic Lance,4,20,,20000,20,,3,0,0x00000080,7,2,34,4,140,1,5,{ bonus bAspd,-10; if(readparam(bStr)>=120){ bonus bBaseAtk,300; } },{},{ heal 0,-600; }




    i can delete part if(readparam(bStr)>=120) ?

    1490,Gigantic_Lance,Gigantic Lance,4,20,,20000,20,,3,0,0x00000080,7,2,34,4,140,1,5,{ bonus bAspd,-10; bonus bBaseAtk,300; },{},{ heal 0,-600; }



    yes because the item description says that having 120 or more strength you weapon atk turns 300 else it will have the default atk of 0? or 20 I think..hehehe...




    Then how about if player just put str 100 and got extra str from equipment. i mean, the addition of such status +20. is there accepted too?

    if str 100 +20 instead additional status costume EQ then it will be 120.

    its counted..as long as its sum is 120 or more then you're fit to the criteria..




    can it change like before ?. use wieght only ? no counting str over then 120 ?


    Are you only talking about MATK or every skill in general? Here's the code to increase MATK based skills:

    (It's already modified because I was facing this issue as well - edit to your liking)


    Keep in mind though, if your Acid Demonstration is also based on MATK, you're gonna have to nerf that or Creators will be way too overpowered. :/




    //MATK_RATE scales the damage. 100 = no change. 50 is halved, 200 is doubled, etc#define MATK_RATE( a ) { ad.damage= ad.damage*(a)/40; }//Adds dmg%. 100 = +100% (double) damage. 10 = +10% damage#define MATK_ADDRATE( a ) { ad.damage+= ad.damage*(a)/40; }//Adds an absolute value to damage. 100 = +100 damage#define MATK_ADD( a ) { ad.damage+= a; }


    How about ATK ?

  4. yes because the item description says that having 120 or more strength you weapon atk turns 300 else it will have the default atk of 0? or 20 I think..hehehe...




    Then how about if player just put str 100 and got extra str from equipment. i mean, the addition of such status +20. is there accepted too?

    if str 100 +20 instead additional status costume EQ then it will be 120.

