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Everything posted by heroji

  1. you mean you want that msg appear for every player in a specific map?
  2. i see does it also affects your server performance?
  3. query_sql("SELECT `account_id`, `name` FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ORDER BY `account_id` LIMIT 128 OFFSET "+.@offset, .@aids, .@name$); or try change the limit to 200 offset..
  4. *getitembound(<item id>, <amount>, <bound type>{, <account ID>}) *getitembound("<item name>", <amount>, <bound type>{, <account ID>}) This command behaves identically to getitem(), but the items created will be bound to the target character as specified by the bound type. All items created in this manner cannot be dropped, sold, vended, auctioned, or mailed, and in some cases cannot be traded or stored. Valid bound types are: 1 - Account Bound 2 - Guild Bound 3 - Party Bound 4 - Character Bound
  5. View File @spy command It allows you to listen to other players' conversations in real-time! Features: Can hook up to 5 players online! (adjustable depends on your pc) It detects All/Pm/Guild&Party chatlogs. View logs players by name or all. Added a Clean chat command. Use protection with password. (Account Based) No source edit! Have fun! How to use: First of all you have to install it in game by typing the command @spy <(password)> (in this case the pw is .heroji ). Now you can use the command: @spy ( disconnect all the players hooked or show online players) @spy <name> ( hook the player to spy ) @spy .clean ( clean chatlog screen ) @spy .logsall ( show all chatlogs saved ) @spy .logs <name> (show all chatlogs of a player ) @spy .logsdrop ( will drop all the chatlogs saved in the table sql *use carefully no backup!* )  Enjoy! i tested it on @anacondaq RO server configuration..and works fine. if you are getting [obfuscate] messages, its happening when the player is spamming the chat or you hook yourself. P.s: This is my first script and I just started a month ago into scripting so if you find bug, issue or comment just post it, I would really appreciate it. Submitter heroji Submitted 05/04/20 Category Utility
  6. heroji

    @spy command

    Version 1.4.0


    It allows you to listen to other players' conversations in real-time! Features: Can hook up to 5 players online! (adjustable depends on your pc) It detects All/Pm/Guild&Party chatlogs. View logs players by name or all. Added a Clean chat command. Use protection with password. (Account Based) No source edit! Have fun!
  7. sorry doble post
  8. Hi, I'm curious what is this gepard unique id? has something to do with gepard shield? just asking...
  9. I think something like this will do.. OnClock1000: cutin "kafra_7",2; Sleep(180000); cutin "", 255; end;
  10. with @exp is showing it.. so i think with a simple trick you can always show it to players. - script test1 -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: atcommand "@exp"; }
  11. I think broadcast can only be for all and for yourself... Target flags: - bc_all: Broadcast message is sent server-wide (default). - bc_map: Message is sent to everyone in the same map as the source of the broadcast (see below). - bc_area: Message is sent to players in the vicinity of the source. - bc_self: Message is sent only to current player.
  12. client\data\texture look for scr_logo.bmp
  13. adding the 'loadevent' mapflag didn't work.. - script sadas -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: mes "hi"; end; } izlude mapflag loadevent But somehow reinstalling the open_server folder solved it..also OnPCLoginEvent works fine now but i lost all the database.. i'm using @anacondaq Guide RO server. Do you why is this happening sir @Kenpachi? Thank you
  14. Hello i have a problem with OnPCLoadMapEvent: works only at prontera, when i try to go to the other cities is not working.. - script sadas -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: mes "hi"; end; } also OnPCLoginEvent: is not working in other cities... please help, thank you.
