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Posts posted by Helena

  1. maybe @@Neo can provide a patch to NEMO to remove all item delays? :D

    That would be awesome!




    isn't it there in battle conf ? in case it was, try to disable this https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/conf/battle/items.conf#L64


    // How much time must pass between item uses?// Only affects the delay between using items, prevents healing item abuse. Recommended ~500 ms// On officials this is 0, but it's set to 100ms as a measure against bots/macros.item_use_interval: 100


    As stated in the first post; I've already removed the interval in items.conf, but without result. :(




    Maybe this belongs in source, but I notice when I use consumable (such as healing) items, I can't spam them. I've already removed the interval in items.conf, but without result. 


    I am not talking about exeptionary items like Ygg Berries that were given a delay to begin with. I mean normal Red Potions, Apples, Grapes, etc. They all seem to have a 0.5 sec delay.


    Can anyone help me out?

    	Id: 607	AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry"	Name: "Yggdrasil Berry"	Type: 0	Buy: 5000	Weight: 300	Upper: 63	BuyingStore: true	Delay: 5000	Script: <" percentheal 100,100; ">

    Delay: 5000 = 5 sec just remove delay


    Read my first post please. Thanks! ^^;


    I am not talking about exeptionary items like Ygg Berries that were given a delay to begin with. I mean normal Red Potions, Apples, Grapes, etc.


    try to put your potion somewhere in you BMs then try to click it as fast as you can.

    you can notice that the delay is in the effect and not in the item,

    i tested red potion(ID 501), and the effects has a delay and red potion is reducing/decreasing as fast as i click the red potion


    You're right... it's a client issue then. :( Ugh I wish there was a way to get rid of this but these days they all code things directly in the exe and it's so difficult to trace it down. Thanks for your reply though.

  3. I've encountered a weird problem with this client. Whenever a MVP is killed, it doesn't show how much exp I acquired. I mean this message (in msgstring):



    Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward item is #!!#Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward EXP Points are # acquired!#


    The item part shows fine, the EXP points remains blank. Tried to look if it worked fine with a older client (which it did). Anyone know how can manually fix this in the 2014 05 02 client? Thanks


    Maybe this belongs in source, but I notice when I use consumable (such as healing) items, I can't spam them. I've already removed the interval in items.conf, but without result. 


    I am not talking about exeptionary items like Ygg Berries that were given a delay to begin with. I mean normal Red Potions, Apples, Grapes, etc. They all seem to have a 0.5 sec delay.


    Can anyone help me out?

    	Id: 607	AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry"	Name: "Yggdrasil Berry"	Type: 0	Buy: 5000	Weight: 300	Upper: 63	BuyingStore: true	Delay: 5000	Script: <" percentheal 100,100; ">

    Delay: 5000 = 5 sec just remove delay


    Read my first post please. Thanks! ^^;


    I am not talking about exeptionary items like Ygg Berries that were given a delay to begin with. I mean normal Red Potions, Apples, Grapes, etc.

  5. Maybe this belongs in source, but I notice when I use consumable (such as healing) items, I can't spam them. I've already removed the interval in items.conf, but without result. 


    I am not talking about exeptionary items like Ygg Berries that were given a delay to begin with. I mean normal Red Potions, Apples, Grapes, etc. They all seem to have a 0.5 sec delay.


    Can anyone help me out?

  6. try this , hope it work :)



      Id: 501

      AegisName: "Red_Potion"

      Name: "Red Potion"

      Type: 0

      Buy: 10

      KeepAfterUse: true

      Trade: {

      override: 60

      nodrop: true

      notrade: true

      noselltonpc: true

      nomail: true

      noauction: true


      Script: <" itemheal rand(1000,200),0; ">



    Thanks omg you're the best! :)

  7. Hello Hercules!


    I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. I am using item type 11 for an item that i want to be non-consumable, but I can't use it while sitting. 


    While browsing I've learned that item type 11 was made for certain scrolls that require a target so it possibly has a good reason why it doesn't function while sitting. Nevertheless, I'd like to find a way to make it work. 


