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Posts posted by Begin

  1. Hi Everyone!

    Found this source mod on some topics:

                    if(pc_isfalcon(sd) && sd->weapontype == W_BOW && sc && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_HUNTER) {

    And it says that this is 15% chance. But when I test it, it's like 100%. May I know where to edit the line to make it lower?

  2. Hi Everyone!

    I'm having some trouble in increasing the heal of Potion Pitcher. I also saw this: 

    Tried that but only Heal skill of Priest is affected. I'm still trying to edit some values of Potion Pitcher in skill.c to check if it works.

    Can someone point me the right line to be edited?

    Thank you!




    It is on the line that when got linked, potion pitch will become higher

  3. Hi All,

    Can someone explain me this?

    // The rate at which cards are dropped
    item_rate_card: 10000
    item_rate_card_boss: 300
    item_drop_card_min: 3000
    item_drop_card_max: 10000

    I'm making the normal cards (poring, lunatic, rocker cards) to 100% drop rate while the MVP (TG, ORC HERO, TAO GUNKA) to 10%.

    I can't make to do it like that. Yes, this is a simple problem. Thank you.


    Problem solved. Thanks to @Myriad for helping me through discord.

  4. Once logged in in the WebCP, they will click the Compensation Button and will type that code and the items will automatically put in your selected character's inventory. But I think it's too hard to do that (because I don't have the skills) so I'm just asking for an NPC haha

  5. Thank you for this script, Ms. Annie! Your idea that the time and prize will be configurable will be a good script for us!

    Attached photo is the example of the promo/item code but that is based on WebCP.


  6. Hello Ms. Annie,

    Giving an items thru mail is so hard if you have more than 100+ players. Promo Code NPC can also be used to to your Donation NPC if  you have a promo like from June 9-15, 2018 only or after maintenance and you extended it for 5 hours and you want to give a compensation, a fun way of giving it is to use a Promo Code and get it thru NPC. I already saw this in various ragnarok servers and even the official ROPH but I can't find it here in hercules.

    Thank you.

  7. Hi everyone!

    May I request for an NPC that is same with this: 


    I already tried the script and it is working but the Promo Code is random and I also set the limit to 3 and talked once but the NPC is saying that the redeem code doesn't exist.

    Is it possible to edit or make a script like:

    - Set up the Promo code thru NPC

    - Input limit usage in promo codes (attached link can already do this)

    - Handle multiple promo codes (attached link can already do this)

    - Able to input date to the promo and the promo will be automatically deleted after the selected date/time

    - Able to make the selected promo code to infinite time/permanent but can be deleted (for Freebies/Give aways)

    - Able to input the desired item and amount thru NPC

    Thank you very much!


  8. Thank you very much, Ms. Annie! I won't forget you. I thought that I'm already requesting for too much but I just read your word "simple" script. I think you can make that in just 5 minutes! Haha

  9. Hello Ms. Annie,

    If possible, a fixed value for Normal Cards and MVP Cards and an option "Input how many cards you want to shred".

    Normal Cards = 1 Poring Coin

    MVP Cards = 3 Poring Coins

    So we can use the Poring Coins for Item Requirements or other quest.

    Thank you, Ms. Annie.

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