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Posts posted by Helena



    Hello hercules,


    I have a question regarding SQL query. 

    When I redeem something from donations through the fluxCP, it gives me an item in-game. This is item ID 677 (I can spend that on special currency shops).


    Now my question is, how do i make a NPC with query that turns item 677 back into CP credits? Might i add the course isn't the same. 100x of item 677 is equal to 1 flux cp credit.


    I'd like the player to be able to input how many he wants to put back. This is all i could figure out... :(


    prontera,150,150,1	script	PutBack	987,{mes "Hi. Can i help you?";menu "Put coins back to CP",-;if (countitem(677) < 100){mes "I'm sorry, you need at least 100 coins because 100 is equal to 1 credit.";close;} mes "Input amount:"input (????) query_sql("UPDATE `cp_credits` SET `balance` = (????+00) WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); (is this right?)	delitem 677,(input amount here);	sleep2 10;dispbottom "Coins converted back to site credits.";}close;end;}

    Here you go:


    prontera,150,150,1    script    PutBack    987,{    mes "Hi. Can i help you?";    if(select("Put coins back to CP:Close") == 2) close;    if (countitem(677) < 100){        mes "I'm sorry, you need at least 100 coins because 100 is equal to 1 credit.";        close;    }        mes "Input amount:";    input .@a,100,1000;    if(.@a%100) {        mes "Can't transfer that much";        mes "Because your amount of coins ins't dividable by 100";        close;    }        if(countitem(677) < .@a) {        mes "You don't have enough "+getitemname(677);        mes "You need "+(.@a - countitem(677))+" more "+getitemname(677);        close;    }        next;    .@cp_credits = .@a/100;    mes "Here you go!";    mes "You will get "+.@cp_credits;        query_sql("UPDATE `cp_credits` SET `balance` = `balance` + "+ .@cp_credits +" WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'");    delitem 677, .@a;    close;}


    Didn't test it btw.


    Thank you sir, works perfectly!







    Hello hercules,


    I have a question regarding SQL query. 

    When I redeem something from donations through the fluxCP, it gives me an item in-game. This is item ID 677 (I can spend that on special currency shops).


    Now my question is, how do i make a NPC with query that turns item 677 back into CP credits? Might i add the course isn't the same. 100x of item 677 is equal to 1 flux cp credit.


    I'd like the player to be able to input how many he wants to put back. This is all i could figure out...  :(


    prontera,150,150,1 script PutBack 987,{

    mes "Hi. Can i help you?";

    menu "Put coins back to CP",-;

    if (countitem(677) < 100){

    mes "I'm sorry, you need at least 100 coins because 100 is equal to 1 credit.";




    mes "Input amount:"

    input (????)

     query_sql("UPDATE `cp_credits` SET `balance` = (????+00) WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); (is this right?)

    delitem 677,(input amount here);

    sleep2 10;

    dispbottom "Coins converted back to site credits.";





    Here you go:


    prontera,150,150,1   script   PutBack   987,{

     mes "Hi. Can i help you?";

     if(select("Put coins back to CP:Close") == 2) close;

     if (countitem(677) < 100){

       mes "I'm sorry, you need at least 100 coins because 100 is equal to 1 credit.";




     mes "Input amount:";

     input .@a,100,1000;

     if(.@a%100) {

       mes "Can't transfer that much";

       mes "Because your amount of coins ins't dividable by 100";




     if(countitem(677) < .@a) {

       mes "You don't have enough "+getitemname(677);

       mes "You need "+(.@a - countitem(677))+" more "+getitemname(677);





     .@cp_credits = .@a/100;

     mes "Here you go!";

     mes "You will get "+.@cp_credits;


     query_sql("UPDATE `cp_credits` SET `balance` = `balance` + "+ .@cp_credits +" WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'");

     delitem 677, .@a;




    Didn't test it btw.


    Ah, i found an issue.


    If players input 1234, they take 1234 coins, but the credits on the CP only gets updated by 10. What do i need to edit so they can only input amounts that end with two (or three) zeros? >.<

  2. Hello hercules,


    I have a question regarding SQL query. 

    When I redeem something from donations through the fluxCP, it gives me an item in-game. This is item ID 677 (I can spend that on special currency shops).


    Now my question is, how do i make a NPC with query that turns item 677 back into CP credits? Might i add the course isn't the same. 100x of item 677 is equal to 1 flux cp credit.


    I'd like the player to be able to input how many he wants to put back. This is all i could figure out... :(


    prontera,150,150,1	script	PutBack	987,{mes "Hi. Can i help you?";menu "Put coins back to CP",-;if (countitem(677) < 100){mes "I'm sorry, you need at least 100 coins because 100 is equal to 1 credit.";close;} mes "Input amount:"input (????) query_sql("UPDATE `cp_credits` SET `balance` = (????+00) WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); (is this right?)	delitem 677,(input amount here);	sleep2 10;dispbottom "Coins converted back to site credits.";}close;end;}

  3. Hi hercules,


    I know there is a db2sql plugin available in the emulator but it just doesnt work for me. Ive build it but it keeps giving errors so I 9gave up on it.