    This is what I got so far:


    {	Id: 501	AegisName: "Red_Potion"	Name: "Red Potion"	Type: 11	Buy: 10	Trade: {		override: 60		nodrop: true		notrade: true		noselltonpc: true		nomail: true		noauction: true	}	Nouse: {		sitting: false	}	Script: <" itemheal rand(1000,200),0; ">},
    (I've also removed the sitting label but it made no difference).
    If this needs to be adjusted in the source instead of the db, please point me in the right direction. Thank you! :)

  8. Hi.


    I'm currently working for a (heavily modified) eathena server but we would like to take the step of moving to Hercules because Hercules has so many nice features. I've found this: http://herc.ws/board/topic/3747-converting-from-eathena-to-hercules/ but is there any sort of guide for it?

    Another concern i have are our source mods, will they all be lost? And the scripts we have, would they still work?


     The server carries 150+ players so we can't really have anything go wrong.


    Thanks. I hope someone can assist. :)


    *edit* I think this is the wrong section... sorry. :(

  9. It's not encrypted, it's compressed. The 0x78 0x9c is a typical zlib header for compressed streams. Before I keep going though, I'd like to mention that... if this is indeed passed as a string rather than a byte array, then... it's actually a horribly bad idea. You lose the gain of the compression and creates a useless overhead, so basically this whole string is a pure waste of time for everyone lol, but yeah let's move on!


    I used my own libraries to 'decrypt' it, but I'm sure you can find a zlib library yourself quite easily (isn't there already one provided in the 3rdparty folder of Hercules?).

    string stringData = "789C8590416B83301886EF85FD871776F0B062EB400AC509D2DAD5B5DB61B3EB39EAA70682491357F0DF377643687730A72F79DE27096F04A328E74CA0265654C434724DACA5E217943C67427428A5C65EEA023B564BB8AE8B632DE94CDA7AE0C67D980499C62C9C7CA59F78823F45F291F6C300BE937EEFCDA7885E93EB34A0FD61670F9E2D7A5FC79B5BB612CC182C03A35803D376825E9C5C0AA997785C5C971362FBF7F760D6C7C2415E53498DA131DDBFF7E2D30F57CA76209B31F76073FFDE3D12AFEA764CF5E6F75EA494B0856782F026B3313FB6F5777D70B8E602B59D866E";byte[] byteData = Methods.StringToByteArray(stringData);byte[] uncompressedData = GRF.Core.Compression.DecompressZlib(byteData);string output = Utilities.Services.EncodingService.Ansi.GetString(uncompressedData);


    Which gives you : 

    A special headgear created specifically for Lord Kaho ... Whoever he is.<br />STR + 5, INT + 5<br />VIT + 10, AGI + 10<br />LUK + 20, MDEF + 10<br />Class :<span style='color: #777777'> Headgear</span><br />Defense :<span style='color: #777777'> 5</span><br />Equipped on :<span style='color: #777777'> Upper</span><br />Weight :<span style='color: #777777'> 10</span><br />Applicable Job :<span style='color: #777777'> Every Job</span>

    Good luck!




    I managed to find a site that's able to decompress these strings to exactly that. This is the site: http://i-tools.org/gzip

    Unfortunately, it seems impossible to turn text back into a similar (numeric) string, when I attempt to use that site to compress it gives me this format which SQL can not read:


    $L|E g9FL#JJ_ B&5RرqsIn~ύ5^wlEC.aݘNF7jO~V
    If there is another tool out there to achieve a correct numeric translation (like in the query), I'd love to see it. Sadly i had no luck thus far.

