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Posts posted by skyundersea

  1. Hi to all,

    i'm having issue with Nemo, i'm using latest one by @4144

    Hexed : 2014-03-05b

    everything is ok but the Hide Map Button / Hide Quest Button,

    i need at least to hide the map button, i already disable the world map....

    can someone help with this?




    Edit: Solved i copy the new HideButton.qs from github thanks!



  2. this is very nice, but this will be on fixed locations....

    is there anyway for:

    case 1:

    /memo location 1

    case 2:

    /memo location 2

    case 3:

    /memo location 3


    of skill AL_Warp?

    so ppl can choose where to go not just fixed warps

  3. 1 hour ago, 4144 said:

    From server side most or all versions should works. Older than 2017 may have some issues and need test for each client)

    From client side, clients itself works fine, but in some can be issues. And more important not all clients may works patches what you need. Check patches what you need on http://nemo.herc.ws/clients/

    On other emulators popular version 2018-06-21, because this emulators not support newer version. But in hercules you can use any new version too.

    so can i use 20180621 packetver, with no bugs?

    anyway what's the difference of

    2018-06-21 aRagexe


    2018-06-21 aRagexeRE

    can someone explain ?

  4. 17 hours ago, AnnieRuru said:

    need source modification plugin to do this

    #include "common/hercules.h"
    #include "map/pc.h"
    #include "map/battle.h"
    #include "plugins/HPMHooking.h"
    #include "common/HPMDataCheck.h"
    HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = {
    int battle_check_target_post( int retVal, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int flag ) {
    	struct block_list *s_bl = src, *t_bl = target;
    	if ( (t_bl = battle->get_master(target)) == NULL )
    		t_bl = target;
    	if ( (s_bl = battle->get_master(src)) == NULL )
    		s_bl = src;
    	if ( s_bl->type == BL_PC && t_bl->type == BL_PC && (flag & BCT_ENEMY) == BCT_ENEMY && retVal == 1 )
    		clif->specialeffect( s_bl, 548, AREA ); // EF_RED_HIT
    	return retVal;
    HPExport void plugin_init (void) {
    	addHookPost( battle, check_target, battle_check_target_post );

    player will blink with red effect when hitting another player

    yes, possible, setoption, specialeffect, sc_start ... you name it
    you just need some source modification knowledge to do it

    Thank you again :)

  5. 14 hours ago, AnnieRuru said:

    hmm ... I just re-read the topic, you only want to enable attack/skill on these job sprite,

    yea got a solution for that, i dont care about weapons... :D


    anyway, is possible to see the exp bar for Job level after 50? is possible to show the exp bar until player reach Job level 150~200?


    and do you know where do i go to change/remove those UI buttons? 

    thanks !

  6. 2 hours ago, AnnieRuru said:

    download act editor and fix it yourself

    You can close this topic, i found something for now, "Equip: changebase Job_Xmas;" "UnEquip: changebase Class;" and so....


    and for mounts i just changed my data.grf sprites to jRO data.grf sprites and fix it.


    i'll try that sprite and act editor thank you for help !!!

  7. 11 hours ago, AnnieRuru said:

    no idea what's this means

    manner system is PK system at conf/misc.confScreenshot_4.jpg.0c4446c8dee1466907f22d3395e4233f.jpg

    is there any script to activate a "option effect" when people PK?


    10 hours ago, utofaery said:

    prontera,157,180,4 script Option Master 4_DOG01,{ setoption Option_Flying, true; sleep2 1000; setoption Option_Flying, false; }

    i can use this with OnPCKill to activate option?

  8. Hi guys,

    i'm here to make a request if its possible

    I need a visual item at shoes slot that make character float a little and increase speed by some %,

    also need to know if is possible to add Visual option to manner PK system, when ppl kill someone it show Option i choose!

    thank you !

  9. 41 minutes ago, lllaaazzz said:

    no unfortunately i cant test it without downloading a bunch of stuff, but ive looked over it and thats the only thing i can see anyways

    try deleting that entire block i mentioned

    if its job related i have no idea

    few other things :



    // Unremovable
    SC_WEIGHTOVER50, 207
    SC_WEIGHTOVER90, 207
    SC_WEDDING, 77
    SC_XMAS, 77
    SC_SUMMER, 77
    SC_NOCHAT, 205
    SC_FUSION, 77

    thats probably 64 + 8 + 4 + 1 or something but doubt it matters


    sorry, but youve given me a sweet idea though :otl:

    Thanks anyway, i'll try to play with sc_config....

    lets wait until someone help us to solve this !