  5. Which part i need to writedown the OnClock in this script ?

    //Made by Karul//==========Start/Announcer NPCizlude,142,184,3	script	Satan Catcher Event	793,{set .@name$,"^9932CC[Satan Catcher] ^000000";if(getgmlevel() < 80) { 	mes .@name$;	mes "Sorry you are no Level 80 GM";	close;	} else {	L_Main:	mes .@name$;	mes "What do you want to do?";	switch(select("Item [" + getitemname($@SatanReward)  + "]:Start Event")) {			case 1: next;					mes .@name$;					mes "What item do you want as the reward?";					input $@SatanReward;					next;					mes .@name$;					mes "How many of that item(s) do you want to give?";					input $@SatanRewardItems;					next;					mes .@name$;					mes "This is your amount:";					mes ""+$@SatanRewardItems+"";					next;					goto L_Main;			case 2: next;					mes .@name$;					mes "Starting Event...";					close2;					Announce "Satan Catcher Event is being held!",bc_all;					sleep 5000;					Announce "The warp portal has appeared in izlude infront of me!",bc_all;					enablenpc "satanevent";					initnpctimer;					end;										OnTimer30000:							Announce "Thirty Seconds Have Passed By!",bc_all;							sleep 5000;							Announce "Hurry to infront of me if you want to join!",bc_all;							end;												OnTimer40000:							Announce "Twenty seconds left!",bc_all;							end;												OnTimer50000:							Announce "Ten seconds left!",bc_all;							end;												OnTimer55000:							Announce "5!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							Announce "4!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							Announce "3!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							Announce "2!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							Announce "1!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							Announce "0!",bc_all;							sleep 1000;							disablenpc "satanevent";							donpcevent "Rewarder::OnEnable";							stopnpctimer;							end;		}	}OnInit:        disablenpc "satanevent";        hideonnpc "Rewarder";}//=================Warp NPCizlude,140,182,0	warp	satanevent	1,1,2008rwc_08,50,51//=================Reward NPC2008rwc_08,50,51,5	script	Rewarder	793,{set .@sname$,"[Rewarder]";	mes .@sname$;	if(.@SATAN == 1) goto L_SATAN;	mes "Please tell me your name.";	next;	input .@charname$;	if(.@charname$ != strcharinfo(0)) {		mes .@name$;		mes "Are you sure that is your character name?";		close;	}	mes .@name$;	mes "Congratulations You Have Won!";	Announce "Congratulations to " + .@charname$ + "! He / She has won " + $@SatanRewardItems + " " + getitemname($@SatanReward)  + "(s)!",bc_all;	getitem $@SatanReward,$@SatanRewardItems;	atcommand "@go 0";	hideonnpc "Rewarder";	end;	L_SATAN:	mes .@sname$;	mes "Please tell me your name";	next;	input .@charname$;	if(.@charname$ != strcharinfo(0)) {		mes .@name$;		mes "Are you sure that is your character name?";		close;	}	mes .@name$;	mes "Congratulations You Have Won!";	Announce "Congratulations to " + .@charname$ + "! He / She has won " + $@SatanRewardItems + " " + getitemname($@SatanReward)  + "(s)!",bc_all;	getitem $@SatanReward,$@SatanRewardItems;	set SATAN,0;	atcommand "@go 0";	hideonnpc "Rewarder";	end;	OnEnable:	set .@aname$,"[Rewarder]";		mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": I will be summoning 100 different kinds of Satan Morroc.",16;	sleep 5000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": Only one of these Satan Morrocs are the real one.",16;	sleep 5000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": The correct one will be called 'Satan Morroc'.",16;	sleep 5000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": Kill the wrong one, you're out. Kill the right one, you win.",16;	sleep 5000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": Now let's play!",16;	goto L_Start;	end;L_Start:	set .@aname$,"[Rewarder]";	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": 5!",16;	sleep 1000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": 4!",16;	sleep 1000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": 3!",16;	sleep 1000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": 2!",16;	sleep 1000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": 1!",16;	sleep 1000;	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + ": GO!",16;	sleep 1000;	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Satan Morroc",4200,1,"satanwin::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"Satanic Morroc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Satan Moroc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"Satan Morocc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Satin Mrroc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"I am Satan Morroc",4200,5,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Corrom Natas",4200,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"SaTaN MoRrOc",4200,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Sattan Morroc",4200,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"Say Ten More Rocks",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Satan of the Morroc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"Morroc's Satan",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"S4t4n M0rr0c",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",63,63,37,46,"Saten Morroc",4200,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	areamonster "2008rwc_08",39,63,63,45,"Stan Morrc",4200,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled";	end;}//========Killed the right one-	script	satanwin	-1,{	set .@aname$,"[Rewarder]";OnMobKilled:	dispbottom "Satan Morroc: ASDFGHJKL; You found me.";	set .@SATAN,1;	atcommand "@doommap";	killmonster "2008rwc_08","All";	mapannounce "2008rwc_08","" + .@aname$ + " Come to me and tell me your name.",16;	hideoffnpc "Rewarder";	end;}//========Killed the wrong one-	script	satanlose	-1,{OnMobKilled:	dispbottom "Satan Morroc: ASDFGHJKL; You haven't found my twin!";	atcommand "@go 0";	end;}// -- Mapflags (If Wanted)2008rwc_08	mapflag	nowarp2008rwc_08	mapflag	nowarpto2008rwc_08	mapflag	noteleport2008rwc_08	mapflag	nosave2008rwc_08	mapflag	nomemo2008rwc_08	mapflag	nobranch2008rwc_08	mapflag	noloot2008rwc_08	mapflag	noskill2008rwc_08	mapflag	nopenalty


  6. im using renewal setup.


    This is my gigantic lance item_db

    1490,Gigantic_Lance,Gigantic Lance,4,20,,20000,20,,3,0,0x00000080,7,2,34,4,140,1,5,{ bonus bAspd,-10; if(readparam(bStr)>=120){ bonus bBaseAtk,300; } },{},{ heal 0,-600; }

    This is my skill_Cast_db


    This is my skill_db

    397,5,8,1,-1,0x0,0,5,5,no,0,0,0,weapon,0,	LK_SPIRALPIERCE,Spiral Pierce

    My player say that the gigantic dmg is to low compare to glorious spear.

  7. i dont understand what you mean by monster description .. /swt 

    there is no such description for every monster ....

    all you got only monster information or sprite...that's all...


    i mean "desciption" is like this :


    sorry make you confused,

    • using sprite satan morocc
    • using mob_db poring
    • new mobid

  8. If you want it to trigger exactly every 4 hours, you could make it start. For example, given you've configured your script (an OnInit label is missing so you'll have to configure it by hand), you could set OnHourXX labels just along with the starting label on the script, which is L_cluckannounce.