  10. Hi.


    This may not be the right section but I'm not sure where else to ask. I'm using the erods database site and I notice that upon adding content through SQL, there is a huge string requires to be read. I am talking about this (bold part):


    INSERT INTO `item_db_en_uk` VALUES ('5013', 'Horn_Of_Lord_Kaho', 'Lord Kaho's Horn', '5', '20', null, '100', null, '5', null, '0', '4294967295', '7', '2', '256', null, '0', '1', '99', ' bonus bMdef,10; bonus bStr,5; bonus bAgi,10; bonus bVit,10; bonus bInt,5; bonus bLuk,20; ', null, null, 0x789C8590416B83301886EF85FD871776F0B062EB400AC509D2DAD5B5DB61B3EB39EAA70682491357F0DF377643687730A72F79DE27096F04A328E74CA0265654C434724DACA5E217943C67427428A5C65EEA023B564BB8AE8B632DE94CDA7AE0C67D980499C62C9C7CA59F78823F45F291F6C300BE937EEFCDA7885E93EB34A0FD61670F9E2D7A5FC79B5BB612CC182C03A35803D376825E9C5C0AA997785C5C971362FBF7F760D6C7C2415E53498DA131DDBFF7E2D30F57CA76209B31F76073FFDE3D12AFEA764CF5E6F75EA494B0856782F026B3313FB6F5777D70B8E602B59D866E, null, null, 'N;');


    That big string, somehow and surprisingly, translates into this:


    A special headgear created specifically for Lord Kaho ... Whoever he is. 
    STR + 5, INT + 5 
    VIT + 10, AGI + 10 
    LUK + 20, MDEF + 10 
    Class : Headgear 
    Defense : 5 
    Equipped on : Upper 
    Weight : 10 
    Applicable Job : Every Job


    Does anyone know what this is? Hex? MD5, SHA1? -- I've been browsing the net now for hours but any translation site leaves me without result. If anyone can point me in the right direction, please. >.<


    Ah, didn't see that it's not attaching rid. Sorry.


    L_reward:    set .@size, getarraysize( getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid") );    for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@size; set .@i, .@i +1 )        if ( isloggedin( getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ) ) )  {            getitem .rewarditem[ getarg(1) ], .rewarditem[ getarg(1) +1 ], getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" );            attachrid getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" );            getexp 200000,200000;            detachrid;        }    return;

    For some reason it still tells me not attached. :(


    *edit* my bad it doesn't. it says "script:getarg: no callfunc or callsub"


    L_reward:    set .@size, getarraysize( getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid") );    for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@size; set .@i, .@i +1 )        if ( isloggedin( getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ) ) )  {            getitem .rewarditem[ getarg(1) ], .rewarditem[ getarg(1) +1 ], getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" );            getexp 200000,200000;        }    return;


    The same error. Player not attached. :(

  13. Hello Hercules :)


    I am using AnnieRuru's awesome BG script that works with chatroom entrance. 

    What I have difficulties with is giving players an additional exp reward when they warp out (for both winning and losing team), if I use the getexp command it gives me a player not attached message in the mapserver.