    Is there an alternative way to convert the db files to SQL? I know rAthena has countless methods but which sadly works for herc.


    Please, hope someone can help. ><

  4. Hi Hercules,


    I had someone report a strange problem to me today, he said a lot usable items (especially healing) don't make a sound. White pots, blue pots, grape juice, ygg berries.

    Other items sound does work, like element resist potions, piece of cake, etc. 


    wavs are fetched from data.grf, so i thought maybe my data.grf is corrupted. Downloaded a new one and tried again. Alas, same problem... my client is date 07-08-2013.


    What can the problem be?


    - My sound effects are enabled.
    - I have Mp3dec.asi and Mssfast.m3d

  5. Hello. Trying to figure out what went wrong here. I have a eAthena script that I want to work with Herc, it works well except for this part.
    The issue is that as soon as one player enter the waiting room, he gets warped. While I've set the required players to 3. I don't want anyone to warp until the room has 3 players.
    Is it not compitable with Hercules? And if not, how can I make it so? Thank you!
    //Waiting Roomquiz_00,58,38,4	script	Guard	765,{	end; OnInit:	waitingroom "Waiting Room",3,"Guard::OnWarp",1;	end; OnWarp:	warpwaitingpc "arena",150,135,3;	disablewaitingroomevent;	donpcevent "nArena::OnStart";	end; OnStart:	enablewaitingroomevent;	end;}

  6. Hello,


    As the title states, I am using Feefty's FluxCP support ticket add-on and everything works perfectly aside from the images and the javascript.


    The index.php is fine, but when I click /view (with debug mode enabled) it gives me this message:

    Strict Standards: Accessing static property Flux_Mailer::$errLog as non static in /homepages/36/d541460904/htdocs/xxxRO/www/cp/lib/Flux/Mailer.php on line 21

    Strict Standards: Accessing static property Flux_Mailer::$log as non static in /homepages/36/d541460904/htdocs/xxxRO/www/cp/lib/Flux/Mailer.php on line 22



    I tried to access that file, these are the lines in question:

    $this->pm     = $pm = new PHPMailer();
    $this->errLog = self::$errLog;


    What can it be?

  7. I've been going through the special effect list and used some of them as an "aura" item. Now the issue is that these effects have sounds which is terribly annoying if players have their effect sound enabled.


    My attempt to trace the sound in the wav folder was unfortunately without result (I literally listened to all of them..). Is there another way to see which effect belongs to which wav? I'm looking for the particular sound of @effect 519


    Thank you. :)

  8. snapshot? also which client are you using?



    Would it be possible to have a screenshot and client version?



    Two fools, same reasoning.


    Here this guys. The "Safety check more than" in the vend window:




    Client version 07 08 2013. Hex strings for it would be appreciated. Thank you so much! :)

  9. Hi Hercules. Seems like the client I use is having a vending safety check box. What does this even do? I can't find any info on its purpose, it lets me vend fine with or without checking the little box.


    Is there a way to disable this check box or hex it out without having to downgrade to an older client? I'd love to hear.


    Thanks! God bless. :)

  10. Also I don't understand his fix, he checks if sd exist, but if sd exists, that means player is online, yet he again do some weird check.



    Check is weird because it currently states like:

    If player is online and not disguised, then display them as online on party.

    ^ is there any bug if we show them online when they are disguised?


    I think disguised players appear online normally in hercules?

    Don't know, maybe it didn't in eathena. He must've had a reason otherwise no one would play with source edits


    I will try to put official hercules code and recompile. perhaps it works. *crosses fingers*

  11. clif.c is responsible for sending all kinds of packets, maybe packet send always contain 0, instead of having 1 if char online


    Hi sir Dastgir thanks.  :)


    the ex-staff made these changes in clif.c which i think effect the online status indicator? This is the custom codes he put. Sorry I can't multi codebox. :s


    Part 1 [Custom]:


            WBUFL(buf,28+c*46) = m->account_id;
    memcpy(WBUFP(buf,28+c*46+4), m->name, NAME_LENGTH);
    mapindex->getmapname_ext(mapindex_id2name(m->map), (char*)WBUFP(buf,28+c*46+28));
    WBUFB(buf,28+c*46+44) = (m->leader) ? 0 : 1;