  15. Is there a way to kill a specific monster like monsterkill "poring"?
  16. try use this one and add getitem for each case callsub.. //==============================================================================// //= Script Release : Job Changer + Max Leveler [ Version 1.6 ] //==================================By==========================================// //= ManiacSociety //==============================================================================// //= Idea Came From : ManiacSociety //= Helper : Emistry & Kenpachi //==============================================================================// //= D E S C R I P T I O N S //==============================================================================// // -- 1. Character can choose a Job which he like to be. // -- 2. This NPC only have 1 Time Usage. // If it is set to Account Based then that account can use 1 times. // If it is set to Character Based then all new character can use 1 times. // -- 3. Complete skills / Skill Points will be given if it is set to be. // -- 4. Base Level and Job Level will be given upon Job Change. // -- 5. Allow players to click an items to call out the NPC. //==============================================================================// //= V E R S I O N S //==============================================================================// // -- [ 1.6 ] : Added Item Script which allow the Scripts work as a "Tickets". // -- [ 1.5 ] : Added Configuration for Account Based / Character Based Settings // -- [ 1.4 ] : Added Baby Classes + 3rd Job Classes. // -- [ 1.3 ] : Added Configuration Option , 4 Announce Option , Informations. // -- [ 1.2 ] : Simplified Scripts + Shorten the Scripts. // -- [ 1.1 ] : Added New Job Change Option. // -- [ 1.0 ] : Simple Login Auto Max Level + Job Changer. //==============================================================================// //= R U L E S //==============================================================================// // -- 1. Do not use for exchanging purpose. // -- 2. Do not claim it as yours. // -- 3. Do not change or remove the credits. // -- 4. Do not sell the script in order to get paid. // -- 5. Do not re-sharing upon modified without permission. //==============================================================================// // -- Add this at item DB. ( Change it to any items to your like. ) // -- 30000,JobClassTicket,JobClassTicket,11,10,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ doevent "ClassHelper::OnPCLoginEvent"; },{},{} prontera,153,193,5 script Class Helper 4_F_SHAMAN,{ // -- Configuration Option set .npcname$,"[ ^0000FF Class Helper ^000000 ]"; set .InfoMenu,0; // Classes Informations Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .1stClassMenu,1; // First Job Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .2ndClassMenu,1; // Second Job Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .High1stClassMenu,1; // High 1st Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .Trans2ndClassMenu,1; // Transcendent Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .Trans3rdClassMenu,0; // Third Job Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .ExpandedClassMenu,1; // Expanded Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .BabyClassMenu,0; // Baby Job Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .Baby3rdClassMenu,0; // Baby Third Job Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .Allskills,0; // Complete Skills Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] // -- Usable for Only 1 Time set .Based,1; // [ 0 - Account Based / 1 - Character Based ] if( ClassHelper == 1 || #ClassHelper == 1 ) end; Main_Menu: mes .npcname$; mes "I am the Job Class Helper..."; mes "I am here to help you."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "Do you wish to become Stronger ?"; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Do you admire those who have a great power ? Do you wish to become a part of them ? If yes , then which classes that you admire the most ?"; next; switch(select(( .InfoMenu == 0 )?"":"^4EEE94Classes Information^000000", ( .1stClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFFirst Job Classes^000000", ( .2ndClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFSecond Job Classes^000000", ( .High1stClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFHigh First Job Classes^000000", ( .Trans2ndClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFTranscendent Job Classes^000000", ( .Trans3rdClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFThird Job Classes^000000", ( .ExpandedClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFExpanded Job Classes^000000", ( .BabyClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFBaby Normal Job