    Could anyone help me? ^^



    -	script	custom_bg#control	-1,{OnInit:    set .minplayer2start, 3; // minimum player to start    setarray .rewarditem,        501, 10, // reward to the winning team        501, 5; // reward to the losing team    set .startingscore, 25; // score at start    set .eventlasting, 1800; // event last 30 mins    donpcevent "Team Eagle [Lv. 40-60]::OnStart";    donpcevent "Team Lion [Lv. 40-60]::OnStart";    end;OnStart:    if ( getwaitingroomstate( 0, "Team Lion [Lv. 40-60]" ) < .minplayer2start || getwaitingroomstate( 0, "Team Eagle [Lv. 40-60]" ) < .minplayer2start ) end;    set .Eagle, waitingroom2bg( "bgarena", 72,112, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnEagleQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnEagleDead", "Team Eagle [Lv. 40-60]" );    copyarray .team1aid[.@i], $@arenamembers[.@i], $@arenamembersnum;    set .Lion, waitingroom2bg( "bgarena", 72,23, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnLionQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnLionDead", "Team Lion [Lv. 40-60]" );    copyarray .team2aid[.@i], $@arenamembers[.@i], $@arenamembersnum;    delwaitingroom "Team Eagle [Lv. 40-60]";    delwaitingroom "Team Lion [Lv. 40-60]";    bg_warp .Eagle, "bgarena", 72,112;    bg_warp .Lion, "bgarena", 71,23;    set .score[1], .startingscore;    set .score[2], .startingscore;    bg_updatescore "bgarena", .score[1], .score[2];    sleep .eventlasting * 1000;    if ( .score[1] == .score[2] )        mapannounce "bgarena", "Battlegrounds: The Battlegrounds was has ended with an equal score!", 0;    else if ( .score[1] > .score[2] ) {        mapannounce "bgarena", "Battlegrounds: Team Lion has won this Battlegrounds match!", 0;        callsub L_reward, 1, 0;        callsub L_reward, 2, 2;    }    else if ( .score[1] < .score[2] ) {        mapannounce "bgarena", "Battlegrounds: Team Eagle has won this Battlegrounds match!", 0;        callsub L_reward, 2, 0;        callsub L_reward, 1, 2;    }sleep2 500;    bg_warp .Eagle, "prontera", 128,204;    bg_warp .Lion, "prontera", 138,204;    bg_destroy .Eagle;    bg_destroy .Lion;    donpcevent "Team Eagle [Lv. 40-60]::OnStart";    donpcevent "Team Lion [Lv. 40-60]::OnStart";    end;L_reward:    set .@size, getarraysize( getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid") );    for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@size; set .@i, .@i +1 )        if ( isloggedin( getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ) ) )            getitem .rewarditem[ getarg(1) ], .rewarditem[ getarg(1) +1 ], getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" );    return;OnEagleDead: callsub L_dead, 1;OnLionDead: callsub L_dead, 2;L_dead:    set .score[ getarg(0) ], .score[ getarg(0) ] -1;    bg_updatescore "bgarena", .score[1], .score[2];    if ( .score[ getarg(0) ] == 0 )        awake strnpcinfo(0);	percentheal 100,100;    end;OnEagleQuit: callsub L_quit, 1, .Eagle;OnLionQuit: callsub L_quit, 2, .Lion;L_quit:    if ( bg_get_data( getarg(1), 0) ) end;    set .score[ getarg(0) ], 0;    awake strnpcinfo(0);	percentheal 100,100;    end;}job_knt,144,167,5	script	Team Lion [Lv. 40-60]	100,{    end;OnStart:    waitingroom "Team Eagle [Lv. 40-60]", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" ) +1, "custom_bg#control::OnStart", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" );    end;}job_sage,115,111,5	script	Team Eagle [Lv. 40-60]	100,{     end;OnStart:    waitingroom "Team Lion [Lv. 40-60]", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" ) +1, "custom_bg#control::OnStart", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" );    end;}


    @1 -  By default initnpctimer does not have a player attached so you can just use that if you choose to.


    @2 -

    TRUNCATE TABLE `table_name`

    is used when you want to delete all the data from the given table, without deleting the table from the schema.

    You shouldn't have any issues of table mix ups, since you can't have the same table name in the same schema.


    So, if `votegoal` isn't the table you want to TRUNCATE, then perhaps a different table is what you need to do?


    Additionally, if you're having issues, where `votegoal` is the name of a table inside 2 different schemas, and this is the problem, you should be able to specify which schema to truncate from:

    query_sql("TRUNCATE database.schema `table_name`");


    Thank you! :)


    Hi hercules! :)


    Could a kind scripter please be of help? I'm trying to attach a timer to the server and not to one character. I know how onclock and onminute work, but I am specifically looking for a script that will give a 2x drop bonus for the 24 hours after something was achieved.


    I tried using sleep2 as well, but the unfortunate problem I run into is that as soon as the character logs off before (in this samples case) 10 seconds have passed, the bonus would just remain while I really want it to wear off whether the character is online or not.


    Help is much appreciated! :)



    [Etc...]announce "The server will now have the drop rates increased to 2x for the coming 24 hours!",bc_all;	setbattleflag("item_rate_common", 200 );	dispbottom "Setting to 2x";	sleep2 10000; // not the accurate time	atcommand "@reloadbattleconf";	end;