    Keep in mind this part of doc/script_commands.txt for following script adaptations:

    OnClock<hour><minute>:OnMinute<minute>:OnHour<hour>:On<weekday><hour><minute>:OnDay<month><day>:This will execute when the server clock hits the specified date or time. Hours and minutes are given in military time. ('0105' will mean 01:05 AM). Weekdays are Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat. Months are 01 to 12, days are 01 to 31. Remember the zero. 


    Example with hours 00, 04, 08, 12, 16 and 20 (hour 24 doesn't exist), and also adding the OnInit quick configuration. I've changed the permanent server variables for NPC variables. Its only drawback is that prize changes are temporary until server reboot, so you'll have to change them on the if you want them to be permanently changed:

    //===== Athena Script =====================================//= Cluck! Cluck! Boom!//===== By Keale of VoidRO ================================//= http://voidro.com//===== Description =======================================//= Click the chicken and try retrieve the item at a low //= chance. If you fail he will nuke, freeze, stone, //= stun, or make you fall asleep.//= The prize is configurable and triggered by the NPC.//===== Credits ===========================================//= LuTze for his 'Chicken of Punishment' script.//= BrianL for suggesting the 'switch' command.//= jaBote for v1.2 changes.//===== Version ===========================================//= v1.2//=========================================================//= v1.0 - First release.//= v1.1 - Using 'switch rand' instead.//= v1.2 - Changed some spacing for better comprehension //= and added some features per madtoyz request.//=========================================================izlude,127,132,7	script	Cluckers	800,{	if (.startcluck == 1) goto L_playcluck;cluckcluck:	if (getgmlevel() >= 60) goto cluckadmin;		mes "[Cluckers]";		mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck?";		mes "Cluck....";	close;	cluckadmin:		mes "[Cluckers]";		mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck? ^FF0000~Hi GM " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Wanna play today?~^000000";		mes "Cluck cluck... CLUCK! ^FF0000~Just tell me what to do!~^000000";		switch(select("Start Event:Check Prize:Set Prize:Not today Cluckers")) {			case 1:				next;				mes "[Cluckers]";				mes "CLUCK! ^FF0000~Sure thing!~^000000";				emotion 33;				close2;				goto L_cluckannounce;			case 2:				next;				mes "[Cluckers]";				mes "Cluck, cluck cluck... Cluck! ^FF0000~The current prize is^000000 ^008000"+ .cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname(.cluck_item_id) +".^000000";				next;				goto cluckadmin;			case 3:				next;				mes "[Cluckers]";				mes "Cluck cluck? Cluck??? ^FF0000~What should the prize for winning be? Please input the ID.~^000000";				input .cluck_item_id;				next;				mes "[Cluckers]";				mes "Cluck? cluuuck? ^FF0000~How many if this item should I give away?~^000000";				input .cluck_item_amount;				next;				mes "[Cluckers]";				mes "Cluck cluck..? Cluck. ^FF0000~So, the prize is^000000 ^008000"+ .cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname(.cluck_item_id) +"^000000? ^FF0000Great.~^000000";				emotion 33;				next;				goto cluckadmin;			case 4:				next;				mes "[Cluckers]";				mes "Cluck cluck cluck...";				close;		}L_cluckannounce:OnHour00:OnHour04:OnHour08:OnHour12:OnHour16:OnHour20:	announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] is about to start in izlude 127 132!",bc_blue;	initnpctimer;	end;OnTimer10000:	announce "Please proceed to the izlude 127 132 if you want to play with the crazy chicken!",bc_blue;	end;OnTimer20000:	announce "Cluckers has eaten one of my items! I'm too scared to retrieve it!",bc_blue;	end;OnTimer30000:	announce "Click the insane chicken and try squeeze out the item, if you're lucky you'll win! Are you ready?",bc_blue;	end;OnTimer40000:	announce "GO! Click the chicken to get the prize!",bc_blue;	set .startcluck,1;	end;		L_playcluck:	specialeffect2 2;	switch( rand(15) ) {		case 0:			npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!";			emotion 23;			atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);			break;		case 1:			npctalk "Cluuuuuck!~";			break;		case 2:			atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);			break;		case 3:			sc_start SC_Freeze,10000,0;			break;		case 4:			npctalk "CLUUUUUUUUUCK!!!";			emotion 23;			atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);			break;		case 5:			sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0;			break;		case 6:			emotion 29;			sc_start SC_Stone,10000,0;			break;		case 7:			npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!";			emotion 23;			atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);			break;		case 8:			npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!";			emotion 23;			atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);			break;		case 9:			sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0;		break;		case 10:			emotion 29;			sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0;			break;		case 11:			npctalk "Cluck! Cluck!";			break;		case 12:			sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0;			break;		case 13:			atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);			break;		default:			if( rand(50) < 3 ) {				npctalk "WOOF!...........";				specialeffect2 72;				announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] " + strcharinfo(0) + " Squeezed out the prize! Well done!",0;				getitem .cluck_item_id,.cluck_item_amount;				set .startcluck,0;			} else {				npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!";				atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);			}	}end; // Script ending was missing.OnInit: //Change this for configuration	set .cluck_item_id, 512;	set .cluck_item_amount, 30;	end;}