     // Start Disguise Fix

    if (p->data.sd)
    WBUFB(buf,28+c*46+45) = (m->online && !p->data.sd->disguise) ? 0 : 1;
    WBUFB(buf,28+c*46+45) = (m->online) ? 0 : 1;
    // End Disguise Fix
    //WBUFB(buf,28+c*46+45) = (m->online) ? 0 : 1;
    Official Code of Herc for Part 1:
    WBUFL(buf,28+c*46) = m->account_id;
    memcpy(WBUFP(buf,28+c*46+4), m->name, NAME_LENGTH);
    mapindex->getmapname_ext(mapindex_id2name(m->map), (char*)WBUFP(buf,28+c*46+28));
    WBUFB(buf,28+c*46+44) = (m->leader) ? 0 : 1;
    WBUFB(buf,28+c*46+45) = (m->online) ? 0 : 1;
    Part 2 [Custom]:
    WBUFB(buf,14) = (p->party.member.online && !sd->disguise)?0:1;
    Official Code of Herc for Part 2:
    WBUFB(buf,14) = (p->party.member.online)?0:1;
    Is something wrong with his custom code? I don't want to entirely overwrite it with hercs official fearing I break whatever bug he fixed. Thank you :)

  12. Thanks for moving sir Dastgir, it wasn't me doing the translation/move and the one that did no longer is part of the staff.  I've already replaced whole party.c and party.h with a new copy of hercules but without result.


    Does anyone know what other file i should look at and possibly which line? it would help me a lot. I'm left clueless because there are no errors or whatsoever while compiling.. :(

  13. You have custom script using getfaction.

    I guess you can add .variables (npc variable) and set them +1 everytime party leader does click OK , Also set another variable which will be player var, to know that this party has already selected OK.

    And instead of getfaction() and one more check to check party/faction leader.


    Sir Dastgir, sorry if I'm not good at explaining. can you give an example?


    What i want is an alternative for set red_ready,1 and set blue_ready,1 because they do not sum eachother up. I tried && instead of || but faction blue doesnt get the set red_ready,1 label so && will not bring me to desired dialogue.

    || will bring me to the start screen if one of two leaders clicks it twice because || it's a either a this or that script command (sorry I'm bad at explaining). But that means leader of party #1 can click that option twice and the event will start.... :(


    Basically, while party leader #1 is making a choice, I want a check that partyleader #2 has also clicked the "We're ready!" to be included in the script somehow. Thats my support question. So only if both partyleaders clicked "We're ready!" it starts the event. Until then it should not start. Does that make any sense?

  14. Hi Herc!


    I'm using a party vs party script which both work perfectly aside one small issue. 


    What i want is that both party leaders must give their "ok" before the event starts. I thought this was possible through a simple set ready_red,1; and set ready_blue,1; but apparently this label checks if the character that clicks the NPC has both sets (while obviously team red characters wont have a ready_blue == 1 label).


    How can i make this happen? Party leader both should say "we're ready!" before the script works?


    Here's the part that I'll need support with:



    	menu "- We're good to go!",-;		if($@DAstart == 2 || $@DAstart == 1){		mes "[Faction Controller]";		mes "There is currently a match in progress. I will be able to assist you once this match is over.";		close;		}		if(getareausers("izlude_da",90,235,120,270) < 2 && getareausers("izlude_da",235,90,270,120) <= 2 || getareausers("izlude_da",90,235,120,270) <= 2 && getareausers("izlude_da",235,90,270,120) < 2)		{		mes "[Faction Controller]";		mes "We can't start yet, there need to be at least 2 players on each side.";		close;		}		if (blue_ready == 1 || red_ready == 1){		enablenpc "Factionwar";		close2;		set $@DAstart,0;		set $@paxPoint,0;			set $@rekPoint,0;		set $@ATKstatus,0;		set $@DEFstatus,0;		set $@wallStatus,0;		donpcevent "Factionwar::OnCheck";		}		if(getfaction() == 2){		mes "[Faction Controller]";		mes "Great! Now we must wait until Red is ready as well.";		set blue_ready,1;		close;		}		if(getfaction() == 3){		mes "Great! Now we must wait until Blue is ready as well.";		set red_ready,1;		close;		}		if(blue_ready < 1 || red_ready < 1){		mes "[Faction Controller]";		mes "Hang on please. The other Faction isn't ready yet.";				close2;				if(getfaction() == 3){				set red_ready,1;				}				if(getfaction() == 2){				set blue_ready,1;				}		}		L_Noty2:	mes "[Faction Controller]";	mes "Please let me know if I can be of service!";	close;	}

  15. Good day.


    My issue is as follows. I work for a server that recently converted eathena to hercules. All went well, except for this: When players party, it doesnt show in the window who is online. It shows the leader in bold just fine, the rest of the party window is good too, but not the "on" image. The .bmp files of grp_*.bmp which indicate the party icons are all present in the grf.


    Ive tried the 02 05 2014 and the 07 08 2013 client but allas.


    Who will be able to help me out? :)

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