    try this
    -	xxxxx	xxx,{	........................	........................	announce "The server will now have the drop rates increased to 2x for the coming 24 hours!",bc_all;    	setbattleflag("item_rate_common", 200 );    	dispbottom "Setting to 2x";	$ExpireTime = gettimetick(2)+86400;//--->24 hours = 60*60*24 = 86400 seconds	end;OnInit:	if($ExpireTime && gettimetick(2) < $ExpireTime) { 		setbattleflag("item_rate_common", 200 );		end;	}OnMinute1:  OnMinute2:  OnMinute3:  OnMinute4:  OnMinute5:  OnMinute6:  OnMinute7:  OnMinute8:  OnMinute9:  OnMinute10:OnMinute11: OnMinute12: OnMinute13: OnMinute14: OnMinute15: OnMinute16: OnMinute17: OnMinute18: OnMinute19: OnMinute20:OnMinute21: OnMinute22: OnMinute23: OnMinute24: OnMinute25: OnMinute26: OnMinute27: OnMinute28: OnMinute29: OnMinute30:OnMinute31: OnMinute32: OnMinute33: OnMinute34: OnMinute35: OnMinute36: OnMinute37: OnMinute38: OnMinute39: OnMinute40:OnMinute41: OnMinute42: OnMinute43: OnMinute44: OnMinute45: OnMinute46: OnMinute47: OnMinute48: OnMinute49: OnMinute50:OnMinute51: OnMinute52: OnMinute53: OnMinute54: OnMinute55: OnMinute56: OnMinute57: OnMinute58: OnMinute59: OnMinute0:	if($ExpireTime && gettimetick(2) >= $ExpireTime) { //--->Judging if the time is expired or not per minute		$ExpireTime = 0 ;		setbattleflag("item_rate_common", 100 );	}	end;}


    Thank you! I wonder why you're not a script mod yet, you're so helpful. :)


    Can I ask something else? (its a part of the same script)


    this part works good, it copies and pastes data from one SQL table in another, and the script then reads the new/custom table. But sadly when I truncate the custom 'votegoal' table, it keeps fetching data from the other (cp) table. Basically, I just want it to insert each entry once while not touching/truncating the other cp table (otherwise all players will get their vote points and blocking time nullified). :(


    Is that too complex or even possible to do? (sorry if the below is a mess, I'm not good with sql xD) Thanks so much!



    OnPCLoginEvent:	if(getgroupid() > 90){query_sql("INSERT IGNORE INTO `votegoal` SELECT * FROM `cp_v4p_votelogs`");set .@nb, query_sql("SELECT `rtid`, `account_id` FROM `votegoal`", .@VoteGoal, .@account_id );	announce "Vote Goal: "+ .@nb * 2 +" / 1000",bc_self; // *2 cause votes give 2 points. if(.@nb && .@VoteGoal == 1){ // Like above, server only fetches 1 points while site gives 2 point per vote, so if we want goal of 250, put > 499//	query_sql("TRUNCATE TABLE `votegoal`");

  16. Hi hercules! :)


    Could a kind scripter please be of help? I'm trying to attach a timer to the server and not to one character. I know how onclock and onminute work, but I am specifically looking for a script that will give a 2x drop bonus for the 24 hours after something was achieved.


    I tried using sleep2 as well, but the unfortunate problem I run into is that as soon as the character logs off before (in this samples case) 10 seconds have passed, the bonus would just remain while I really want it to wear off whether the character is online or not.


    Help is much appreciated! :)



    [Etc...]announce "The server will now have the drop rates increased to 2x for the coming 24 hours!",bc_all;	setbattleflag("item_rate_common", 200 );	dispbottom "Setting to 2x";	sleep2 10000; // not the accurate time	atcommand "@reloadbattleconf";	end;

  17. Hi Hercules.


    Does anyone know that this problem could be? I cant seem to sort out, when I enter my fluxCP and go into /?module=item&action=view&id=502 (or any ID for that matter) the drop chance is always set to zero percent, even when it's higher than that:




    The strange part:

    If i click a monster (for example Lunatic), the drop chance of the item in question (orange potion) displays just fine with the accurate percentage, which means that there aren't any missing sql tables. I've tried to copy a part of the code of view.php of themes/default/monster to see if that would resolve the issue, but it did not.



    Worthwhile to say, I've already adjusted the rates in servers.php, they're currently set to 100x. Anyone? :(

  18. Hi all!


    I've been curious about this for a while, I know there exists commands such as @monsterbig, but is it possible to attach this through script summoning? It would be so nice to summon a big monster in an event.


