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Chemical Crush

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Everything posted by Chemical Crush

  1. Awe thanks, im glad you found good use for the map!
  2. I'm going to go ahead and reply to this topic. Because it pertains to me, not because I feel the need to defend myself, but only because i'll go ahead and shed some light on this topic. This incident happened in 2011, back when I was still a new mapper on eA. I had created Aeven Forest, which some people know this map because it is a free release. However, Goodev did buy it at one point and commissioned me for another map which he blew up about on eA and caused this drama of a thread, which is all in the past now so its no big deal. He did purchase Aeven when I had created it and I waited 6 months before releasing it. However he never bought exclusive rights. This was a dumb mistake on my part as I was still just really new at mapping. I wasn't just trying to get money, if anyone knows me they know I undercharge for maps. I just made a stupid decision back then. That's all. I thought i'd just clarify that before things get out of control. There is no need for a thread like this on here when there was one on eA when you were unhappy with the other map. Posting my 'real info' on sites just really is kinda lowly. Goodev and I have talked since this thread so, yeah. Again, just thought i'd shed some light on the situation before this topic really does spiral and a bunch of assumptions are made. Thanks!
  3. File Name: Cherry Blossom Field File Submitter: Chemical Crush File Submitted: 12 Oct 2015 File Category: Maps & Textures Hey guys! This is basically a 'renewed' version of my old novice grounds map. OLD MAP: https://rathena.org/...-novice-garden/ I hope you guys enjoy this newer version, included is a mini map as well as a music file that you can use. If you have any issues please contact me. Also please do not claim my works as your own, out of respect. Thanks. Click here to download this file
  4. Hey Guys! I know you haven't heard from me for a bit on the Map showcase forums but I have a free release that I finished today If you know my maps then you might know my OLD Novice Garden map, which I have yet to upload onto Hercules apparently. [ Think eA days when I FIRST Started mapping ] Today I present to you a similar styled map, only better models and whatnot. I really hope you guys enjoy it, it's something I wanted to do in my free time. Hopefully in the near future I can present another free release, maybe something for Christmas. Download Link: http://herc.ws/board/files/file/215-cherry-blossom-field/
  5. Version 1.0


    Hey guys! This is basically a 'renewed' version of my old novice grounds map. OLD MAP: https://rathena.org/...-novice-garden/ I hope you guys enjoy this newer version, included is a mini map as well as a music file that you can use. If you have any issues please contact me. Also please do not claim my works as your own, out of respect. Thanks.
  6. i agree on this. maybe you can add some maze runner twist where the walls will move and the way to exit changes everytime the event starts Pretty much what Froggy Said, maps cannot move. They are stationary, the only thing y ou can do is add different areas where portals are. As for disposing the map after 1 use, I think if you use it little enough that players wont remember righto ff the top of their heads where the exit is. Just a thought, i'd hate to see this map only be used once.
  7. Go to Group Object Edit, and select the whole map, then just page up all the objects at once.
  8. Easy fix. Set your water height to -50, raise your textures and objects until its back in its normal place. Also make sure your final save is in Revision 586 of BrowEdit.
  9. What map is it? Did you rename it? Hmm, have you edited it in BrowEdit?
  10. Yes it's possible. In Browedit, create a new map with the dimensions you want it to have. Lets say you had 100x100 and now you want it to be 150x150, you'll create a new map with that size. Next you open the original map of 100x100, you can then select the whole map after pressing F2 (just drag from top-left to lower right). You might want to use View > Top Camera for this to make it easier. To reduce the strain, you can toggle lightmaps and objects by pressing "l" and "o". Then press CTRL + C to copy (you should see the map 'stuck' to your mouse movements), TAB to your other map and then place it on the right spot accordingly. Instead of click dragging just hit f2 and then hit ctrl + a then ctrl + c then tab over to the new larger sized map and place it. But this was answered by me on the other forums regardless. Just thought id also let you know ctrl + a is easier. =]
  11. https://rathena.org/board/files/file/2514-browedit-revision-586-pre-configured/
  12. Please do a final save in revision 586 of BrowEdit. If you do a final save with 620 this error occurs.
  13. Angelus Wings are very white and lack depth, were they from somewhere else?
  14. Hey Guys! I dont think i've ever shown my Night Garden Prontera here. Since I made a Vend Map with it I will showcase it now in Hercules. Now for the Vend Map! As you can tell with the last picture there are black squares, this is where players would stand to vend. Players are not allowed to vend in any other section aside from these squares. =] Anyways I hope you guys like it!
  15. Everything looks good except your font color choices. Most of the words are really hard to read cause they just blend with the background, esp on your last landing page, its just too dark.
  16. In BrowEdit its 80x80, therefore ingame its 160x160 if I am not mistaken. It really can hold much larger parties an that'd be cool to have spectators. Never thought of that tbh.
  17. Hey Guys. I haven't really been showing off the maps ive been making here lately So heres one I did about a month ago. Its a simple middle prontera edit as well as a vending map to go along with it. Now for the Vend Map It was made to mimic this prontera style. The small dark grey tiles are tiles for vendors to know where to stand. Whelp there you go. Hope you guys enjoyed.
  18. Hey guys just wanted to show off a novice grounds that I made for a server. =] Overview Zone In area. Small nook for quest. Right Side Left Side Boats to leave. Simple Indoor Shop. Ingame Effects. Whelp there you go.
  19. I think they were using it as spawn points for players, like they get randomly spawned into those locations or something.
  20. Hey Guys I'm having issues with 'small lights' on a map. Lower Brightness High Brightness Here are the light settings for the white light It looks beautiful in BrowEdit, but ingame there are these awful green rings. I'm not sure why and ive tried fiddling with the intensity, how high the bulb is, and everything I can think of but no matter how bright it is there I always see the green rings, sometimes when its bright I dont see them 'as much' but they are still obviously visable. Anything I can do to get rid of them?
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