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Posts posted by Chiron

  1. woahhhhh very nice work sir chiron! i hope it will have a own repo :)


    Yes. Also, i'll put one GNU Debugger for Windows (Latest version) to track the possible issues (crashs and etc) . It's just pass the -g -O0 before compiling (To avoid "optimized out" effect) then,  open the prompt and pass the binary to debug ("Path to gdb" map-server.exe). There's no need to use dbghelp.dll extension.

  2. Awesome,

    its good for those who dont know how to install msvc or dont have msvc, and still can compile on windows easily with your tool.

    hope you release it.


      Yes, that's right. Also, most members *only* download the MVS (with all dependencies, development libraries, extensions... Huge download) just to play with Hercules. This not seems right to me, because only few here are developers. Users want easy things.

  3. Hi folks, (I don't know the correct area to post this... Sorry)

      Today, i've finished an unusual and free way to compile the Emulator on Windows O.S. As all developers know , the microsoft doesn't care about C support (Stuck on C89...Since they have a broken support to C99 (1999) Standard in most recent versions of MVSC). With batch script (Challenge with weird syntax, but at least run in all windows editions) and one very small version of Clang (18MB in .rar format... can be even less if i remove some files :). No install process) arranged by me, i've developed one little script with clang calls which can generate the emulator binaries for windows platform. There's no need to stuck with giant microsoft IDE just for deploy to windows: K.I.S.S... I'm from another community and, unfortunately, the development is no longer active. I like to share things (i don't like this kind of divisions between communities) , so here we go:

    (The messages below still in portuguese)

    How to compile? Two clicks in .bat file and just wait :








    The source code error reports (The script stops if any error is found):


    PS: The script will erase all object files created by the process.

      The compilation process is very fast (Less than one minute in my dual core machine passing  -O2 (still faster even with -O3) -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic... and many others) . I don't know if this would be useful for the Hercules Community. If people like the idea, then i'll release it for all in few days (clean that bizarre batch code and create an english version), but this will require some changes: Introducing the right static libraries for GNU Linker and few changes inside the libconfig source. I'm planning generate some binaries for the LLVM Interpreter in *near future* (Yes, JIT feat bitcode format) ..The overall performance will increase massively ;)


    Comments and ideas are welcome :) (Sorry for the bad english)

  4. The langtype 12 is fuzzy:


    In the 2011~actual clients, the attempt to login send a (broken?) 0x0825 packet using the normal way to start . The autentication is refused here...


    if(uAccLen > NAME_LENGTH - 1 || uAccLen == 0 || uTokenLen > NAME_LENGTH - 1 || uTokenLen == 0)
    login_auth_failed(sd, 3);
    return 0;
    You need to keep the 1rag1 parameter and pass this using a batch script: Executable.exe -1rag1 /account:clientinfo.xml -t:Pass User ServerName

  5. I think that is the wrong question to do, because such comparisons are destructive and meaningless. If u want know what emulator choose to make your server... Just download them and test..test...test.  Opening this kind of threads can lead an unnecessary discussions. 

  6. Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.


    Just a Guess:


    xDiff file (That only occurs with Custom Shield) contains few inexistent byte offset (Beyond the end of executable). Then, the parser can't read and throw that error.


    "Pure" 2013 - 07 - 31c





    Last byte offset: 6477A0

    First "Strange" offset: 647e96


    Correct me if i'm wrong. 

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