    What i mean is size adjustments in a line like this. Is there a way to make the Breeze become larger?:

    monster "que_qaru01",252,339,"Breeze",1692,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"1::OnMobKilled";


    ^That allows it go go to the OnMobKilled, which is necessary to proceed. I've tried these, but both commands resulted in an error:

    monsterbig "que_qaru01",252,339,"Breeze",1692,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"1::OnMobKilled";

    monsterlarge "que_qaru01",252,339,"Breeze",1692,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"1::OnMobKilled";


    This works, but it doesnt direct me to the OnMobKilled...

    atcommand "@monsterbig Breeze";




    Maybe through bindatcmd? Thanks a lot!


    OnMobKilled3:	if(!mobcount("que_qaru01",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKilled3")) {		sleep2 2000;		mapannounce "que_qaru01","Boss-Monster is now dead!",0;		sleep2 2000;		announce "Your party finished this monster battle, good job!",0;		sleep2 2000;		getpartymember getcharid(1),2;		for(.@i = 0; .@i<$@partymembercount; .@i++){			if (attachrid($@partymemberaid[.@i]){				getitem 969,1;				warp "prontera",156,184;				end;			}		}	}

    That's what I can think of to prevent the problem you mentioned. (I added check if attachrid is successful then only give item)


    Thanks Dastgir, but now the partyleader does not get any item nor does he get warped out. The other partymembers do though. >.<

  20. Hi annie, jabote, and other good scripters~
    I have an issue with the script, it works fine when all partymembers are online, but if they aren't it doesn't.  To clarify, if I go with a team of 3, and only 2 are online, the killer gets the prize that is meant for the third (offline) partymember.
    What i want is all partymembers to get max 1 gold (969), is it possible? Thanks a lot. :)
    OnMobKilled3:if(!mobcount("que_qaru01",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKilled3")) {	sleep2 2000;mapannounce "que_qaru01","Boss-Monster is now dead!",0; sleep2 2000;announce "Your party finished this monster battle, good job!",0;sleep2 2000;getpartymember getcharid(1),2;for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@partymembercount; set .@i,.@i+1){attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i];getitem 969,1;warp "prontera",156,184;end;}}}


    GmOcean gonna drool over this :D

    prontera,158,180,0	script	Guild Town	123,{	if ( has_instance2( "guild_vs2" ) >= 0 ) {		warp has_instance( "guild_vs2" ), 0,0;		end;	}	if ( !getcharid(2) ) {		mes "need a guild";		close;	}	if ( agitcheck() || agitcheck2() ) {		mes "woe in progress";		close;	}	if ( getcastledata( "prtg_cas01", 1 ) != getcharid(2) && getcastledata( "payg_cas01", 1 ) != getcharid(2) && getcastledata( "aldeg_cas04", 1 ) != getcharid(2) && getcastledata( "gefg_cas04", 1 ) != getcharid(2) ) {		mes "you need to hold a castle to gain access to guild town map";		close;	}	if ( ( .@ins = instance_create( "Guild Town", getcharid(2), IOT_GUILD ) ) < 0 ) {		mes "error : "+ .@ins;		close;	}	if ( instance_attachmap( "guild_vs2", .@ins, 1, getcharid(2)+"gtown" ) == "" ) {		mes "error : 5";		instance_destroy .@ins;		close;	}	instance_set_timeout 0, 0, .@ins;	instance_init .@ins;	instance_attach .@ins;	.guild_town_id[.count] = .@ins;	.count++;	warp has_instance( "guild_vs2" ), 0,0;	end;OnAgitStart:	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .count; .@i++ )		instance_destroy .guild_town_id[.@i];	deletearray .guild_town_id;	.count = 0;	end;}guild_vs2	mapflag	nowarptoguild_vs2	mapflag	nomemoguild_vs2	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    change guild_vs2 into guild_town


    That is a great script annie, but is there a less complex way to do it? If not then thanks a lot for the help. >.<

    (My herc doesnt support these commands hence why i ask for a less complex way.)

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