    43 minutes ago, lllaaazzz said:

    sorry, but youve given me a sweet idea though :otl:

    Go for it ^^ tell me if you find something !

  10. 1 hour ago, lllaaazzz said:

    case SC_WEDDING:

    case SC_XMAS:

    case SC_SUMMER:

    case SC_HANBOK:


    case SC_DRESS_UP:

    if (vd == NULL) return 0; // Store previous values as they could be removed.



    i delete this but nothing happens...

    the visual things for weapon works, but i still can't attack/cast skills...

    i think we need to change the Job things...

    is there any other way you know?

  11. 2 hours ago, lllaaazzz said:

    those are statuses and what looks like the cool summer outfit/wedding dress etc 


        Id: 2776
        AegisName: "Cool_Towel"
        Name: "Adventurer's Trusty Towel"
        Type: "IT_ARMOR"
        Buy: 20
        Weight: 100
        Loc: "EQP_ACC"
        Refine: false
        OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_SUMMER,-1,0; ">
        OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_SUMMER; ">

    does this not work for you or is this not the same item

    Yea, this works... but still can't use skills and attack...

    Someone said i can change the job options at source to make it able to use skills, but i didn't find where...

  12. Hi guys,

    How can i enable usage of skills and attack for these jobs:





    does anyone know? i went to (pc.c) (status.c) and (battle.c) but found nothing... 

    If its possible to enable skills and attack, i'll make then Costume outifits to equip in armor slotsc_hanbok.thumb.jpg.74ec3beddc9fff43c04acfb239e6f0ad.jpg


    Also, does anyone know why 2 of my cashmounts look like they are floating? look the difference


  13. message strcharinfo(0),"Heal Cost "+.@price+" Zeny.";

    Hey Annie look this, it send message above players head...

    Its from a healer NPC...

    can we put this on a event with warp skill, with map destination? 

    do you know how to do it?

  14. Hello again, 

    i'm having a problem with item drop rates.... i want to totally disable the drop os Etc /Usage /Equip normal mobs and boss drop, i'll select everything that will drop from fake_npc scripts....

     I tried everything at drop conf but always shows 0.01% at @mobinfo, and i still get the itens/cards....

    this is my drops.conf

    // Configurações de chances que itens comuns são dropados (Qualquer item normal, exceto cartas).
    item_rate_common: 0
    item_rate_common_boss: 0
    item_drop_common_min: 1
    item_drop_common_max: 1
    // Configurações das chances que itens de cura são dropados (Itens que recuperam hp e sp).
    item_rate_heal: 0
    item_rate_heal_boss: 0
    item_drop_heal_min: 1
    item_drop_heal_max: 1
    // Configurações das chances que outros itens usáveis são dropados, fora os itens de cura.
    item_rate_use: 0
    item_rate_use_boss: 0
    item_drop_use_min: 1
    item_drop_use_max: 1
    // Configurações das chances que os equipamentos são dropados.
    item_rate_equip: 0
    item_rate_equip_boss: 0
    item_drop_equip_min: 1
    item_drop_equip_max: 1
    // Configurações das chances que as cartas são dropadas.
    item_rate_card: 0
    item_rate_card_boss: 0
    item_drop_card_min: 1
    item_drop_card_max: 1
    // Configurações das chances que os itens MVP são dropados. (direto no seu inventário)
    item_rate_mvp: 0
    item_drop_mvp_min: 1
    item_drop_mvp_max: 1
    // Configurações das chances que os itens são dropados por itens geradores de itens. (Ex: Velho Álbum de Cartas)
    item_rate_adddrop: 0
    item_drop_add_min: 1
    item_drop_add_max: 1
    // Configurações das chances que os itens dropados por tesouros. (Ex:Báu do Tesouro)
    item_rate_treasure: 0
    item_drop_treasure_min: 1
    item_drop_treasure_max: 1

    Also this one to allow mob have 0 itens dropped:

    drop_rate0item: yes

    is there another place to configure this to make it 0.00%? only some mobs go to 0.00%.... but majority stays 0.01%, can someone help?

    thank you!

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