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Posts posted by Amalgam

  1. Can anybody help me add a delay of 60 seconds before using the command again. Thanks!


    /*========================================== * @storeall by [MouseJstr] * Put everything into storage *------------------------------------------*/ACMD_FUNC(storeall){	int i;	nullpo_retr(-1, sd);	if (sd->state.storage_flag != 1)  	{	//Open storage.		if( storage_storageopen(sd) == 1 ) {			clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can't open the storage currently.");			return -1;		}	}	for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) {		if (sd->status.inventory[i].amount && sd->status.inventory[i].equip == 0) {			if(sd->status.inventory[i].equip != 0)				pc_unequipitem(sd, i, 3);			storage_storageadd(sd,  i, sd->status.inventory[i].amount);		}	}	storage_storageclose(sd);	clif_displaymessage(fd, "It is done");	return 0;} 




  2. Im really having a problem when I open the storage using @storage and then use @refresh. My character will be stuck. How can I put a check if storage is open and @refresh command cannot be used. There will be a message saying "Please close your storage first before using @refresh". Thanks!

  3. Hello, How to make this last for 3 minutes clif_specialeffect(bl, 679, AREA); or how to make it display when a specific status is set?


    Because I want to create a scroll for aura. If they use the scroll they have a effect that will last only in 3minutes.


    Example is this.


    int skill_enchant_elemental_end (struct block_list *bl, int type){	struct status_change *sc;	const enum sc_type scs[] = { SC_ENCPOISON, SC_ASPERSIO, SC_FIREWEAPON, SC_WATERWEAPON, SC_WINDWEAPON, SC_EARTHWEAPON, SC_SHADOWWEAPON, SC_GHOSTWEAPON, SC_ENCHANTARMS };	int i;	nullpo_ret(bl);	nullpo_ret(sc= status_get_sc(bl));		clif_specialeffect(bl, 382, ALL_CLIENT);	if (!sc->count) return 0;		for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(scs); i++)		if (type != scs[i] && sc->data[scs[i]])			status_change_end(bl, scs[i], INVALID_TIMER);				return 0;}

    The problem is the effect will be lost if you try to warp or use flywings. I want the effect to last until a certain time.

  4. Okay so the other option is okay right?


    but im having some compilation errors.


    srcmapclif.c(9874): error C2065: 'guild' : undeclared identifiersrcmapclif.c(9874): error C2223: left of '->search' must point to struct/unionsrcmapclif.c(9876): error C2065: 'clif' : undeclared identifiersrcmapclif.c(9876): error C2223: left of '->guild_notice' must point to struct/union
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