    Change the contents of OnInit label for permanent configuration. Untested but should work.


    thanks,its working

  9. It's badly done. Attempting to correct an error and adding item amount configuration OnInit (untested):

    //Created by youtubeizlude,159,128,3	script	Find the Baphomet	736,{mes "[ Find The Baphomet ]";if(getgmlevel() < 50) {    if(.Event==0) mes "There is no Find the Baphomet event.";    else {        mes "There is a Find the Baphomet event on now!";        mes "Location: "+ .Map$;        mes "Prize: " + .ItemQty + " " + getitemname(.ItemID);        mes "Number of Baphomets: " + .Baphomets;    }    close;}    mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+"! Please customize this event:";Main:next;mes "[ Find The Baphomet ]";    switch(select("Item [" + .ItemQty + " " + getitemname(.ItemID) + "]:Start Event:End Event")) {        case 1:            mes "Which item would you like the Baphomet to drop?";            mes "Please input the item ID:";            input .ItemID;			next;			mes "Also please input the amount of items you want the Baphomet to drop to the winner:";			input .ItemQty;            goto Main;        case 2:            mes "Starting the event now...";            set .Event,1;            close2;            goto OnStart;                case 3:            mes "Ending the event now...";            if(.Event) announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" ended Find the Baphomet Event!",bc_all;            killmonster  .Map$,"All";            set .Event,0;        close;}OnMinute51: //CHANGE THIS TO THE MINUTE YOU WOULD LIKE THIS EVENT TO LOAD!OnMinute20:OnStart:    announce "Find the Baphomet : It's time to play Find the Baphomet!",0;    sleep2 1000;    set $@ran, rand(1,11);    if ($@ran == 11) set .Map$,"splendide";    if ($@ran == 10) set .Map$,"hugel";    if ($@ran == 9) set .Map$,"yuno";    if ($@ran == 8) set .Map$,"comodo";    if ($@ran == 7) set .Map$,"xmas";    if ($@ran == 6) set .Map$,"aldebaran";    if ($@ran == 5) set .Map$,"izlude";    if ($@ran == 4) set .Map$,"payon";    if ($@ran == 3) set .Map$,"geffen";    if ($@ran == 2) set .Map$,"morocc";    if ($@ran == 1) set .Map$,"prontera";    sleep2 1000;    set $@ran2, rand(1,5);    if ($@ran2 == 5) set .Baphomets,"5";    if ($@ran2 == 4) set .Baphomets,"4";    if ($@ran2 == 3) set .Baphomets,"3";    if ($@ran2 == 2) set .Baphomets,"2";    if ($@ran2 == 1) set .Baphomets,"1";    announce "Find the Baphomet : The Baphomet has spawned in "+ .Map$ +"!",0;    sleep2 10000;    announce "Find the Baphomet : " + .Baphomets + " Baphomets have spawned in "+ .Map$ +"!",0;    sleep2 10000;    monster .Map$,0,0,"PLEASE DONT HIT ME!",1039,.Baphomets,"Find the Baphomet::OnMobKilled";    end;OnMobKilled:    mapannounce .Map$,"We've got a winner: " + strcharinfo(0) + " Congrats!",0;    set zeny,zeny+10000000;    getitem .ItemID,.ItemQty;    set .Event,0;    end;OnInit:	set .ItemID, 512;	set .ItemQty, 1;	end;}


    This is a quick fix since I'm in a rush, so maybe it won't work properly but I think yes. Remember to edit the OnInit label for adjusting the prize to your needs.


    thanks,problem solve

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