Classes^000000", ( .Baby3rdClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFBaby Third Job Classes^000000", "^FF0000Cancel^000000")) { case 1: goto Classes_info; case 2: goto FirstJob_Classes; case 3: goto SecondJob_Classes; case 4: goto HighFirstJob_Classes; case 5: goto TransSecondJob_Classes; case 6: goto TransThirdJob_Classes; case 7: goto ExpandedJob_Classes; case 8: goto BabyJob_Classes; case 9: goto BabyThirdJob_Classes; case 10: close; } FirstJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^000000Swordman^000000", "^000000Magician^000000", "^000000Archer^000000", "^000000Acolyte^000000", "^000000Merchant^000000", "^000000Thief^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; case 1: callsub Job_Changing,1,99,50,60,"All"; case 2: callsub Job_Changing,2,99,50,60,"All"; case 3: callsub Job_Changing,3,99,50,60,"All"; case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4,99,50,60,"All"; case 5: callsub Job_Changing,5,99,50,60,"All"; case 6: callsub Job_Changing,6,99,50,60,"All"; case 7: goto Main_Menu; } HighFirstJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^000000High Swordman^000000", "^000000High Magician^000000", "^000000High Archer^000000", "^000000High Acolyte^000000", "^000000High Merchant^000000", "^000000High Thief^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; case 1: callsub Job_Changing,4002,99,50,60,"All"; case 2: callsub Job_Changing,4003,99,50,60,"All"; case 3: callsub Job_Changing,4004,99,50,60,"All"; case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4005,99,50,60,"All"; case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4006,99,50,60,"All"; case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4007,99,50,60,"All"; case 7: goto Main_Menu; } SecondJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^000000Knight^000000", "^000000Priest^000000", "^000000Wizard^000000", "^000000Blacksmith^000000", "^000000Hunter^000000", "^000000Assassin^000000", "^000000Crusader^000000", "^000000Monk^000000", "^000000Sage^000000", "^000000Rogue^000000", "^000000Alchemist^000000", ( Sex == 1 )?"":"^000000Dancer^000000", ( Sex == 0 )?"":"^000000Bard^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; case 1: callsub Job_Changing,7,99,50,110,"All"; case 2: callsub Job_Changing,8,99,50,110,"All"; case 3: callsub Job_Changing,9,99,50,110,"All"; case 4: callsub Job_Changing,10,99,50,110,"All"; case 5: callsub Job_Changing,11,99,50,110,"All"; case 6: callsub Job_Changing,12,99,50,110,"All"; case 7: callsub Job_Changing,14,99,50,110,"All"; case 8: callsub Job_Changing,15,99,50,110,"All"; case 9: callsub Job_Changing,16,99,50,110,"All"; case 10: callsub Job_Changing,17,99,50,110,"All"; case 11: callsub Job_Changing,18,99,50,110,"All"; case 12: callsub Job_Changing,20,99,50,110,"All"; case 13: callsub Job_Changing,19,99,50,110,"All"; case 14: goto Main_Menu; } TransSecondJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^000000Lord Knight^000000", "^000000High Priest^000000", "^000000High Wizard^000000", "^000000Whitesmith^000000", "^000000Sniper^000000", "^000000Assassin Cross^000000", "^000000Paladin^000000", "^000000Champion^000000", "^000000Professor^000000", "^000000Stalker^000000", //"^000000Creator^000000", ( Sex == 1 )?"":"^000000Gypsy^000000", ( Sex == 0 )?"":"^000000Clown^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; case 1: callsub Job_Changing,4008,99,70,130,"All"; case 2: callsub Job_Changing,4009,99,70,130,"All"; case 3: callsub Job_Changing,4010,99,70,130,"All"; case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4011,99,70,130,"All"; case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4012,99,70,130,"All"; case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4013,99,70,130,"All"; case 7: callsub Job_Changing,4015,99,70,130,"All"; case 8: callsub Job_Changing,4016,99,70,130,"All"; case 9: callsub Job_Changing,4017,99,70,130,"All"; case 10: callsub Job_Changing,4018,99,70,130,"All"; case 11: callsub Job_Changing,4019,99,70,130,"All"; case 12: callsub Job_Changing,4021,99,70,130,"All"; case 13: callsub Job_Changing,4020,99,70,130,"All"; case 14: goto Main_Menu; } TransThirdJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^000000Rune Knight^000000", "^000000Warlock^000000", "^000000Ranger^000000", "^000000Arch Bishop^000000", "^000000Mechanic^000000", "^000000Guillotine Cross^000000", "^000000Royal Guard^000000", "^000000Sorcerer^000000", ( Sex == 1 )?"":"^000000Wanderer^000000", ( Sex == 0 )?"":"^000000Minstrel^000000", "^000000Shura^000000", "^000000Genetic^000000", "^000000Shadow Chaser^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; case 1: callsub Job_Changing,4060,99,70,200,"All"; case 2: callsub Job_Changing,4061,99,70,200,"All"; case 3: callsub