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Posts posted by madtoyz

  1. im using renewal system,


    this is my /src/map/battle.c

    	#ifdef RENEWAL_EDP			if( sc->data[SC_EDP] && skill_id != AS_GRIMTOOTH && skill_id != AS_VENOMKNIFE && skill_id != ASC_BREAKER ){			eatk = eatk * sc->data[SC_EDP]->val3 / 100; // 400%			damage = damage * sc->data[SC_EDP]->val4 / 100; // 500%			damage--; // temporary until we find the correct formula [malufett]		}	#endif	}

  2. this in my /src/map/status.h


    this in my /src/map/skill.c

    case 13264:sc_start(bl, SC_BANANA_BOMB, 100, skill_lv, skill->get_time(GN_SLINGITEM, skill_lv));	// Reduces LUK ??Needed confirm it, may be it's bugged in kRORE?sc_start(bl, SC_BANANA_BOMB_SITDOWN_POSTDELAY, 75, skill_lv, skill->get_time(GN_SLINGITEM_RANGEMELEEATK,skill_lv)); // Sitdown for 3 seconds.break;}

    But still no working delay 3sec after enemy cast banana bomb



    Updated Repo ?...what do you mean with Repo ?..i dont know sir.

  3. In official DB Guyak Pudding has no script:





    Anyways, SC_SpeedUp1 was long time changed to SC_MOVHASTE_INFINITY since it's the official name on the official servers. Some other effects have been also changed such as SC_INCREASEAGI to SC_INC_AGI as mofo said. So change that SC_SpeedUp1 to SC_MOVHASTE_INFINITY and the script will be OK again.


    FYI: Using an invalid SC_ name will result on applying que SC numbered zero, which is SC_STONE in /db/const.txt.


    Hope I helped.


    thx,its working now..

    but i got problem when my cursor go at icon increase,automatic will kickout from the game..

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