Job_Changing,4062,99,70,200,"All"; case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4063,99,70,200,"All"; case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4064,99,70,200,"All"; case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4065,99,70,200,"All"; case 7: callsub Job_Changing,4073,99,70,200,"All"; case 8: callsub Job_Changing,4074,99,70,200,"All"; case 9: callsub Job_Changing,4076,99,70,200,"All"; case 10: callsub Job_Changing,4075,70,70,200,"All"; case 11: callsub Job_Changing,4077,70,70,200,"All"; case 12: callsub Job_Changing,4078,70,70,200,"All"; case 13: callsub Job_Changing,4079,70,70,200,"All"; case 14: goto Main_Menu; } ExpandedJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^000000Super Novice^000000", "^000000Gunslinger^000000", "^000000Ninja^000000", "^000000Takewon^000000", "^000000Star Gladiator^000000", "^000000Soul Linker^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; case 1: callsub Job_Changing,23,99,99,110,"All"; case 2: callsub Job_Changing,24,99,50,600,"All"; case 3: callsub Job_Changing,25,99,50,60,"All"; case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4046,99,50,60,"All"; case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4047,99,50,110,"All"; case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4049,99,50,110,"All"; case 7: goto Main_Menu; } BabyJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^000000Baby Swordman^000000", "^000000Baby Magician^000000", "^000000Baby Archer^000000", "^000000Baby Acolyte^000000", "^000000Baby Merchant^000000", "^000000Baby Thief^000000", "^000000Baby Knight^000000", "^000000Baby Priest^000000", "^000000Baby Wizard^000000", "^000000Baby Blacksmith^000000", "^000000Baby Hunter^000000", "^000000Baby Assassin^000000", "^000000Baby Crusader^000000", "^000000Baby Monk^000000", "^000000Baby Sage^000000", "^000000Baby Rogue^000000", "^000000Baby Alchemist^000000", ( Sex == 1 )?"":"^000000Baby Dancer^000000", ( Sex == 0 )?"":"^000000Baby Bard^000000", "^000000Baby Baby^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; case 1: callsub Job_Changing,4024,99,50,60,"All"; case 2: callsub Job_Changing,4025,99,50,60,"All"; case 3: callsub Job_Changing,4026,99,50,60,"All"; case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4027,99,50,60,"All"; case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4028,99,50,60,"All"; case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4029,99,50,60,"All"; case 7: callsub Job_Changing,4030,99,50,110,"All"; case 8: callsub Job_Changing,4031,99,50,110,"All"; case 9: callsub Job_Changing,4032,99,50,110,"All"; case 10: callsub Job_Changing,4033,99,50,110,"All"; case 11: callsub Job_Changing,4034,99,50,110,"All"; case 12: callsub Job_Changing,4035,99,50,110,"All"; case 13: callsub Job_Changing,4037,99,50,110,"All"; case 14: callsub Job_Changing,4038,99,50,110,"All"; case 15: callsub Job_Changing,4039,99,50,110,"All"; case 16: callsub Job_Changing,4040,99,50,110,"All"; case 17: callsub Job_Changing,4041,99,50,110,"All"; case 18: callsub Job_Changing,4043,99,50,110,"All"; case 19: callsub Job_Changing,4042,99,50,110,"All"; case 20: callsub Job_Changing,4045,99,50,110,"All"; case 21: goto Main_Menu; } BabyThirdJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^000000Baby Rune Knight^000000", "^000000Baby Warlock^000000", "^000000Baby Ranger^000000", "^000000Baby Arch Bishop^000000", "^000000Baby Mechanic^000000", "^000000Baby Guillotine Cross^000000", "^000000Baby Royal Guard^000000", "^000000Baby Sorcerer^000000", ( Sex == 0 )?"":"^000000Baby Wanderer^000000", ( Sex == 1 )?"":"^000000Baby Minstrel^000000", "^000000Baby Shura^000000", "^000000Baby Genetic^000000", "^000000Baby Shadow Chaser^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { // --- callsub Job_Changing,<JOB>,<BaseLv>,<JobLv>,<Skill>,<Announce>; case 1: callsub Job_Changing,4096,99,70,200,"All"; case 2: callsub Job_Changing,4097,99,70,200,"All"; case 3: callsub Job_Changing,4098,99,70,200,"All"; case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4099,99,70,200,"All"; case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4100,99,70,200,"All"; case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4101,99,70,200,"All"; case 7: callsub Job_Changing,4102,99,70,200,"All"; case 8: callsub Job_Changing,4103,99,70,200,"All"; case 9: callsub Job_Changing,4105,99,70,200,"All"; case 10: callsub Job_Changing,4104,99,70,200,"All"; case 11: callsub Job_Changing,4106,99,70,200,"All"; case 12: callsub Job_Changing,4107,99,70,200,"All"; case 13: callsub Job_Changing,4108,99,70,200,"All"; case 14: goto Main_Menu; } Job_Changing: mes .npcname$; mes "You are now a part of ^FF0000"+jobname(getarg(0))+"^000000."; if (compare(getarg(4),"All")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_all,0x76EE00; } if (compare(getarg(4),"Map")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_map,0x76EE00; } if (compare(getarg(4),"Area")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_area,0x76EE00; } if (compare(getarg(4),"Self")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_self,0x76EE00; } jobchange getarg(0); set BaseLevel,getarg(1); set JobLevel,getarg(2); resetskill; resetstatus; //set SkillPoint,getarg(3); if ( .Allskills == 1 ){ atcommand "@allskills"; set SkillPoint,0; } percentheal 100,100; if ( .Based == 0 ){ set #ClassHelper,1; } if ( .Based == 1 ){ set ClassHelper,1; } //warp "prontera",0,0; close; Classes_info: mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Swordman Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Enthusiastic skills in sword fighting is a definite attraction to all teenagers. Easy to control and master character enables most players to be a great player."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Archer Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Long ranged attack ability and special techniques of archers in defeating enemy often lure players to try this."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Mage Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Fascinating element techniques involvement of nature in its abilities is truly amazing with their series of undefeatable magics."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Thief Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Poisoning and dodging abilities will defeat most of the enemy. Maximum defensive and offensive ability caused this character to fearsome one."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Acolyte Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "A supportive character, most of the skills like helping will benefit to teammates who lead to teammates act like a terminator."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Merchant Classes ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Involving communication with other players that emphasizes on battles, intelligence in business dealing. His versatility made him must not be look down."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Super Novice ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "A job who are Advanced after Novice Class. It look alike like a Novice but it is not. Beside that, it can learn most of the skills for all 1st Job Class."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Gunslinger ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "The only Job class in RO who are using Gun as weapon. If are you a Gun Lover , there is no doubt you will choose this Job."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Ninja ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "A mysterious Job Class , who alway processing Ancient Spells , look alike with Mage but not mage , good in PK , can evade very well during PK."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Taekwon ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Just like the name has mentioned. The only class in RO who are not using any Weapon. Attack enemy using barehand and foots. "; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Star Gladiator ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "A class who can use the power of the Sun / Star / Moon. By processing the power of Universe to gain a stronger Power."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "=====[^000000 Soul Linker ^000000]====="; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "^4EEE94Description :^000000"; mes "Class that work like a Shaman, who able to recalling the soul of the dead from the underworld to Boost other class ability."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; goto Main_Menu; }
  17. Add getitem <id>, <amount>; for each BaseJob ==
  18. Hi all, i'm try to make my own script ( i am a newbie ) this is my first time so be gentle with me.. I want to announce when player kills another player and when die reset the kills to 0, i tried to use OnPCDieEvent: but it also count when the other player dies..is there a way to get only when you die? - script A_A -1,{ end; OnPCKillEvent: dispbottom "You got "+ #Kill +" and "+ strcharinfo(0) +" ", 0xf7ae57; set #Kill, #Kill + 1; if(#Kill == 3){ announce (""+ strcharinfo(0) +"is on a KILLING SPREE",bc_self | bc_yellow); } if(#Kill == 4){ announce (""+ strcharinfo(0) +"is DOMINATING!",bc_self | bc_yellow); } if(#Kill == 5){ announce (""+ strcharinfo(0) +"has a MEGA KILL!",bc_self | bc_yellow); } if(#Kill == 6){ announce (""+ strcharinfo(0) +"is UNSTOPPABLE!!",bc_self | bc_yellow); } if(#Kill <= 7){ announce (""+ strcharinfo(0) +"is WICKED SICK!!!",bc_self | bc_yellow); } } }
  19. will be removed in a future update.? do i have to change it or i can leave it..
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